Conquistadors example sentences

Related (24): exploration, colonization, empire, gold, silver, subjugation, Catholicism, disease, Inca, Aztec, encomienda, Pizarro, Magellan, conquista, Mexico, Caribbean, Florida, Texas, California, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador.

"Conquistadors" Example Sentences

1. The conquistadors arrived in search of gold and glory.
2. Many of the Aztec were killed by the conquistadors.
3. The conquistadors conquered the Aztec and Inca empires.
4. Hernan Cortes led the conquistadors who defeated the Aztec.
5. The Spanish conquistadors pillaged the Aztec and Inca civilizations.
6. Francisco Pizarro led the conquistadors who conquered the Inca.
7. The conquistadors brought warfare, disease and slavery to the Americas.
8. The violent actions of the conquistadors were often driven by greed.
9. Ponce de Leon was one of the early Spanish conquistadors in the Caribbean.
10. The conquistadors enslaved many native people and forced them to labor in the mines.
11. Smallpox decimated the native populations long before the conquistadors arrived.
12. The gold and treasures taken by the conquistadors enriched Spain.
13. The conquistadors were backed by the Spanish crown in their quests.
14. The conquistadors described the Aztec and Inca cities as built of gold.
15. The conquistadors brought horses with them which helped in their conquests.
16. The conquistadors forcibly converted many natives to Christianity.
17. The conquistadors were responsible for massive loss of life in the Americas.
18. Hernando De Soto explored what would become the southern US as a conquistador.
19. The Incas attempted to ambush the conquistadors led by Pizarro.
20. The rule of the conquistadors in the Americas was brutal and exploitative.
21. Not all native tribes were defeated by the conquistadors.
22. Some conquistadors acted more humanely toward the native populations.
23. Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese conquistador.
24. Balboa was a Spanish conquistador who explored Panama and the Pacific Ocean.
25. The conquistadors were ultimately searching for El Dorado, the city of gold.
26. The armor and weapons of the conquistadors aided them against the natives.
27. The conquistadors led to the decline of entire civilizations.
28. Vasco Nunez De Balboa was a Spanish conquistador who discovered the Pacific Ocean.
29. The conquistadors brought European diseases that devastated native populations.
30. The Incas were eventually defeated by the Spanish conquistadors.
31. The conquistadors massacred Incas in the Temple of the Sun after Pizarro's capture.
32. Visions of vast empires of gold drove the conquistadors' greed.
33. The Inca leader Atahualpa was executed by the conquistadors.
34. Hernando De Soto explored much of what is now the southern United States as a conquistador.
35. Malinche served as a translator for the Spanish conquistadors led by Cortes.
36. The native peoples ultimately combined with the cultures of the conquistadors.
37. The conquistadors brought new crops and farming methods to the Americas.
38. The violence of the conquistadors eventually led to Spanish control of much of the Americas.
39. Some conquistadors represented the more brutal side of Spanish colonialism.
40. The conquistadors were aided by native allies in their conquests.
41. Myths about gold and El Dorado drove the explorations of conquistadors like Pizarro.
42. The horses and firearms of the conquistadors gave them a technological advantage.
43. The conquistadors enslaved natives and took them back to Spain.
44. Stories of the riches amassed by the conquistadors inspired further exploration.
45. The conquistadors sought not only gold but political power.
46. Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese conquistador who led the first expedition to circumnavigate the globe.
47. Balboa's discovery generated excitement about potential conquests in the Americas among conquistadors.
48. Some conquistadors married into native communities and had mixed-race children.
49. Syphilis spread from the Americas to Europe through the conquistadors.
50. The Spanish justified the conquistadors' actions by claiming they were spreading Christianity.
51. Hernan Cortes led 600 soldiers against the Aztec empire as a conquistador.
52. Small numbers of conquistadors conquered vast native empires through force and intimidation.
53. Francisco Pizarro led 168 conquistadors against the Inca empire.
54. Some conquistadors were motivated by a desire for adventure rather than riches.
55. The weapons and armor of conquistadors like Pizarro and Cortes gave them a military advantage.
56. New World gold enriched the Spanish crown and funded further conquests by conquistadors.
57. The conquistadors viewed the native people as uncivilized and easily conquered.
58. Some conquistadors established families in the Americas and incorporated native customs.
59. The violence and cruelty of conquistadors like Cortes and Pizarro has been heavily criticized.
60. The rule of the conquistadors led to new cultural fusions in the Americas.

Common Phases

• The spirit of the conquistadors
• In the spirit of the conquistadors
• The age of the conquistadors
• The conquests of the conquistadors
• The brutality of the conquistadors
• The ruthlessness of the conquistadors
• The greed of the conquistadors
• Following in the footsteps of the conquistadors
• The march of the conquistadors
• The horses of the conquistadors
• The weaponry of the conquistadors
• The arms of the conquistadors
• The violence of the conquistadors
• Like the conquistadors of old
• The exploits of the conquistadors
• Searching for El Dorado like the conquistadors
• Treasure hunting like the conquistadors
• Exploring new lands like the conquistadors
• Spreading Christianity like the conquistadors
Some key points about the conquistadors:
• They were Spanish and Portuguese explorers and conquerors
• They conquered the Aztec and Inca empires in search of gold and riches
• Their conquests were often extremely brutal and violent
• They forcibly converted natives to Christianity
• Disease inadvertently brought by them killed many natives

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