Coincidings example sentences

Related (10): convergences, correspondences, resemblances, similarities, parallels, overlaps, concurrencies, co-occurrences, conjunctions, junctions

"Coincidings" Example Sentences

1. The chairman noticed the coincidings of the schedules and adjusted them accordingly.
2. The coincidings of their thoughts were becoming more frequent.
3. The coincidings of their plans led to a successful outcome.
4. The scientists were amazed by the coincidings of their research findings.
5. The writer's words had many coincidings with the speaker's speech.
6. The coincidings of their opinions were quite surprising.
7. The artists discovered the coincidings of their styles and decided to collaborate.
8. The police officers noticed the coincidings of the suspects' alibis.
9. The coincidings of the children's interests led to a new friendship.
10. The musicians were astonished by the coincidings of their improvisations.
11. The coincidings of the two events were not a coincidence but rather a planned strategy.
12. The teacher observed the coincidings of the students' thought processes.
13. The business partners were thrilled by the coincidings of their visions for the company.
14. The coincidings of their decisions led to a smooth and successful project.
15. The doctors were stunned by the coincidings of the patients' symptoms.
16. The researchers were intrigued by the coincidings of the data sets.
17. The coincidings of their personalities made them great friends.
18. The investors noticed the coincidings of their interests and decided to invest together.
19. The coincidings of the dancers' movements created a mesmerizing performance.
20. The philosophers discussed the coincidings of their ideologies.
21. The coincidings of the travelers' itineraries allowed them to meet up along the way.
22. The artists recognized the coincidings of their color palettes and decided to collaborate.
23. The coincidings of the two companies' objectives made them a perfect fit for a merger.
24. The detectives discovered the coincidings of the suspects' backgrounds.
25. The coincidings of the lovers' emotions were palpable.
26. The politicians acknowledged the coincidings of their policies and decided to work together.
27. The historians were fascinated by the coincidings of the two civilizations' timelines.
28. The teacher noticed the coincidings of the students' answers on the exam.
29. The coincidings of the two teams' strategies led to an intense and exciting game.
30. The scientists were baffled by the coincidings of the experiment results.

Common Phases

you perhaps want me to provide some examples of sentences that use the word "coincidings", separated by semicolons?
1. The two friends' birthdays were coincidings; they decided to throw a joint party to celebrate.
2. The timing of the rainstorm and the power outage were mere coincidings; it was simply bad luck.
3. The coincidings of their schedules made it difficult for them to find time to meet up.
4. The similarities in their experiences felt like coincidings that brought them closer together.
5. The fact that they both love jazz music was one of many coincidings that made them compatible as roommates.

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