Concretionary example sentences

Related (7): rock, mineral, formation, sedimentary, structure, calcite, cementation

"Concretionary" Example Sentences

1. The geologist found concretionary rocks in the sedimentary layer.
2. The concretionary masses in the sandstone formations were impressive.
3. The evidence suggested that concretionary action had occurred during the deposition of the sediment.
4. The concretionary process can result in the formation of unique structures.
5. The study of concretionary nodules is essential to understand the geologic history of an area.
6. The concretionary growth on these fossils demonstrates the process of mineralization.
7. The concretionary structures in the rock formation resembled giant mushrooms.
8. The concretionary formation of minerals can create stunning patterns in rocks.
9. The geodes displayed an impressive concretionary growth of crystals.
10. The unique concretionary formations on the rocks were caused by mineral rich water.
11. The concretionary action of the minerals resulted in the shaping of the sandstone layers.
12. The concretionary masses found in the limestone were filled with fossils.
13. The concretionary process can also occur underwater in the formation of coral reefs.
14. The concretionary formations can be studied to determine the environmental conditions during deposition.
15. The concretionary masses found in the shale layer were filled with small ammonites.
16. The concretionary nodules in the clay were evidence of ancient soil.
17. The concretionary action that occurred during the formation of the sediment can help to explain the rock’s structure.
18. The unique concretionary formations found at the site suggest that the area was once an ancient lake bed.
19. The concretionary growth on the fossils revealed a lot about the mineral-rich waters that flowed through the area.
20. The concretionary rocks found near the fault line suggest that the area was once under high pressure.
21. The concretionary formation of minerals in the sandstone layer can result in some beautiful colors.
22. The concretionary structures in the limestone were filled with nodules of chert.
23. The unique concretionary growth in the shale layer was caused by the abundant presence of pyrite.
24. The concretionary process can also occur during the formation of volcanic rocks.
25. The concretionary masses found in the clay layer were filled with evidence of ancient plant life.
26. The concretionary growth on the fossils showed the process of fossilization in action.
27. The concretionary structures in the limestone were filled with evidence of the ancient reef system.
28. The unique concretionary formations in the sandstone layer were caused by the infilling of minerals within void spaces.
29. The concretionary growth on the crystals revealed the chemical processes that occurred during formation.
30. The concretionary masses found in the rock layer contained fossils of ancient sea creatures.

Common Phases

1. The concretionary rock formation was impressive; each layer was clearly defined.
2. The concretionary process is slow; it can take millions of years to form a single concretion.
3. The concretionary patterns in the sedimentary rocks were fascinating; they resembled abstract art.
4. The concretionary structure of the fossilized remains provided valuable information; scientists were able to deduce the animal's diet and habitat.
5. The concretionary growth of minerals in the cave was beautiful; visitors were in awe of the sparkling formations.
6. The concretionary nodules on the beach were a common sight; they were often collected as souvenirs.
7. The concretionary shells found in the cliffs were well-preserved; they provided evidence of the sea's changing levels over time.

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