Confide example sentences

Related (9): trust, disclose, share, unburden, confessional, reveal, intimate, impart, divulge

"Confide" Example Sentences

1. I confided in my friend about my problems.
2. She confided her secrets to her diary.
3. He confided in me that he was thinking of quitting his job.
4. My friend confided in me that she was struggling with anxiety.
5. My mother confided that marriage was harder than she had imagined.
6. My coworker confided that she was looking for a new job.
7. My sister confided her fears about starting a new school.
8. They confided in each other about their relationship troubles.
9. I confided in my therapist about my childhood trauma.
10. My father used to confide in me about his struggles at work.
11. He confided that he was unhappy in his marriage.
12. I confided my concerns about my health to my doctor.
13. My friend confided that she suspected her roommate was stealing from her.
14. My brother confided that he was thinking about proposing to his girlfriend.
15. I confided my embarrassment about the situation to a close friend.
16. She confided that she was struggling financially to her parents.
17. The professor confided that she was going to fail me if I didn't improve my grades.
18. My child confided that he was being bullied at school.
19. The employee confided that the work environment felt hostile.
20. She confided that she was having doubts about their relationship.
21. I confided my disappointment to my mother.
22. My client confided that he was thinking about ending his marriage.
23. My coworker confided that she was considering reporting our boss.
24. The student confided that they were having difficulty understanding the material.
25. I confided my secret hopes and dreams to my diary as a teenager.
26. She confided her grief over the loss of her pet to a close friend.
27. He confided his feeling of inadequacy to his therapist.
28. My granddaughter confided that she had a crush on her classmate.
29. My friend confided that her husband was abusing her and the children.
30. The patient confided that she had thoughts of harming herself.
31. My sister confided that our parents' divorce still upset her.
32. I confided my frustration to my husband.
33. She confided that she was stressed about an upcoming exam.
34. My son confided his fear of public speaking to me.
35. The witness confided to police that she saw the suspect at the scene of the crime.
36. I confided that I was unhappy in my relationship to a trusted friend.
37. He confided his lifelong dream of being a musician to his best friend.
38. My daughter confided that a classmate was bullying her.
39. I confided my feelings of hopelessness to my journal.
40. My friend confided that she was thinking of leaving her husband.
41. The patient confided that she was having issues with substance abuse.
42. The worker confided that she felt her boss was sexually harassing her.
43. My niece confided that she had a crush on her teacher.
44. She confided that she was struggling with her sexuality to her counselor.
45. The customer confided that she was upset over poor service.
46. I confided that I was scared of starting a new job.
47. The student confided that she was dealing with an eating disorder.
48. My coworker confided that he was planning to propose to his girlfriend.
49. The inmate confided details about the crime to his attorney.
50. The child confided that they were being abused by a relative.
51. My friend confided that she thought her boyfriend was cheating.
52. I confided my deepest feelings and thoughts to my journal.
53. She confided her worries about her health to her best friend.
54. The witness confided details of the crime to police investigators.
55. My wife confided that our marriage was in trouble.
56. The patient confided that he was struggling with substance abuse issues.
57. I confided my sadness over the loss to my companion.
58. My daughter confided her crush on her teacher to me.
59. The soldier confided his doubts about the mission to his comrades.
60. She confided that she thought her husband was having an affair.

Common Phases

1. She confided in me that she was struggling.
2. I can always confide in you, you keep my secrets well.
3. He confided in his best friend about his problems at work.
4. I confided in my sister about my relationship issues.
5. The friend she confided in betrayed her trust.
6. Can I confide something personal in you? I need someone to talk to.
7. If you ever need to confide in someone, I'm here to listen.
8. After years of friendship, she finally confided her secret crush to me.
9. He chose not to confide his worries to his family.
10. I confided in my therapist about my anxiety and depression.
11. The journalist promised not to confide the source of the information.
12. The police officer urged the witness to confide any information she had.
13. My father wanted me to confide in him rather than keeping things to myself.
14. I only trust my best friends enough to confide my deepest secrets.
15. She decided not to confide her pregnancy to her boyfriend just yet.
16. My mother always told me I could confide anything in her.
17. He confided that he had considered ending their relationship.
18. The priest urged the parishioner to confide his troubles.
19. Can I confide in you that I'm feeling really overwhelmed right now?
20. She confided in her diary about her unrequited love.
21. He confided in me his hopes and dreams for the future.
22. Don't hesitate to confide in me if anything is bothering you.
23. I didn't feel comfortable confiding my issues with my parents.
24. She decided to confide her suspicions to the police.
25. After a glass of wine, she started to confide her secret crush.
26. Please confide your worries to me, I want to help if I can.
27. He didn't confide his troubles to anyone.
28. I only feel comfortable confiding in my closest friends.
29. She decided to confide her suspicions about the theft to the headmaster.
30. After months of struggling in silence, she finally confided her depression.
31. The witness confided in the investigator that she suspected a coworker.
32. He confided that he wanted to propose to his girlfriend.
33. Don't hesitate to confide in me, I promise I won't judge you.
34. I confided in my sister that I was struggling with money.
35. She confided her deepest fears to her therapist.
36. He chose not to confide his feelings to his colleague.
37. I confided my fears about the meeting to my boss.
38. She only confided her secret to her best friend.
39. He finally confided his love for her.
40. She confided that she was considering leaving her husband.
41. I only feel comfortable confiding my doubts to my closest friends.
42. I confided my worries about the project to my project manager.
43. He confided that he was struggling with depression.
44. She confided her secret crush to her diary.
45. I confided my problems with money to my parents.
46. She confided her secret to me and asked me not to tell anyone else.
47. Please confide any information you have to the police.
48. She confided her deepest fears about motherhood to her sister.
49. He confided his hopes and dreams only to his closest friends.
50. I can always confide my troubles in you.
51. She confided her plans to quit her job to her manager.
52. I only felt comfortable confiding my anxiety to my therapist.
53. He confided that he wanted to marry her one day.
54. Don't hesitate to confide any worries you have to me.
55. She decided not to confide her pregnancy worries to anyone yet.
56. I only feel comfortable confiding my secret crush to my diary.
57. You can always confide your thoughts and feelings in me.
58. He decided not to confide his financial problems to his parents.
59. After years of friendship, she finally confided her secret crush.
60. She confided her fears about motherhood to her best friend.

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