Pause example sentences

Related (11): halt, break, stop, interruption, intermission, delay, lull, respite, cessation, hiatus, recess.

"Pause" Example Sentences

1. He paused to catch his breath after running up the stairs.
2. The teacher paused in her lecture to let the students take notes.
3. I paused the movie when my phone rang.
4. She took a brief pause in her speech.
5. He paused between words as he spoke slowly and carefully.
6. While reading, I paused to process what I had just learned.
7. The narrator paused for dramatic effect.
8. The music paused between movements of the symphony.
9. The speeches paused for a moment of silence to honor the fallen soldiers.
10. They paused to admire the view from the mountains.
11. The pacing of the movie was quick with few pauses.
12. I briefly paused the song to answer the phone.
13. We paused the meeting to figure out our next steps.
14. She paused the lecture to change slides.
15. The pouring rain caused the construction work to pause.
16. The talkative child paused long enough to listen.
17. The typing paused as she searched for the right word.
18. He paused nervously before walking on stage.
19. The tour guide paused at interesting points of history.
20. The game paused when the player hit the menu button.
21. I paused the walk to rest my aching feet.
22. The teacher paused to rephrase the explanation.
23. The celebratory speeches paused for a moment of silence.
24. The presentation paused during the question and answer period.
25. The movie paused when the power went out.
26. He paused curiously to examine the strange object.
27. The song paused between verses.
28. We paused our progress to reassess the situation.
29. The runner paused to stretch her aching muscles.
30. My dad paused the television show when I walked in.
31. The speech paused awkwardly as the speaker forgot her next point.
32. His troubled mind paused in rumination.
33. The teacher paused his lecture to introduce a guest speaker.
34. The show paused for station identification.
35. The lecture paused briefly to allow the students to absorb the new information.
36. The car paused at the intersection before continuing forward.
37. The music paused and then resumed its beat.
38. The narrator paused to create suspense.
39. The politician paused to collect her thoughts before continuing her speech.
40. The director paused the action to give the actors notes.
41. I paused the podcast to get a snack.
42. The class paused as the teacher answered a student's question.
43. He paused at the doorway unsure whether to go in.
44. His hand paused in mid-air as he saw the spider on the wall.
45. The traffic paused for the funeral procession.
46. The tour guide paused to give us time to take photos at scenic overlooks.
47. I paused my running to stretch my calves.
48. The book paused in description at key moments.
49. The rain paused and then resumed its falling.
50. The performance paused between acts.
51. The teacher paused to walk around and check students' work.
52. His thought process paused as he considered a new idea.
53. The show paused for commercial breaks.
54. I paused while deciding between chocolate or vanilla ice cream.
55. The car paused as it waited for traffic to pass.
56. The rain paused just long enough for me to make a run for the house.
57. The music paused so the dancers could rest.
58. She paused to catch her breath after climbing the stairs.
59. The construction work paused for the night.
60. The narration paused over important details.

Common Phases

1. She paused to catch her breath before continuing up the steep hill.
2. The teacher paused to let the students absorb the new information.
3. The lecture was interesting but the speaker needed to pause more and allow time for questions.
4. After running around with the puppy, I needed to pause and rest for a while.
5. He paused the movie when his phone rang.
6. John paused for a moment before answering the difficult question.
7. The cashier paused keying in the order when the cash register jammed.
8. I paused typing to think about an appropriate response to the tricky email.
9. The narrator paused dramatically at the climax of the story.
10. The music paused briefly between movements.
11. The train paused at the station before continuing on its journey.
12. I paused gazing into his kind eyes.
13. She paused her obsessive dieting to reevaluate her relationship with food.
14. The soldiers paused to rest after marching for miles.
15. I had to pause and ask the stranger to repeat her directions.
16. The comic paused between jokes to allow the audience to finish laughing.
17. The president paused in his speech to wipe away a tear.
18. The conversation paused awkwardly as we ran out of things to say.
19. The rain momentarily paused before starting up again even harder.
20. Let's pause for a photo op before moving on to the next stop.
21. I paused for a sip of water before entering the debate hall.
22. The power outage paused daily life for an hour across the city.
23. They paused at the summit to take in the magnificent view.
24. The bride paused to fix her veil before walking down the aisle.
25. The workout class paused for deep breaths and stretches in the middle.
26. The violinist paused and adjusted her shoulder rest before continuing the piece.
27. I paused reading the angry email to compose a calm response.
28. The narrator paused between chapters to build suspense in the story.
29. She paused from painting to admire her work so far.
30. The teacher paused to explain an unfamiliar term.
31. We paused the road trip for lunch at a roadside diner.
32. The recording paused while the singer had a drink of water.
33. The ceremony paused as the flag was raised.
34. I paused jogging to stretch my tight leg muscles.
35. The performance paused when the lead singer lost her voice.
36. The car paused at the intersection before proceeding.
37. He paused in the middle of filling out the form.
38. Our conversation paused awkwardly as we ran out of things to say.
39. The song temporarily paused before starting up again.
40. The story paused at a cliffhanger right before the finale.
41. I needed to pause doing my work to check on the kids.
42. The class paused when the fire alarm sounded.
43. Time seemed to pause as I gazed into his eyes.
44. The debate paused momentarily as the candidates switched topics.
45. I paused my jog to catch my breath.
46. The rain paused briefly before starting back up even harder.
47. Let's pause our hike for a snack and rest.
48. The basketball game paused for a time out.
49. The music paused between movements.
50. They paused for photos with the spectacular mountain range behind them.
51. The workers paused for lunch on the side of the dusty highway.
52. The film paused when the projector jammed.
53. She paused folding laundry to watch the sunset.
54. The guide paused to wait for the slower tourists.
55. The speech paused while the speaker consulted her notes.
56. I paused reading to answer the phone.
57. The bride paused to fix her veil before walking down the aisle.
58. The presentation paused awkwardly when the power point failed.
59. The music paused dramatically at a key moment in the opera.
60. The surgery paused momentarily as new instruments were prepared.

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