Aid example sentences

Related (15): assist, support, help, facilitate, encourage, contribute, bolster, promote, subsidize, back, uplift, succor, sustain, reinforce, nourish.

"Aid" Example Sentences

1. The charity provided food and medical aid to the victims.
2. The Red Cross provided emergency aid after the hurricane.
3. Aid workers distributed supplies to the refugees.
4. Foreign aid poured into the disaster zone.
5. The relief organization coordinated the distribution of aid.
6. The rebels demanded food aid before releasing the hostages.
7. He applied for financial aid to pay for his tuition.
8. The new technology will aid in the search and rescue efforts.
9. The increased funding will aid the development of new treatments.
10. They called for increased international aid to help combat the crisis.
11. Aid packages were sent to the needy families.
12. Humanitarian aid was urgently needed to help the suffering people.
13. They donated money to aid victims of the earthquake.
14. Military aid was given to help fight the insurgents.
15. The disaster relief workers distributed food and water aid.
16. Financial aid helped fund her college education.
17. They appealed for more aid to help deal with the famine.
18. The new device will aid the disabled.
19. The increased police presence will aid in crime reduction.
20. The government program provided unemployment aid.
21. The new law should aid minority groups.
22. Practicing will aid in your memorization of the material.
23. The medication may aid in pain relief.
24. Learning new languages will aid your career growth.
25. The nurses assisted in providing medical aid.
26. His experienced opinion aided in making the right decision.
27. The additional funding will aid the current efforts.
28. The results of the study will aid research into a cure.
29. Foreign aid groups struggled to provide enough necessities.
30. The emergency dispatchers coordinated aid efforts.
31. New technology development will aid in early disease detection.
32. The prosthetic leg will aid his mobility.
33. His clarification helped aid our understanding.
34. The surgery aims to aid his vision.
35. Federal aid was sent to help with recovery efforts.
36. The donation drive collected aid for fire victims.
37. Attention to detail will likely aid in your success.
38. Her explanation aided my understanding of the lesson.
39. Exercise and a healthy diet can aid in preventing disease.
40. Instructions were given to aid in the assembly of the toy.
41. Financial aid helped him overcome hardship.
42. Her advice aided me in making the right decision.
43. The government provided economic aid to help rebuild infrastructure.
44. Additional manpower was sent to aid with rescue efforts.
45. New technology will aid scientists in medical breakthroughs.
46. The handrail will aid those with mobility issues.
47. The textbook served to aid my studying for the exam.
48. Aid workers distributed food and supplies to the homeless.
49. Tax relief was provided to aid struggling businesses.
50. He asked for aid in understanding the complex theory.
51. The government sent emergency aid after the earthquakes.
52. Military supplies were sent to aid the allied forces.
53. The volunteers assisted in distributing aid to those in need.
54. The funds will aid research into developing a cure.
55. Visual aids helped explain the complex process.
56. The prosthetic limb will aid his mobility and independence.
57. Aid organizations struggled to meet the high demand.
58. They requested international aid to deal with the refugee crisis.
59. Federal grants provide financial aid for disadvantaged students.
60. His careful explanation aided my understanding of the material.

Common Phases

1. The charity provided aid to victims of the earthquake.
2. The relief workers rushed to the disaster zone to provide emergency aid.
3. The medical aid arrived just in time to save many lives.
4. Foreign aid is essential in helping developing nations.
5. We applied for government aid to help repair the damage from the flood.
6. The teacher's assistant helped aid the struggling students.
7. The army came to our aid during the crisis.
8. Financial aid can make college more affordable for many students.
9. Military aid was sent to the rebel forces.
10. The first aid kit aided in treating the cut.
11. We couldn't have completed the project without her aid and guidance.
12. He requested the aid of the police to help find his missing daughter.
13. China pledged economic aid to the developing nation.
14. The International Red Cross provided disaster aid after the hurricane.
15. The coach's words of encouragement aided the team's performance.
16. The progress of science greatly aids mankind.
17. The 911 operator stayed on the phone to aid the victim until help arrived.
18. Legal aid is available for those who cannot afford an attorney.
19. Use Wikipedia to aid your research, but double check the facts elsewhere.
20. The tutor was able to aid the struggling students' understanding of math.
21. The prosthetic limb aided the soldier in walking again.
22. His poor memory was aided by notes he kept in his pocket.
23. U.S. aid supported construction of new schools in the developing nation.
24. The notes her classmate provided aided her studying for the big test.
25. The veterans charity helps aid homeless former soldiers.
26. Vision aids like glasses can improve eyesight.
27. Hearing aids help people with hearing loss.
28. We were able to come to your aid during your time of need.
29. Volunteers aided in cleanup efforts following the oil spill.
30. An educated population aids economic development.
31. Medical advances aid in treating many serious illnesses.
32. The government provided financial aid to farmers impacted by the drought.
33. Technology can aid people with physical disabilities.
34. Debt forgiveness can aid developing nations.
35. The lifeguard rushed to the swimmer's aid.
36. The teacher's explanations aided my understanding of the difficult concepts.
37. The nurse assisted in aiding the patient recover from surgery.
38. The guide dog aided the blind man in safely navigating the city streets.
39. Foreign aid donations supported recovery efforts following the earthquake.
40. The queen called upon her knights to aid her in battle.
41. Financial aid made it possible for me to attend the university.
42. The paramedics arrived to aid the injured accident victims.
43. The police aided us in our search for the missing girl.
44. Better immunizations will aid in the fight against disease.
45. Aid workers rescued survivors from the rubble.
46. Legal aid offered help filling out complicated forms.
47. His inebriated state hindered rather than aided his memory of the incident.
48. Notes in the margins of the textbook aided my understanding.
49. The neighbor came to our aid after learning of the fire.
50. Solar panels aid in generating renewable energy.
51. The chaplain arrived to aid the grieving families.
52. The guide dog aided the blind woman in crossing the street safely.
53. My mother aided me in learning how to cook.
54. The doctor's grim prognosis failed to aid the patient's spirits.
55. The tutor's explanation aided my understanding of the math problem.
56. Foreign aid is needed to provide emergency relief.
57. The medicine will hopefully aid in combating the infection.
58. My friend's notes aided me in studying for my exam.
59. The teleprompter aided the politician giving his speech.
60. The life raft aided the marooned sailors.

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