Conglomerateurs example sentences

Related (5): conglomerate, merger, acquisition, consolidation, integration

"Conglomerateurs" Example Sentences

1. The conglomerateurs were able to acquire several small businesses and turn them into a successful corporation.
2. I had the opportunity to meet some of the top conglomerateurs in the industry at the conference.
3. Conglomerateurs often face challenges in managing a diverse range of businesses under one umbrella.
4. The conglomerateurs announced their latest acquisition at a press conference yesterday.
5. After years of successful expansion, the conglomerateurs hit a rough patch with a string of failed investments.
6. The conglomerateurs are always on the lookout for new growth opportunities in emerging markets.
7. Many small business owners dream of being acquired by a conglomerateurs and becoming part of a larger network.
8. It takes a talented team of executives to successfully run a conglomerateurs with so many moving parts.
9. The conglomerateurs have a reputation for making bold investments that pay off big in the long run.
10. The conglomerateurs' latest venture involves investing in renewable energy technology.
11. In recent years, the conglomerateurs have made a concerted effort to diversify their portfolio beyond traditional industries.
12. The top conglomerateurs are constantly analyzing market trends and adjusting their strategies accordingly.
13. Many analysts predict that the conglomerateurs will continue to grow and dominate their respective industries.
14. The conglomerateurs' vast network of resources and connections gives them a significant advantage over smaller competitors.
15. Despite some setbacks, the conglomerateurs remain committed to their long-term vision and goals.
16. The conglomerateurs' success can be attributed to their ability to identify and capitalize on new opportunities before their competitors.
17. The conglomerateurs faced criticism from some quarters for their aggressive acquisition strategy.
18. The conglomerateurs have a track record of turning around struggling businesses and optimizing their operations.
19. Some experts believe that the conglomerateurs' model is unsustainable in the long-term due to the challenges of managing so many diverse businesses.
20. The conglomerateurs' latest financial report showed strong growth across all sectors of the company.
21. The conglomerateurs have faced legal challenges in some markets related to anti-trust and monopoly concerns.
22. The conglomerateurs have a reputation for being ruthless in their pursuit of profitability and market dominance.
23. The conglomerateurs have a strict code of ethics and conduct that all employees and partners must adhere to.
24. The conglomerateurs have invested heavily in research and development to stay ahead of the curve in their industries.
25. The conglomerateurs have a diverse range of subsidiaries and business units, from consumer products to aerospace engineering.
26. The conglomerateurs' latest marketing campaign aims to position the company as a progressive leader in sustainability and social responsibility.
27. Some competitors accuse the conglomerateurs of engaging in unfair trade practices and price fixing.
28. The conglomerateurs' CEO is widely regarded as a visionary leader who has transformed the company into a global powerhouse.
29. The conglomerateurs' share price has been volatile in recent months due to investor uncertainty about the company's long-term prospects.
30. The conglomerateurs have made significant investments in digital technology and automation to streamline their operations and improve efficiency.

Common Phases

1. The conglomerateurs were busy merging various firms; they hoped to create a powerful new entity.
2. After acquiring several smaller companies, the conglomerateurs were ready to expand their reach; they set their sights on international markets.
3. Despite facing some challenges along the way, the conglomerateurs were determined to succeed in their venture; they worked tirelessly to streamline operations and boost profits.
4. As the conglomerateurs continued to acquire more businesses, they also faced mounting criticism from industry experts; many questioned the long-term viability of their strategy.
5. In the end, the conglomerateurs proved their critics wrong; they successfully diversified their portfolio and established themselves as a major player in the market.

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