Commensurable example sentences
Related (9): proportionate, comparable, measurable, commensurate, corresponding, equivalent, proportional, related, interrelated.
similar, close, near, approximate, akin, equivalent, corresponding, commensurate, relative, proportional, proportionate, correspondent, comparable, equivalent"Commensurable" Example Sentences
1. The frequencies were not commensurable due to differences in scale and units of measurement.
2. The scale of the problem did not seem commensurable with the proposed solution.
3. The pay did not seem commensurable with the long hours and demanding work.
4. The reward did not seem commensurable with the effort required to complete the task.
5. The consequences did not seem commensurable with the actions that caused them.
6. The crime did not warrant a punishment commensurable with the harm done.
7. The offense and punishment must be commensurable to maintain a just system.
8. The cost of the project does not seem commensurable with the expected benefits.
9. Compensation should be commensurable with effort and responsibility.
10. He believed that punishments should always be commensurable with the crime.
11. The returns were not commensurable with the amount of capital invested.
12. She felt that her education prepared her commensurably for the demands of the job.
13. The achievements were not commensurable with the hype and publicity surrounding them.
14. The project risks did not seem commensurable with the potential rewards.
15. His skills were more than commensurable with the demands of the position.
16. The sacrifice seems hardly commensurable with the potential gain.
17. The data were not fully commensurable due to differences in measurement scales.
18. The effort required was not commensurable with the small benefit achieved.
19. The punishment should be strictly commensurable with the infraction.
20. Her abilities were judged to be commensurable with the challenges of leadership.
21. The solutions were not commensurable with the scope and severity of the problems.
22. The resources allocated were not commensurable with the needs of the project.
23. His talent was judged to be commensurable with his ego and ambition.
24. The department had authority commensurable with its level of responsibility.
25. Rewards should be commensurable with performance and contribution.
26. The opposition argued that the rights granted were not commensurable with the responsibilities.
27. The measures taken were not considered commensurable with the threat posed.
28. The proposed pay increase did not seem commensurable with the company's financial situation.
29. His influence was highly commensurable with his title and position.
30. The complexity of the task was not commensurable with the simplicity of the directions.
31. They felt that their wages were not commensurable with the value of their work.
32. The gain does not seem commensurable with the effort required.
33. The budget was not commensurable with the goals and objectives of the program.
34. Her skills were judged to be commensurable with the needs of the job.
35. The proposal seemed commensurable with the gravity of the situation.
36. The work conditions were not commensurable with industry standards.
37. The sentence was not commensurable with the gravity of the crime.
38. The simplicity of the explanation was not commensurable with the complexity of the issue.
39. The reduction in force was not commensurable with financial realities.
40. The rewards must always be commensurable with effort and achievement.
41. The standards must be commensurable to allow for meaningful comparison.
42. The data are commensurable along comparable dimensions for analysis.
43. The sacrifices demanded did not seem commensurable with the cause.
44. The privileges accorded were not commensurable with the responsibilities required.
45. The numbers were made commensurable through standardization and normalization.
46. The scale of the impact was not commensurable with the scale of the changes proposed.
47. His ambitions were far from commensurable with his abilities.
48. The increase seemed too high to be commensurable with inflation and market rates.
49. The knowledge required seemed not commensurable with the knowledge provided.
50. The effort was commensurable with the importance of the goal.
51. The risks did not seem commensurable with the potential benefits.
52. The budget increase did not seem commensurable with actual needs.
53. The measures proposed were judged too extreme to be commensurable with the situation.
54. The duties and powers of the office were seen as commensurable with each other.
55. His credentials were judged to be commensurable with the challenges of academia.
56. The methodology allowed for data that were commensurable across metrics and scales.
57. The recommendation was judged to be commensurable with the purpose of the study.
58. The gains did not seem commensurable with the risks involved.
59. The stakes were far from commensurable with the prize on offer.
60. The solution was judged commensurable with the complexity of the problem.
Common Phases
1. The scale of the problem is commensurable with the resources available.
2. The effort required is not commensurable with the potential benefits.
3. Their skills and experience are commensurable with the demands of the position.
4. The pay is not commensurable with the level of responsibility.
5. The task's difficulty is commensurable with her abilities.
6. The wages are not commensurable with the current cost of living.
7. His reward was commensurable with his achievements.
8. The length of their sentences was commensurable with the severity of their crimes.
9. The problem's size is entirely commensurable with the resources at our disposal.
10. The raise he received was commensurable with his successes.
11. Her abilities are commensurable with the position's requirements.
12. The punishment was not commensurable with the crime.
13. The promotion and salary increase were commensurable with his hard work and accomplishments.
14. His respect and gratitude were commensurable with her kindness and support.
15. The stakes involved are not commensurable with the risks.
16. Their time and energy commitments are hardly commensurable with the remuneration.
17. The compensation package was not commensurable with market rates for that position.
18. The danger posed is entirely commensurable with the precautions taken.
19. The remuneration was commensurable with the qualifications required for that position.
20. His desires were not commensurable with his capabilities.
21. The challenges of the project are commensurable with the size of our team.
22. The investment required is commensurable with the potential profits.
23. The penalties should be commensurable with the infractions.
24. The fees charged are not commensurable with the services rendered.
25. Their proposed solutions are commensurable with the scale of the problem.
26. The benefits are commensurable with the costs and risks involved.
27. The workload far exceeds what is commensurable with a healthy work-life balance.
28. The incentives are commensurable with the risks associated with the job.
29. His sense of entitlement was hardly commensurable with his actual merits.
30. The objectives are entirely commensurable with the resources at our disposal.
31. The attention given was not commensurable with the seriousness of the issue.
32. The results justify the time and effort expended, which were commensurable.
33. We have the manpower and expertise required to solve problems of a scale commensurable with this issue.
34. Their ambitions were not commensurable with reality.
35. The profits were commensurable with the investments made.
36. The pay differential is hardly commensurable with the additional responsibilities.
37. The prize awarded was commensurable with the achievement celebrated.
38. The authority she wields is hardly commensurable with her accountability.
39. The task was commensurable with his abilities and experience.
40. The danger posed warrants a response commensurable with the threat level.
41. The consequences should be commensurable with the severity of the violation.
42. The scope of the damage mitigation required is commensurable with the scale of the disaster.
43. The risks undertaken were commensurable with the potential rewards.
44. His outrage was hardly commensurable with the actual offense.
45. The proposed solutions are entirely commensurable with the problem's scale.
46. The rewards were commensurable with the effort expended.
47. The stakes are entirely commensurable with the potential benefits.
48. The staff level is commensurable with the volume of work.
49. Salaries should ideally be commensurable with the value employees contribute.
50. Her accomplishments outpaced anything that might be considered commensurable at that age.
51. The sentence handed down was commensurable with the severity of the crimes committed.
52. The danger the project poses requires safeguards commensurable with the level of risk.
53. The punishment was not commensurable with the transgression.
54. The solutions on offer are entirely commensurable with tackling this problem.
55. The level of preparedness is hardly commensurable with what would be required.
56. The funding requested falls well within the bounds of what is commensurable for a project of this scale.
57. The severity of the penalty should be commensurable with the degree of the violation.
58. The difficulties encountered were entirely commensurable with our capabilities.
59. The rent demanded is hardly commensurable with the condition and neighborhood of the property.
60. The time required for the task was well within what was commensurable with his abilities.
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