Conceited example sentences

Related (5): Arrogant, vain, boastful, egotistical, narcissistic.

"Conceited" Example Sentences

1. The conceited man thought very highly of himself.
2. The conceited beauty queen strutted across the stage.
3. His conceited smile irritated everyone at the party.
4. The conceited dictator acted as if he was a god.
5. The girl's conceited remarks made her unpopular with the group.
6. The conceited jock bragged about all his sports accomplishments.
7. The teen was so conceited that few people wanted to be around him.
8. His conceited attitude really turned people off.
9. The conceited pop star thought she was the greatest singer ever.
10. Her conceited remarks made her enemies rather than friends.
11. The condescending and conceited millionaire looked down on everyone.
12. The once humble man became conceited after winning the contest.
13. Avoid conceited people, they are not good company.
14. She realized her conceited outburst had alienated her friends.
15. He cleaned out his conceited statements from the speech.
16. The audience glared at the conceited comedian on stage.
17. His conceited boasts were meant to impress the group.
18. After a while, her conceited comments began to irritate her friends.
19. The actor's conceited demeanor turned off his co-stars.
20. She grew tired of her boyfriend's conceited remarks.
21. His friends told him to stop being so conceited and stuck up.
22. The CEO's conceited attitude lost him respect from his employees.
23. Everyone ganged up on the conceited boy during the game.
24. The adoring fans inflated his already conceited ego.
25. The resident advisor warned the conceited freshman about his attitude.
26. No one wanted to win against the conceited player.
27. The once down-to-earth singer has become very conceited recently.
28. His conceited personality surprised everyone who had known him before.
29. She resented his conceited comments about her work.
30. The idol's conceited behavior alienated him from his fans.
31. The teacher reprimanded the conceited student in front of the class.
32. His conceited boasting only made him look foolish.
33. The once modest boy became very conceited after winning the award.
34. His conceited remarks quickly soured the conversation.
35. Try not to let success make you conceited.
36. The professor warned her student against becoming conceited.
37. Her conceited attitude cost her the job.
38. Being conceited will only lead to dislike and disrespect from others.
39. The once down-to-earth singer has become very conceited recently.
40. His conceited remarks were not well received.
41. She was too conceited to recognize her own failings.
42. The teacher hoped to curb the student's conceited behaviors.
43. Being humble is far better than being conceited.
44. His friends warned him that his conceited demeanor was off-putting.
45. The new employee's conceited attitude infuriated her co-workers.
46. The athlete's once charming confidence morphed into conceited arrogance.
47. The conceited actor garnered few fans with his diva behavior.
48. His conceited pride blinded him to his own mistakes.
49. Her conceited remarks quickly ended the conversation.
50. The teacher hoped to curb the student's conceited behaviors.
51. Avoid surrounding yourself with conceited people who feed your ego.
52. Being conceited will turn people away rather than attract them to you.
53. Her conceited attitude cost her the friendship.
54. The teacher warned the conceited student about his rude comments.
55. His conceited remarks had the opposite of his intended effect.
56. His conceited demeanor was off-putting to everyone he met.
57. Avoid being conceited because it will only drive people away.
58. His conceited attitude quickly made him unpopular at work.
59. The manager worried the employee's conceited remarks could damage clients relations.
60. The girl's conceited remarks earned her a reputation as a mean girl.

Common Phases

1. have a conceited attitude
2. make conceited remarks
3. act in a conceited manner
4. boast in a conceited way
5. become conceited after success
6. behave in a conceited fashion
7. have a conceited opinion of oneself
8. think too highly of oneself in a conceited way
9. have a conceited demeanor
10. be too conceited to recognize one's own failings
11. warn someone against becoming conceited
12. hope to curb someone's conceited behaviors
13. try not to let success make you conceited
14. avoid surrounding oneself with conceited people
15. recognize that being conceited will drive people away

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