Consequences example sentences

Related (10): Results, aftermath, fallouts, implications, repercussions, outcomes, sequence, effects, eventualities, aftermaths.

"Consequences" Example Sentences

1. She did not consider the consequences of her actions.
2. You must face the consequences of your mistakes.
3. They were not prepared for the dire consequences of global warming.
4. The consequences of reckless spending could last for years.
5. His behavior had serious consequences for his future career.
6. He was made aware of the potential consequences if he failed the test.
7. Leaders need to look beyond immediate gains and consider long-term consequences.
8. Failure to act now will have severe environmental consequences for future generations.
9. Smoking can have serious health consequences later in life.
10. Addictions often have severe personal and social consequences.
11. We must educate people about the far-reaching consequences of discriminatory beliefs.
12. War has sorrowful human consequences as well as economic costs.
13. Impulsive decisions often produce negative consequences.
14. She suffered the consequences of her irresponsible actions.
15. His poor grades were the direct consequences of his lack of effort.
16. The accident had life-changing consequences for the victim.
17. Short-term gratification often ignores long-term consequences.
18. Politicians must weigh the moral consequences of their decisions.
19. Corporate greed can have disastrous social consequences.
20. Climate change will have serious economic consequences around the world.
21. Substance abuse can have tragic personal and family consequences.
22. There will be grave political consequences if the ceasefire fails.
23. Technological progress must consider ethical consequences.
24. Young people often fail to consider the legal consequences of their actions.
25. Poor health choices have unhappy consequences later in life.
26. Ignoring safety warnings can lead to serious consequences.
27. Environmental protection requires considering future consequences.
28. Rash behavior often results in unfortunate consequences.
29. Reckless spending now may have financial consequences later.
30. Every action has potential consequences, intended or otherwise.
31. There will be negative consequences if we do not act immediately.
32. Every choice must consider potential benefits and consequences.
33. The economic consequences of pandemic were severe and widespread.
34. She suffered the mental health consequences of bullying for years.
35. The consequences of inflation include higher expenses for households.
36. Health care policy must consider its social and economic consequences.
37. His negligence resulted in serious legal consequences.
38. Natural disasters often have lasting social and economic consequences.
39. The freedom of speech must consider its potential consequences.
40. Widespread unemployment has devastating economic consequences.
41. Criminal behavior often has dire social consequences.
42. Overconsumption has environmental consequences for future generations.
43. Irresponsible behavior can result in negative personal consequences.
44. Ignorance of the law does not absolve you of its consequences.
45. The consequences of ignorance can be costly and painful.
46. His ignorance had tragic personal and professional consequences.
47. Poor education leads to negative social and economic consequences.
48. Half-truths and misinformation have dire consequences for democracy.
49. There are severe health consequences from prolonged stress.
50. Racist speech has dangerous societal consequences.
51. His actions changed the course of human history and had unforeseen consequences.
52. Lack of exercise has negative health consequences.
53. Their disobedience resulted in unpleasant consequences.
54. The action may have unintended yet far-reaching consequences.
55. The inaction has unfortunate long-term consequences.
56. His words today will have political consequences for years.
57. Harmful stereotypes have damaging social consequences.
58. The decisions we make today will impact future generations and have long-term consequences.
59. Mental illness often has unintended personal and social consequences.
60. Her careless remarks had unforeseen negative consequences for the company.

Common Phases

1. Face the consequences- Meaning: To deal with or accept the unpleasant results of one's actions.
2. Suffer the consequences - Meaning: To experience negative results because of one's actions or inactions.
3. Bear the consequences - Meaning: To endure or put up with the negative effects of something one has done.
4. Reap what you sow - Meaning: To experience the results, good or bad, of one's own actions.
5. Actions have consequences - Meaning: Behavior, whether good or bad, produces effects or results.
6. Long-term consequences - Meaning: Effects or results that develop or become evident over an extended period of time.
7. Unintended consequences - Meaning: Results that are not what was planned or intended by an action.
8. Think of the consequences - Meaning: Consider what effects or results will come from a course of action.
9. Ignorance of the law is no excuse - Meaning: You must accept the legal consequences of your actions even if you were unaware of the law.
10. Consequences be damned! - Meaning: Regardless of the negative effects, something will be done anyway.

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