Confident example sentences

Related (19): self-assured, poised, fearless, assertive, brazen, certain, cocky, convinced, dauntless, decisive, sure-footed, sanguine, secure, unwavering, optimistic, gutsy, forward, audacious, determined.

"Confident" Example Sentences

1. He walked with confident strides.
2. She gave a confident smile.
3. The team played with confident skill.
4. He made the presentation with confident ease.
5. She answered the question with confident assurance.
6. He faced the challenge with confident optimism.
7. The board issued a confident forecast for the company's future.
8. The coach expressed confident optimism about their chances in the playoffs.
9. She won the competition with confident grace.
10. He spoke with confident authority on the subject.
11. The doctor gave a confident diagnosis.
12. The investment bank issued a confident outlook on the economy.
13. The general issued a confident order to his troops.
14. The speaker gave a confident speech.
15. The teacher offered confident advice to her students.
16. She woke up feeling confident and rested.
17. The runner took to the track with confident speed.
18. The pollster reported confident predictions for election day.
19. He made a confident bet on his favorite team.
20. She expressed confident enthusiasm about the project.
21. He answered the difficult question with confident ease.
22. The doctor predicted a confident recovery for her patient.
23. The candidate delivered a confident stump speech.
24. She approached the challenge with confident resolve.
25. The plan seemed confident and well thought out.
26. The investor made a confident stock selection.
27. The athletes prepared with confident determination.
28. The fundraiser expressed confident hopes of meeting their targets.
29. The detective arrived at a confident conclusion.
30. The journalist reported with confident authority on the news story.
31. He confidently earned his promotion.
32. The advisor gave confident counsel.
33. She made the difficult shot with confident accuracy.
34. The venture seemed confident of success.
35. He answered questions from the audience with confident aplomb.
36. I felt confident enough to apply for the job.
37. The businesswomen exuded confidence and poise.
38. The pitcher threw a confident curveball.
39. The boxer entered the ring with confident focus.
40. She approached the interview with confident professionalism.
41. Her confident aura immediately set others at ease.
42. The astronaut confidently maneuvered the spacecraft.
43. The researchers were confident in their experimental results.
44. He confidently placed his bet on black.
45. The lawyer delivered her closing argument with confident authority.
46. The team took to the court with confident optimism.
47. She attacked the problem with confident resolve.
48. He gave a confident performance at the concert.
49. The commentator made confident predictions about the game's outcome.
50. The product launched with confident buzz and high expectations.
51. She spoke with confident eloquence.
52. The company issued a confident earnings report.
53. The candidates gave confident campaign speeches.
54. They ran the race with confident speed.
55. The management team expressed confident optimism about the new strategy.
56. She dove into the water with confident grace.
57. The scientist continued her experiments with confident precision.
58. The athlete trained with confident tenacity.
59. The jury returned a confident verdict of guilty.
60. The stockbroker made a confident recommendation.

Common Phases

feel confident
Example: I feel confident that we can finish the project on time.
sound confident
Example: She sounded confident when giving her presentation.
act confident
Example: Even if you don't feel it, try to act confident in social situations.
speak confidently
Example: He spoke confidently to the crowd of thousands.
with confidence
Example: She approached the challenge with confidence.
exude confidence
Example: The CEO exuded confidence that delivered to his employees.
inspire confidence
Example: The management team aims to inspire confidence in their strategy.
confidence boost
Example: Exercise can give you a confidence boost and improve your mood.
shocked into confidence
Example: Sometimes a major wakeup call can shock you into the confidence to change your life.
confidence trick
Example: The con man used a confidence trick to steal money from his victim.
vote of confidence
Example: The board issued a vote of confidence for the CEO amid rumors of layoffs.
confidence interval
Example: The study reported a 95% confidence interval for the results.
break the confidence
Example: The whistleblower broke the confidence of his former employer.

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