Commendataries example sentences

Related (10): endorsements, tributes, accolades, eulogies, laudations, panegyrics, encomiums, plaudits, kudos, approbations.

"Commendataries" Example Sentences

1. The commendataries of the book were well received by critics.
2. He wrote several commendataries for his friend's art exhibition.
3. The librarian recommended some commendataries for the new history book.
4. I read all the commendataries before buying the cookbook.
5. The newspaper published a set of commendataries for the mayor's speech.
6. The author was thrilled to receive commendataries from influential writers.
7. I'm not sure whether I trust the commendataries on that product.
8. The movie had mixed reviews, with some complimenting the commendataries.
9. The young poet wrote commendataries for her favorite writers.
10. The online store only displayed commendataries from satisfied customers.
11. The student received high praise for her commendataries on the classic literature.
12. The politician sought out commendataries from community leaders.
13. The chef included commendataries from famous food critics in his cookbook.
14. The company relied heavily on positive commendataries to attract new clients.
15. The athlete's impressive performance earned him glowing commendataries from the commentators.
16. I was pleasantly surprised by the commendataries on the local restaurant.
17. The website removed all negative commendataries to prevent backlash.
18. The jurors praised the commendataries presented by the defendant's lawyer.
19. She read the commendataries of the self-help book and decided to give it a try.
20. The film festival had a separate category for commendataries on cinematography.
21. The author included commendataries from fellow historians in his latest book.
22. The art gallery curator carefully selected commendataries for each piece on display.
23. The debate team coach encouraged her students to read commendataries of the opposing viewpoints.
24. The fashion writer received several commendataries for her insightful review.
25. The museum exhibit featured commendataries from the artist on their work.
26. The literary magazine published a collection of commendataries on poetry.
27. The magazine editor was disappointed with the lack of commendataries in the submissions.
28. The historian included commendataries on the source materials used in their research.
29. The conference featured a panel discussion on the value of commendataries in critical analysis.
30. The theater production received excellent commendataries from its opening night audience.

Common Phases

"Extensive commendataries were provided on every chapter; the author's writing style was praised in glowing terms; readers were urged to read the book themselves and draw their own conclusions."
"The film received mixed reviews from critics; some lauded the performances of the actors in their commendataries; others criticized the weak plot and lackluster direction."
"The President gave a speech at the commencement ceremony; during his commendataries, he highlighted the achievements of the graduating class; he urged them to use their education for the greater good of society."
"The cookbook was filled with insightful commendataries on the history of each recipe; the vivid photography made the dishes come to life on the page; readers were encouraged to experiment with their own variations."
"The exhibit showcased a wide variety of artwork; the museum curator provided commendataries on each piece; visitors were encouraged to take their time and truly appreciate the talent on display."

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