Contention example sentences

Related (6): disagreement, dispute, debate, argument, conflict, controversy

"Contention" Example Sentences

1. The main contention of the book is that happiness is attainable.
2. She had a strong contention that he was responsible for the missing money.
3. The researchers' contention was that the study was flawed.
4. His contention with his neighbor over the property line ended up in court.
5. The author's contention that technology is making us less social is an interesting idea.
6. The athlete's contention that he was not doping was proven false through drug testing.
7. The teacher's contention that homework is necessary for academic success is a widely held belief.
8. The company's contention that their product was superior to their competitors' was based on extensive research.
9. The politician's contention that the new policy would reduce crime was met with skepticism.
10. The historian's contention that the Battle of Gettysburg was a turning point in the Civil War is widely taught in schools.
11. The prosecutor's contention that the defendant committed premeditated murder was supported by witness testimony.
12. The journalist's contention that the government was covering up the truth about the war was met with criticism from officials.
13. The homeowner's contention that the building permit was flawed led to a dispute with the city.
14. The parent's contention that their child had been unfairly treated by the school resulted in a meeting with the principal.
15. The musician's contention that their new album was their best work yet was met with mixed reviews.
16. The artist's contention that their painting was a masterpiece was contested by some critics.
17. The lawyer's contention that the evidence presented by the prosecution was insufficient led to an acquittal.
18. The scientist's contention that their research would lead to a cure for cancer was an ambitious claim.
19. The coach's contention that the team would win the championship was a bold prediction.
20. The blogger's contention that social media is damaging to mental health is a controversial view.
21. The skeptic's contention that ghosts do not exist is a commonly held belief.
22. The filmmaker's contention that their documentary would expose corruption in the government was met with anticipation.
23. The economist's contention that a recession was imminent was a warning to investors.
24. The environmentalist's contention that climate change is caused by human activity is supported by scientific consensus.
25. The chef's contention that their dish was the best in the restaurant was subjective.
26. The coach's contention that the player needed more time to develop was met with frustration by the fans.
27. The writer's contention that their novel was a work of literary genius was praised by some reviewers.
28. The historian's contention that the Roman Empire fell due to internal decay is a widely accepted theory.
29. The musician's contention that their song was a tribute to their hometown was appreciated by their fans.
30. The educator's contention that critical thinking skills are essential for success in today's world is a commonly held belief.

Common Phases

1. There is a strong contention between the two parties; it has been going on for years.
2. The contention surrounding this issue is fierce; both sides are unwilling to budge.
3. The great contention among the team has caused a lot of tension; it's affecting their performance.
4. Contention has arisen due to conflicting opinions; it's difficult to come to a consensus.
5. The contention between the government and the opposition is escalating; it's becoming quite unstable.
6. The contention between the siblings is getting out of hand; someone needs to step in and mediate.
7. The contention over who gets to use the computer is causing a lot of arguments; it's driving everyone crazy.
8. The contention over resources is inevitable in a competitive environment; everyone wants to come out on top.
9. The contention between the landlord and tenant is causing problems; legal action may need to be taken.
10. The contention between the CEO and board of directors is hampering progress; a resolution is needed.

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