Cowled example sentences

Related (7): hooded, robed, cloaked, masked, shrouded, veiled, disguised

"Cowled" Example Sentences

1. The knight's helmet cowled his head, hiding his face.
2. The winds cowled around the mountaintop, causing snow to drift.
3. The wizard's robes were cowled, concealing his features.
4. The night was cowled in darkness, making it difficult to see.
5. The statue's hooded robe was cowled, adding to its mysterious aura.
6. The storm clouds cowled the sky, threatening rain.
7. The criminal cowled his face with a hoodie to avoid detection.
8. The monk's face was cowled in humility as he bowed before the altar.
9. The horse's mane cowled around its neck as it galloped across the field.
10. The assassin's cowl concealed their identity as they moved in for the kill.
11. The singer cowled over the microphone, belting out a soulful ballad.
12. The congregation was cowled in prayer, seeking guidance from above.
13. The snowdrifts cowled around the house, blocking the front door.
14. The figure standing at the door was cowled in shadows, impossible to recognize.
15. The sorceress' cloak was cowled, making her look ominous and powerful.
16. The garden was cowled in a blanket of silence as the snow fell softly.
17. The owl cowled its wings, swooping down to catch its prey.
18. The sky cowled in ochre hues, signaling the arrival of dawn.
19. The druid was cowled in mist, his body almost translucent amidst the fog.
20. The castle's towers were cowled in greenery, making it a veritable fortress.
21. The hunter cowled in the bushes, waiting for his prey to appear.
22. The mountain range was cowled in mist, making it look ethereal and otherworldly.
23. The cobra cowled its head, ready to strike at any moment.
24. The river cowled quietly through the serene landscape, glistening under the sun's rays.
25. The ghost was cowled in a shroud, haunting the halls with its spectral presence.
26. The ceremony was cowled in tradition, adhering strictly to ancient rituals.
27. The veil was cowled over the bride's face, concealing her until the big reveal.
28. The mistletoe cowled around the oak tree, symbolizing rebirth and renewal.
29. The phoenix was cowled in fire, reborn from its ashes with renewed strength.
30. The tomb was cowled in darkness and silence, a final resting place for the departed.

Common Phases

not use capitalized words unless needed.
1. The figure moved silently through the shadows, cowled in darkness.
2. The cowled figure stood at the entrance of the temple, waiting for her.
3. With his face cowled in a hood, he sneaked past the guards undetected.
4. Her eyes shone brightly from within the cowled depths of her cowl.
5. He pulled the cowled cloak tightly around him, bracing against the cold wind.
6. The cowled monk bowed his head in reverence before the altar.
7. The cowled priest intoned a prayer for the departed spirit.
8. She watched the cowled procession move slowly down the aisle, awed by the solemnity of the occasion.
9. A cowled figure emerged from the mist, beckoning her to follow.
10. The cowled assassin slipped in and out of the shadows, striking with deadly grace.

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