Cosmos example sentences

Related (18): Universe, celestial, astronomy, space, galaxies, stars, planets, exoplanets, comets, meteoroids, nebulae, constellations, cosmology, extraterrestrial, interstellar, astrophysics, cosmogony, cosmologist.

"Cosmos" Example Sentences

1. The cosmos is an infinite expanse of stars and galaxies.
2. As an astronomer, I study the mysteries of the cosmos.
3. The exploration of the cosmos has fascinated humans for centuries.
4. She was in awe of the beauty of the cosmos as she gazed up at the night sky.
5. The cosmos is a vast and complex system that we have yet to fully understand.
6. The cosmos may hold the answers to some of life's biggest questions.
7. The concept of the cosmos has been important in many different cultures and religions.
8. The cosmos is home to countless planets, some of which may harbor life.
9. He believed that the cosmos was a reflection of the divine.
10. The exploration of the cosmos requires advanced technology and scientific knowledge.
11. The cosmos is constantly expanding and evolving.
12. The study of the cosmos is both fascinating and humbling.
13. The mysteries of the cosmos have inspired countless works of art and literature.
14. The cosmos is not just a physical entity, but also a realm of the mind and spirit.
15. She was awestruck by the sheer vastness of the cosmos.
16. Our understanding of the cosmos is constantly evolving as new discoveries are made.
17. The cosmos is filled with wonders and secrets waiting to be uncovered.
18. The beauty of the cosmos can be appreciated by anyone, regardless of their background or beliefs.
19. The exploration of the cosmos requires a deep sense of curiosity and wonder.
20. Some believe that the fate of the cosmos rests in the hands of human beings.
21. The cosmos is a source of inspiration and wonder for many people around the world.
22. The study of the cosmos helps us to better understand our place in the universe.
23. The beauty of the cosmos is a reminder of the vastness and mystery of existence.
24. The mysteries of the cosmos are a challenge to our human limitations and understanding.
25. The cosmos holds many lessons and insights for those who seek to learn from it.
26. The exploration of the cosmos requires a great deal of patience, dedication, and perseverance.
27. The cosmos is full of contradictions and paradoxes that challenge our assumptions and beliefs.
28. The study of the cosmos has led to many technological advancements and breakthroughs.
29. The cosmos is a reminder of the vastness and complexity of existence beyond our daily lives.
30. The mysteries of the cosmos are a source of both humility and awe for scientists and laypeople alike.

Common Phases

1. The mysteries of the cosmos continue to fascinate us;
2. Exploring the vastness of the cosmos is a daunting task;
3. The cosmos is full of wonders that we have yet to discover;
4. The cosmos encompasses everything in existence;
5. The beauty of the cosmos is something that everyone can appreciate;
6. The cosmos is a reminder of our place in the universe;
7. The complexity of the cosmos is a testament to the wonders of science;
8. The study of the cosmos requires a deep understanding of physics and astronomy;
9. The origins of the cosmos are still shrouded in mystery;
10. The cosmos is constantly evolving and changing.

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