Utilitarian example sentences

Related (11): pragmatic, practical, functional, efficient, economical, reasonable, logical, purposeful, useful, expedient, advantageous.

"Utilitarian" Example Sentences

1. The building had a plain, utilitarian design with no decorative features.
2. He chose a utilitarian, unbranded backpack for traveling light.
3. The company focused on functionality over form, resulting in simple, utilitarian products.
4. Her wardrobe consisted mostly of utilitarian clothing to wear for work and hobbies.
5. The tools had a utilitarian purpose, meant for heavy use and durability.
6. The kitchen had a utilitarian look with stainless steel appliances and minimal cabinetry.
7. The bed was made from bare wood and had a simple, utilitarian design.
8. Bentwood chairs dominated the furniture with their aesthetic utilitarian style.
9. The cafeteria had a stark, industrial feel with its utilitarian tables and chairs.
10. His writings espoused a utilitarian philosophy focusing on usefulness and practicality.
11. John Stuart Mill was a famous proponent of utilitarian ethical theory.
12. Bentham's views on ethics and morality were strongly utilitarian.
13. According to utilitarianism, the morally right action is the one that produces the greatest overall benefit and happiness.
14. Critics argue that utilitarianism fails to account for individual rights and justice.
15. His argument for women's suffrage relied more on utilitarian justifications than moral ones.
16. She argued against the death penalty from both a utilitarian and moral perspective.
17. Critics claim that a purely utilitarian view overlooks humanitarian and egalitarian principles.
18. Kant believed morality must adhere to strict rules and not be based solely on utilitarian considerations.
19. The policy change was primarily motivated by utilitarian rather than humanitarian concerns.
20. A purely utilitarian medical system would allocate scarce resources to those who would benefit the most.
21. While some efficiency gains may result, purely utilitarian reforms often ignore human dignity.
22. She questioned the utilitarian view that the value of art lies only in the pleasure it produces.
23. The debate centered on whether aesthetic judgment was purely subjective or had some utilitarian component.
24. Some critics argue that education should have a broader, humanistic purpose beyond its utilitarian value of job training.
25. Enlightenment thinkers emphasized rationalism over tradition and utilitarianism over religious dogma.
26. The company implemented automation primarily for efficiency and utilitarian gains rather than to improve employees' jobs.
27. Advances in technology have brought both utilitarian benefits and unforeseen social costs.
28. While the tool provided utilitarian value, users struggled with its unintuitive interface design.
29. The minimal furnishings and exposed pipes had an industrial yet utilitarian aesthetic.
30. The plan aimed at maximum utilitarian benefit but lacked vision and inspiration.
31. His focus was more on practical utilitarian outcomes than on principles of good governance.
32. She lamented the demise of ornament and decoration in favor of contemporary utilitarian aesthetics.
33. The bare-bones cabin had a starkly utilitarian look with its concrete floor, exposed rafters, and lack of furnishings.
34. The training focused solely on the utilitarian aspects of using the machine rather than teaching broader concepts.
35. Advances in agricultural technology led to significant utilitarian gains for farmers.
36. Recycling and reusing materials fulfills an important utilitarian function.
37. The new textbook lacked the explanatory depth and narrative richness of the previous edition in favor of a more utilitarian focus on facts and job skills.
38. While robots excel at utilitarian tasks, they lack emotional intelligence and care.
39. She wondered whether new technologies would improve human flourishing beyond their utilitarian uses.
40. Automation risks reducing complex jobs to their most utilitarian functions.
41. Efficiency and productivity gains cannot be the only metrics by which we judge utilitarian progress.
42. Nature provided a much-needed respite from a purely utilitarian view of the world.
43. Critics argue that utilitarian concerns have come to dominate environmental policy at the expense of intrinsic value.
44. Progress should be about more than just utilitarian outcomes; it must also enhance human dignity and well-being.
45. Advances in medicine have brought undeniable utilitarian benefits but have also raised complex ethical issues.
46. We should view technological progress not just through a utilitarian lens but also in terms of human meaning and purpose.
47. Measuring economic outcomes cannot fully capture the effects of policy on human values beyond their utilitarian consequences.
48. While utilitarian arguments carry weight, we must also consider issues of fairness, justice and moral worth.
49. Technology threatens to reduce human life to its most utilitarian functions if we lose sight of our humanity.
50. WorkLife balance challenges utilitarian assumptions that maximum productivity leads to human flourishing.
51. The stark apartment had a utilitarian vibe with limited natural light and minimal decor.
52. Her clothing choices were motivated more by comfort and practicality than by any aesthetic or utilitarian concerns.
53. Technology has brought many utilitarian benefits but also carries risks to human values and relationships.
54. The monument's clean lines and simple forms exemplified utilitarian architectural aesthetics.
55. Their focus on measurable outcomes revealed a narrowly utilitarian view of education.
56. The cabin lacked natural beauty and aesthetic appeal, serving only utilitarian purposes.
57. Utilitarianism leads to a results-oriented ethics that risks compromising rights, duties and principles.
58. While utilitarian benefits are real, we must not lose sight of meaning, purpose and human dignity.
59. Environmentalists argue that purely utilitarian perspectives fail to account for nature's intrinsic moral value.
60. Material progress should aim beyond utilitarian goals to nourish the human spirit.

Common Phases

1. Utilitarian purpose
2. Utilitarian function
3. Utilitarian value
4. Utilitarian gains
5. Utilitarian benefits
6. Utilitarian perspective
7. Utilitarian view
8. Utilitarian approach
9. Utilitarian considerations
10. Utilitarian concerns
11. Utilitarian aesthetics

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