Commendationn example sentences

Related (17): praise, applause, compliment, laudation, acclamation, eulogy, homage, recognition, tribute, kudos, approbation, adulation, panegyric, plaudit, citation, medal, award.

"Commendationn" Example Sentences

1. The employee received a commendation for his outstanding work.
2. The police officer earned a commendation for bravery.
3. The soldier received a commendation for his heroic actions on the battlefield.
4. The firefighter was awarded a commendation for rescuing several people from a burning building.
5. The nurse received a commendation for her compassionate care of patients.
6. The teacher was given a commendation for her dedication to her students.
7. The athlete received a commendation for breaking a world record.
8. The scientist earned a commendation for her groundbreaking research.
9. The musician received a commendation for his exceptional performance.
10. The chef was given a commendation for her innovative culinary creations.
11. The author earned a commendation for her thought-provoking book.
12. The entrepreneur received a commendation for her successful business venture.
13. The artist was awarded a commendation for her stunning artwork.
14. The engineer received a commendation for her innovative design.
15. The philanthropist earned a commendation for her charitable work.
16. The doctor received a commendation for her lifesaving treatment of a patient.
17. The lawyer was given a commendation for her successful defense of a client.
18. The police department received a commendation for their community outreach efforts.
19. The school district was awarded a commendation for their high graduation rate.
20. The nonprofit organization received a commendation for their impactful work in the community.
21. The military unit received a commendation for their successful mission.
22. The government agency was given a commendation for their efficiency in handling a crisis.
23. The company earned a commendation for their commitment to sustainability.
24. The environmentalist received a commendation for her advocacy work.
25. The journalist was awarded a commendation for her investigative reporting.
26. The athlete earned a commendation for her sportsmanship and teamwork.
27. The humanitarian received a commendation for her work in promoting human rights.
28. The police officer was given a commendation for his dedication to community policing.
29. The volunteer was awarded a commendation for her selfless service to others.
30. The nonfiction author received a commendation for her informative and engaging writing.

Common Phases

1. The commendation from the manager motivated me to work harder;
2. He received a commendation for his excellent service to the community;
3. The employee's commendation was well-deserved;
4. The soldier received a commendation for his bravery in battle;
5. The teacher's commendation boosted the student's confidence;
6. The athlete received a commendation for breaking the record;
7. The artist's commendation from the gallery owner was a great accomplishment;
8. The team leader gave a commendation to the team for their hard work and dedication;
9. The doctor was praised with a commendation for her outstanding medical work;
10. The police officer received a commendation for his heroic actions.

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