Cogitative example sentences

Related (16): meditative, reflective, contemplative, ruminative, thoughtful, introspective, pondering, musing, speculative, deliberative, analytical, logical, reasoning, intellectual, cognitive, mental.

"Cogitative" Example Sentences

1. He sat in cogitative silence, pondering the question posed to him.
2. Her cogitative musings often led her to profound insights.
3. After a period of intense cogitative effort, he suddenly came to a realization that changed everything.
4. The philosopher was known for his deep cogitative thought and reasoning.
5. His cogitative mind worked through problems logically and rationally.
6. The monk spent many hours in cogitative contemplation each day.
7. She embarked on a period of intensive cogitative introspection and self-analysis.
8. Her cogitative skills and observational awareness surpassed those of her peers.
9. After a long walk in the forest, his mind rested into a more cogitative state.
10. The cogitative process began with a simple question that led to further questions.
11. Time spent in cogitative reflection is rarely time wasted.
12. His cogitative manner and pensive expression showed he was deep in thought.
13. Cogitative skills are developed through practice, experience and training.
14. Her cogitative abilities enabled her to solve complex problems logically.
15. The monks focused their meditation on developing their cogitative capacities.
16. The lunch break was spent in solitary but cogitative company.
17. His predominantly cogitative nature led him to scholarly pursuits.
18. Following cogitative reasoning, he concluded that the evidence pointed to one conclusion.
19. In her cogitative moments, she pondered life's deepest mysteries.
20. Cogitative insights often came unbidden, arising in moments of quiet reflection.
21. Sitting alone in her room, she embarked on intense periods of cogitative thought.
22. With a cogitative mind and contemplative spirit, new insights arose from within.
23. Training the mind through cogitative exercises was an essential part of his spiritual practice.
24. After walking for hours by herself, her mind entered into a more cogitative frame.
25. He wrote his groundbreaking theory during a period of intense cogitative focus.
26. Her cogitative skills enabled her to conceptualize ideas abstractly.
27. The student needed to develop his cogitative abilities in order to think more critically.
28. His cogitative attitude resulted from an inquisitive and curious mind.
29. Regular moments of quiet cogitation helped him order his thoughts.
30. With practice and training, she improved her cogitative reasoning skills.
31. Lost in cogitative thought, he was oblivious to the noises around him.
32. After resting and focusing his mind, he began the laborious cogitative work of planning his next project.
33. He came to his cogitative conclusions through sheer force of rational thought.
34. Her response came only after a lengthy period of deep cogitative consideration.
35. Sitting quietly, his mind entered into a more cogitative state.
36. In his daily meditation practice, he worked to develop a nonjudgmental yet cogitative awareness.
37. Through cogitative reasoning alone, he deduced the true culprit from among the suspects.
38. Her words came slowly as the result of lengthy cogitative deliberation.
39. His cogitative process began after months of gathering information and evidence.
40. The scientist chalked up his latest discovery to a burst of cogitative inspiration.
41. She found answers to life's riddles not through emotion but through cogitative thought alone.
42. Stimulating her cogitative faculties kept her mind sharp well into old age.
43. Solitary walks provided opportunities for extensive cogitative reflection.
44. His cogitative skills allowed him to make creative intuitive leaps in reasoning.
45. The cogitative process follows a rational, logical progression.
46. His cogitative manner suggested a deep intellectual capacity.
47. She embarked on an intensive period of isolated but cogitative study.
48. The scientist relied primarily on cogitative reasoning to arrive at his conclusions.
49. Through years of serious cogitative thought, he came to understand the nature of reality.
50. Training the cogitative faculties strengthens one's ability for abstract reasoning.

Common Phases

1. Her cogitative thought processes were stymied by the incessant noise.
2. He underwent an intensive process of cogitative indoctrination.
3. Those with cogitative deficits often struggle to reason effectively.
4. The teacher imparted on his students the value of cogitative discipline.
5. The writer employed cogitative narrative techniques to engage readers.
6. Her cogitative abilities had atrophied due to lack of mental exercise.
7. Neuroscientists studied the subject's cogitative processes using MRI scans.
8. His cogitative dissonance led him to reevaluate long-held beliefs.
9. She pondered the result using a cogitative approach.
10. Stop distracting me; I require absolute silence for my cogitative faculties to properly function.
11. They underwent rigorous cogitative training aimed at enhancing creativity and insight.
12. His incessant worrying indicates cogitative distortions that need addressing.
13. The book helped develop her cogitative skills through thought-provoking exercises.
14. Her peregrinations were cogitative efforts to resolve internal contradictions.
15. Their cogitative strengths lay in divergent rather than convergent thinking.
16. His cogitative impairment limited his ability to reason logically.
17. A quiet space helps support one's cogitative efforts and thought flow.
18. Her cogitative expertise allowed her to solve complex mental puzzles.
19. The test was designed to assess various facets of the subjects' cogitative abilities.
20. The daily meditation practice trained her mind for cogitative clarity.
21. The philosopher emphasized developing the cogitative virtues.
22. Cogitative therapy targets irrational thought patterns.
23. Her cogitative exercise involved evaluating all sides of an argument.
24. He lacked cogitative fluency but made up for it with diligence.
25. The subject used cogitative heuristics to expeditiously solve the problem.
26. The writer employed cogitative metaphor as a literary device.
27. His cogitative bias prevented him from seeing the matter objectively.
28. Cogitatively adept individuals are able to think both abstractly and in depth.
29. His cogitative processes were both efficient and sophisticated.
30. The cogitative exercises aimed to develop cognitive flexibility.
31. The questions required cogitative effort and nuanced thinking.
32. The think tank employed scholars with exceptional cogitative talents.
33. The mathematician approached the problem with cogitative rigour.
34. The child's cogitative capacity continued to rapidly improve through adolescence.
35. The device used brainwave monitoring to assess subjects' cogitative states.
36. Their cogitative performance began to break down due to mental exhaustion.
37. The cogitative benefits of exercise extend beyond the physical.
38. The subject expressed cogitative distress about an upcoming event.
39. Abstract thought requires both imagination and cogitative discipline.
40. Cognitive behavioral therapy targeted her negative cogitative patterns.
41. The program aimed to enhance students' cogitative skills through dialogue.
42. Her cogitative functions showed signs of decline with old age.
43. People differ widely in their innate cogitative capacities.
44. The teacher emphasized developing students' cogitative stamina.
45. The cogitative techniques helped increase her focus and concentration.
46. Cogitative maturity allows one to evaluate arguments on their merits.
47. Art can serve as an outlet for one's cogitative imagination.
48. The lecture presented a cogitative framework for understanding the issue.
49. His cogitative skills had severely deteriorated since childhood.
50. Frontal lobe damage often impairs people's cogitative functions.
51. The debating society honed students' cogitative acuity.
52. She thought through the matter with great cogitative precision.
53. Her cogitative despair deepened into clinical depression.
54. The cogitative exercise aimed to foster insight and revelation.
55. The researchers ranked subjects on measures of cogitative sophistication.
56. Video games can offer cogitative benefits if designed properly.
57. Her cogitative weakness lay in processing information efficiently.
58. His cogitative abilities allowed him to think outside the box.
59. The cognitive faculties that underlie cogitative thought develop gradually.
60. His cogitative efforts yielded a profound intellectual insight.

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