Cognate example sentences

Related (6): etymology, language, phonetics, lexicon, derivation, pronunciation

"Cognate" Example Sentences

1. The two words are cognates, sharing a common linguistic origin.
2. The Spanish word amor and the English word amor are cognates.
3. Many nouns and adjectives in Romance languages are cognates with English.
4. The word cousin is a cognate between English and French.
5. The Latin root word of cognate also produces English derivatives like cognition, cognitive, recognize, and recognize.
6. She explained the etymological roots and cognate relationships between related words.
7. The usage of a French cognate helped her convey the intended meaning.
8. Students were asked to identify Latin and Greek cognates in the English academic words.
9. The physician identified medical cognates between English and Dutch.
10. Cognates are useful when beginning to learn a new, related language.
11. Science and medical terminology share many cognates across European languages.
12. His knowledge of Latin roots and Greek cognates assisted his vocabulary growth.
13. Roman and Greek mythology offer many cognates in modern languages.
14. Teaching language learners to identify Latin and Greek cognates enhances vocabulary acquisition.
15. They noticed cognates between the romance languages and their native tongue.
16. The German and English words cousin are direct cognates.
17. Tracing cognates aids in reconstructing the histories of related languages.
18. Learning cognates helps one infer the meaning of unfamiliar words.
19. The study found cognates facilitated second language reading comprehension.
20. The nurse relied on cognates to communicate effectively with her Spanish-speaking patients.
21. Semantic bleaching often occurs as cognates diverge in meaning over time.
22. Students were taught to identify cognates as a vocabulary building strategy.
23. Identifying cognates also reveals differences in cultural connotations.
24. Cognate objects share more than just etymological roots.
25. The word society has no Latin cognate with quite the same meaning.
26. False cognates can pose problems for language learners.
27. Spanish and Italian share many cognates due to their shared Romance roots.
28. Many legal and governmental terms have Latin cognates across European languages.
29. Ancient Greek and Latin offer thousands of potential cognates for English vocabulary.
30. Knowledge of cognates aided comprehension for bilingual readers.
31. English speakers should be aware of false cognates when learning Romance languages.
32. The false cognate embarrassed her in front of her Spanish colleagues.
33. Classifying words by their linguistic lineage reveals numerous cognates.
34. They examined the cognate relationships between multiple Germanic languages.
35. Many Indo-European languages share cognates due to their ancient linguistic connections.
36. The biology professor provided multiple cognates for technical terminology.
37. Tracing cognates reveals the historical developments of language families.
38. Cognate vocabulary instruction benefits linguistic minorities in academic contexts.
39. Learning root words and cognates improves GRE vocabulary scores.
40. Exposure to cognates benefits learners at every stage of language acquisition.
41. Identifying Latin and Greek cognates facilitates the memorization of new vocabulary.
42. Their research identified thousands of potential proto-Indo-European cognates.
43. Japanese shares few obvious cognates with European languages.
44. The advertising executive used the perfect French cognate for his TV spot.
45. His knowledge of Latin roots and Greek helped him deduce the meaning of medical cognates.
46. Identifying cognates facilitated their historical reconstructions of the parent language.
47. Our linguistics course examined cognates across the Indo-European language family.
48. Knowledge of cognates aids vocabulary retention and recall.
49. The scholar identified numerous cognates between Latin and other Italic languages.
50. She avoided the false cognate due to her knowledge of Latin roots.
51. Our method utilizes cognate-based instruction to enhance second language vocabulary.
52. The professor provided multiple cognates for each new vocabulary term.
53. Learning root words and cognates aids content area reading comprehension.
54. Tracing cognates reveals the historical relatedness of languages.
55. Identification and usage of cognates improves vocabulary scores.
56. She used the Latin cognate to clarify an obscure medical term.
57. Their research traced numerous Proto-Indo-European cognates through language evolution.
58. The unremarkable appearance of cognates belies their important role in historical linguistics.
59. Learning cognates aids one in inferring the meaning of unfamiliar words in related languages.
60. Multiple cognates for a single English word often reveal subtle semantic differences.

Common Phases

1. Cognate words
2. False cognates
3. True cognates
4. Latin cognates
5. Greek cognates
6. Identify cognates
7. Trace cognates
8. Learn cognates
9. Avoid false cognates
10. Utilize cognates
11. Examine cognates
12. Acquire cognates
13. Detect cognates
14. Infer cognates
15. Deduce cognates

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