Convict example sentences

Related (12): prisoner, felon, inmate, criminal, offender, culprit, lawbreaker, wrongdoer, convict, parolee, trespasser, detainee.

"Convict" Example Sentences

1. The judge convicted the accused of first-degree murder.
2. The prisoner was convicted of armed robbery and sentenced to 20 years in prison.
3. The jury convicted the politician of embezzling campaign funds.
4. The criminal was convicted for his involvement in the bank heist.
5. The serial killer was finally convicted and will never be released.
6. The jury did not convict the defendant due to lack of evidence.
7. Jurors convicted him based on the eyewitness testimony.
8. Defense attorneys tried to convince the jury that their client should not be convicted.
9. The district attorney's job was to build a solid case to help convict the accused.
10. We need concrete proof to convict a suspect of this heinous crime.
11. The judge overturned the conviction due to insufficient evidence.
12. The escaped convict fled the prison in handcuffs.
13. Her husband was an innocent man wrongly convicted of a crime he did not commit.
14. The police hope to catch and convict the perpetrator of these crimes.
15. DNA evidence was used to convict the violent offender.
16. They hope to pardon the wrongly convicted man who spent 20 years in prison.
17. The detective worked tirelessly to find enough evidence to convict the guilty party.
18. The accused pleaded not guilty but the jury still convicted them.
19. The investigation gathered enough proof to finally convict the murderer.
20. Cell phone records helped authorities convict the child's kidnapper.
21. His confession led to his swift conviction and life imprisonment.
22. The judge sentenced the convicted criminal to 10 years in prison.
23. New evidence could potentially overturn the original conviction.
24. The wrongly convicted man served five years in prison before being exonerated.
25. Fingerprint analysis helped convict the criminal who left fingerprints at the scene.
26. The jury found the defendant guilty and convicted him of vehicular manslaughter.
27. The court convicted the gang members of violent crimes.
28. Police worked tirelessly to gather enough evidence to convict the serial killer.
29. The lawyer argued that his client should not be convicted based on circumstantial evidence.
30. The prosecutor built a strong case to help convict the rapist.
31. The man has been wrongly convicted and deserves justice.
32. DNA evidence exonerated the wrongfully convicted man who spent decades in prison.
33. The appeals court will decide whether to uphold the original conviction.
34. Airtight alibis prevented the jury from convicting either suspect.
35. Security footage helped authorities identify and convict the thief.
36. The private investigator worked to find evidence that could exonerate the wrongly convicted man.
37. The parole board will decide if the convicted felon deserves early release.
38. The jury deliberated for hours before deciding to convict the hit-and-run driver.
39. The defense attorney argued for a reduced sentence instead of a harsh conviction.
40. His confession led police straight to the evidence needed to secure a conviction.
41. The police finally caught, questioned, and convicted the pickpocket who had been operating in the city for years.
42. The witness's testimony helped seal the defendant's conviction.
43. They have been trying unsuccessfully for months to convict the serial arsonist.
44. The model inmate's behavior and good conduct led to an early parole and release despite his long conviction.
45. The judge ordered the brutal convicted felon to serve consecutive life sentences for his heinous crimes.
46. The jury ultimately voted to convict based on the weight of evidence presented during the trial.
47. Despite his family's financial hardship due to his conviction, the defendant refused an apology offer that could have shortened his sentence.
48. Although no physical evidence implicated him, circumstantial evidence was enough for a guilty conviction.
49. Advances in DNA testing made it possible for the wrongly convicted man to finally prove his innocence after decades in prison.
50. Fingerprints at the scene helped convict the armed robber.
51. An open-and-shut case led to a quick conviction.
52. The parole board decided that redemption and rehabilitation during his long conviction merited the elderly inmate's early release.
53. The judge commended the jury for their difficult but responsible decision to convict based purely on evidence without bias or prejudice.
54. The lawyer argued that the conviction was unfair due to illegal evidence collection methods.
55. The calm and composed defendant maintained his innocence despite the jury's guilty conviction.
56. Ballistics evidence linked the bullets at the crime scene to the convicted felon's unregistered firearm.
57. The district attorney cited several aggravating factors to argue for a harsher sentence and longer conviction.
58. The parole board finally granted early release after the convict had served 15 years of his life conviction.
59. The DNA test proved that the convicted rapist the prosecutors long celebrated for putting behind bars was actually innocent.
60. Evidence tampering came to light years after the original conviction, raising doubts about the legitimacy of the judicial process.

Common Phases

1. Wrongly convict - To find someone guilty of a crime despite their innocence.
2. Convict of a crime - To find someone legally guilty of committing a criminal offense.
3. Convicted felon - Someone who has been found legally guilty of a serious crime, a felony.
4. Conviction rate - The percentage of prosecuted cases that end in a guilty verdict.
5. Overturn a conviction - When an appeals court decides a convicted person's legal rights were violated, negating the original guilty verdict.
6. Appeal a conviction - To legally challenge a guilty verdict in a higher court.
7. Life conviction - A sentence of life imprisonment for a crime.
8. Hardened convict - An inmate who is violent, incorrigible or has been incarcerated for a long time.
9. Model convict - An inmate who behaves well and follows prison rules.
10. Secure a conviction - To obtain a guilty verdict in a trial.
11. Confession leads to conviction - When a suspect's admission of guilt provides evidence needed for a jury to find them guilty.
12. Pardon a convict - When a government official officially forgives a convicted criminal and releases them from prison.

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