Consoling example sentences
Related (10): comforting, soothing, reassuring, sympathizing, consoling, cheering, supportive, encouraging, uplifting, heartening.
"Consoling" Example Sentences
1. She gave me a consoling hug when I broke down in tears.2. The therapist offered consoling words to the grieving family.
3. He found consoling comfort in his favorite book.
4. The mother provided her child with a consoling smile.
5. Despite the loss, the team showed consoling support for each other.
6. The warm embrace of friendship served as a consoling balm for her wounded heart.
7. His gentle voice provided consoling reassurance to his anxious partner.
8. A consoling hand on his shoulder was all he needed to feel better.
9. The sweet melody of the song served as a consoling reminder of better things to come.
10. Her grateful heart accepted all the consoling gestures of her friends.
11. He tried to put on a consoling face even though he was feeling anxious himself.
12. They offered their consoling words knowing how painful it can get.
13. The sound of rain tapping on the roof was consoling to her troubled mind.
14. The priest provided a consoling prayer for the bereaved family.
15. The sight of the beautiful sunset served as a consoling moment after a long, hard day.
16. The couple found consoling refuge in their favorite hideaway by the beach.
17. She put her arms around him, offering consoling warmth and tenderness.
18. The sincere consoling message written on the card moved her to tears.
19. His gentle touch was enough for her to feel consoling relief.
20. Consoling words from a stranger provided the comfort she desperately needed.
21. In moments of doubt, the group of friends always came together with consoling support.
22. A consoling thought was all it took for her to get back on track.
23. She sought consoling advice from her mentor to help navigate the difficult situation.
24. The consoling scent of lavender helped her relax after a stressful day.
25. The sound of ocean waves was the most consoling music for his soul.
26. The hug felt both familiar and consoling at the same time.
27. Consoling words from her mother were all the comfort she needed to get through the tough time.
28. They stood together in silence, offering each other consoling company.
29. The gentle breeze blowing through the trees was a consoling whisper to her troubled mind.
30. Despite the heavy rain, the group offered consoling support to the flood victims.
Common Phases
not repeat words.1. It's okay to feel sad; I'm here to console you.
2. Sometimes we just need someone to listen; let me console you.
3. I'm sorry for your loss; can I console you in any way?
4. Take all the time you need to grieve; I'm here to console you.
5. Remember, you are not alone; let me console you.
6. It's understandable to feel overwhelmed; let me console you.
7. Lean on me if you need to; I'm here to console you.
8. I can't take away your pain, but I can console you through it.
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