Commas example sentences

Related (9): punctuation, lists, clauses, conjunctions, sentences, pause, structure, grammar, writing

"Commas" Example Sentences

1. Emily carefully placed the commas in the list of items.
2. The writer used too many commas, which made the sentence confusing.
3. The style guide dictated precise rules for placement of commas.
4. We learned about commas, periods, colons and semicolons in grammar class.
5. Make sure to include commas in a series of three or more items.
6. Commas separate clauses in compound sentences.
7. Commas should be used around interrupting words in a sentence.
8. Nouns of direct address need commas before and after them.
9. Commas separate coordinate adjectives that can be interchanged.
10. Commas set off nonrestrictive clauses and phrases.
11. Alan had trouble remembering when to use commas in sentences.
12. Commas are used to set off an appositive from the rest of the sentence.
13. He studied how to properly insert commas in complex sentences.
14. The writer used few enough commas that the sentences flowed well.
15. The misuse of commas made the paragraph difficult to understand.
16. She read through the explanation of comma usage again and again.
17. Commas separate two independent clauses joined by a conjunction.
18. Use commas around parenthetical elements.
19. The editor removed several unnecessary commas in the passage.
20. Commas enhance clarity and ease of reading.
21. Always check that commas in a series come before conjunctions.
22. Commas with introductory phrases improve sentence flow.
23. The writer's comma splices confused me while reading her work.
24. Commas separate items in a simple series.
25. New technologies have changed the usage of commas over time.
26. Set off place names with commas in a sentence.
27. Commas separate elements in a date.
28. The poet used well-placed commas to emphasize certain words.
29. Use commas before and after transitional words between independent clauses.
30. Commas indicate a pause in speech.
31. The style guide listed precise rules for comma usage.
32. The math teacher suggested parentheses instead of commas for clarity.
33. Commas are used in greetings and closings of most letters.
34. Commas separate two adjectives that cannot be interchanged.
35. An excess of commas can make sentences difficult to read.
36. The placement of commas can alter the meaning of a sentence.
37. Commas distinguish between restrictive and nonrestrictive clauses.
38. The noisy class distracted David from learning about commas.
39. She wrote down several examples of comma usage in her notebook.
40. The student struggled to remember all the comma rules.
41. Commas limit confusion in long or complex sentences.
42. Use a comma before the conjunction in compound sentences.
43. The stylist studied rules for comma use in literature.
44. Commas separate a year from the rest of the date.
45. The guidance counselor explained comma usage to the entire class.
46. She remembered to place a comma before the last item in a list.
47. Commas set off introductory words, phrases and clauses.
48. Ill-placed commas confused the reader about which words went together.
49. The professor explained punctuation rules, including all aspects of comma usage.
50. The lesson on comma usage was informative but complicated.
51. Compound sentences require commas between main clauses.
52. Parentheses are sometimes used instead of commas for clarity.
53. The author used proper comma usage throughout the entire manuscript.
54. Commas separate modifiers from the thing they modify.
55. Use commas before the conjunction in a simple series.
56. The writer confused commas and semicolons in her essay.
57. Forgetting to use commas can alter the meaning or clarity of a sentence.
58. Commas separate independent clauses joined by coordinating conjunctions.
59. Several students struggled to understand comma usage rules.
60. Commas distinguish between main clauses and subordinate clauses.

Common Phases

1. Use commas
2. Place commas
3. Proper comma usage
4. Rules for comma usage
5. Struggle with commas
6. Forget to use commas
7. Misuse of commas
8. Pause indicated by commas
9. Optional commas
10. Unnecessary commas
11. Between independent clauses
12. Between main clauses
13. Separate coordinate adjectives
14. Set off appositives
15. Separate introductory words
16. Between items in a series
17. After transitional words
18. Precede conjunctions
19. Distinguish clauses
20. Interrupting commas
Hopefully these common comma phrases will be helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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