Command example sentences

Related (10): order, direct, instruct, lead, supervise, govern, manage, operate, oversee, control

"Command" Example Sentences

1. The general issued a command to advance.
2. He has command of the English language.
3. The captain is in command of the ship.
4. She commanded that the prisoners be released.
5. The sergeant barked a command to fall in line.
6. He used an authoritative tone to command attention.
7. The monarch ruled with an iron fist and commanded total obedience.
8. I gave the dog a command to sit.
9. With a wave of my wand, I commanded the furniture to float.
10. The officer commanded the soldiers to halt.
11. She had command over all the other witches.
12. I typed a command into the computer.
13. He commanded a high salary.
14. The computer runs on commands.
15. He commanded the army with valor.
16. The master commanded the servants to prepare his bath.
17. The captain commanded respect from her crew.
18. I uttered a spell and commanded the dolls to dance.
19. His voice commanded authority.
20. She commanded him to stop talking immediately.
21. The commander issued strict orders and commands.
22. He used a commanding tone of voice.
23. The king's commands must be obeyed.
24. With a wave of my magic wand, I commanded the toys to clean up.
25. Children are commanded to obey their parents.
26. The emperor commanded his armies to invade.
27. The captain commanded the ship.
28. The sergeant demanded strict obedience and commands.
29. The director ordered and commanded his actors.
30. The coach commanded his players to practice harder.
31. I taught my dog to obey simple commands.
32. He recently commanded a high salary bonus.
33. The conductor commanded the orchestra with his baton.
34. She issued the command in a firm tone of voice.
35. The king commanded his soldiers to seize the castle.
36. The trainer commanded the dogs through hand signals.
37. I typed the computer command and hit Enter.
38. The commander issued orders and gave commands to his troops.
39. The AI system responded to voice commands.
40. The general commanded respect and loyalty from his troops.
41. The dictator ruled with an iron fist and issued harsh commands.
42. My phone responds to voice commands.
43. The villain commanded his minions to attack.
44. The mother commanded her children to clean up their rooms.
45. The queen's every wish was a command to her subjects.
46. She had total command over the household servants.
47. I clicked an icon to command the program to launch.
48. She commanded me to be silent.
49. The master commanded the slaves to work harder.
50. The noblewoman's every whim was the butler's command.
51. He used an authoritative tone when giving commands.
52. The captain issued a solemn command.
53. The wizard commanded his magic dragons to fly.
54. The officer demanded strict obedience and issued harsh commands.
55. Their robot dog responded to basic voice commands.
56. The director screamed commands at the actors on set.
57. He typed a Unix command into the terminal.
58 The pilot commanded the aircraft with precision.
59. The coach issued stern commands to his players.
60. The general commanded his troops to march into battle.

Common Phases

1. At your command - Ready to do what is ordered or requested.
2. Commander in chief - The highest-ranking military officer in charge of a nation's armed forces.
3. Under command - Under the authority and control of a commanding officer or leader.
4. At one's beck and call - Ready and waiting to obey one's commands at any moment.
5. Have/gain the upper hand - To gain or have control over someone or something.
6. Have/take command - To assume control or authority.
7. Take the reins - To take control or assume leadership.
8. Be in control - To have power over someone or something.
9. Pull the strings - To exert control or influence over someone or something in a hidden or indirect way.
10. Call the shots - To make the important decisions and have control or authority over someone or something.
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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