Connivery example sentences

Related (7): plotting, scheming, deceitfulness, conspiracy, craftiness, manipulation, trickery

"Connivery" Example Sentences

1. The connivery of the two politicians was exposed in the national media.
2. His connivery with the corrupt officials landed him in jail.
3. The criminal gang's connivery led to the successful heist of the bank.
4. The executives' connivery caused the downfall of the once-thriving company.
5. The politician's connivery resulted in his impeachment and removal from office.
6. The investigation uncovered evidence of the contractor's connivery to rig the bidding process.
7. Her connivery with her accomplices in the murder case shocked the nation.
8. The employees' connivery in the embezzlement scandal was uncovered by the audit.
9. The infamous robber's connivery with the prison guards allowed him to escape.
10. The drug cartel's connivery with the police made it difficult for law enforcement to crack down on their operations.
11. The corporate executives' connivery with the lobbyists resulted in legislation that favored their interests.
12. The director's connivery with the actors caused tension on the set and delays in the film production.
13. The politician's connivery with the media allowed him to manipulate public opinion.
14. The businessman's connivery with the customs officials enabled him to evade taxes.
15. The lawyer's connivery with the judge raised doubts about the fairness of the trial.
16. The board members' connivery led to the bankruptcy of the nonprofit organization.
17. The spy's connivery with the enemy put national security at risk.
18. The athlete's connivery with the doping authorities caused him to be stripped of his medals.
19. The manager's connivery with the union leaders resulted in a labor strike that shut down the factory.
20. The dictator's connivery with the military leaders allowed him to retain power despite popular uprisings.
21. The hacker's connivery with the computer programmers breached the security of the company's computer systems.
22. The corrupt politician's connivery with the contractors caused the cost overruns of the government projects.
23. The lobbyists' connivery with the legislators undermined the democratic process.
24. The journalist's connivery with the whistleblowers exposed the corruption of the government officials.
25. The con artist's connivery with his victims allowed him to swindle them out of millions of dollars.
26. The criminal's connivery with the judges influenced the outcome of the trials in his favor.
27. The insider trader's connivery with the stockbrokers enabled him to profit from his illegal activities.
28. The gang leader's connivery with the police informants led to the arrest and conviction of his rivals.
29. The embezzler's connivery with the bank managers allowed him to siphon off funds undetected.
30. The corrupt official's connivery with the contractors swindled the government out of millions of dollars.

Common Phases

1. The connivery of their plan was impressive; they had thought of every detail.
2. His connivery was sneaky and underhanded; he plotted behind everyone's back.
3. She used connivery to get what she wanted; she was manipulative and calculated.
4. The company's connivery ultimately led to their downfall; they were deceitful in their business practices.
5. His connivery was so clever it was almost admirable; he had a talent for scheming.

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