Crass example sentences
Related (6): vulgar, tasteless, tacky, crude, insensitive, coarse
crass (adjective) · crasser (comparative adjective) · crassest (superlative adjective)
- lacking sensitivity, refinement, or intelligence:
stupid, insensitive, blundering, dense, thick, vacuous, mindless, witless, doltish, oafish, boorish, asinine, bovine, coarse, gross, utter, sheer, downright, total, outright, complete, absolute, thorough, perfect, blatant, unmitigated, unqualified, glaring, undisguised, naked, intelligent, Legal"Crass" Example Sentences
1. His crass comments offended the audience.
2. The advertisement featured crude and crass humor.
3. Her crass language shocked the other guests.
4. The crass joke fell flat and made everyone uncomfortable.
5. The movie's crass humor and explicit content limited its audience.
6. His crass attempt at flirting only offended her.
7. The artist rejected the crass commercialism of mainstream art.
8. The celebrity received criticism for her crass lack of tact.
9. The crass joke was in poor taste and inappropriate for the event.
10. His crass behavior made everyone dislike him.
11. The crass advertisement highlighted the company's lack of respect for customers.
12. The manager issued an apology for her employee's crass remarks.
13. Many found the comedian's crass humor vulgar and distasteful.
14. The crass emails eventually led to the employee's dismissal.
15. The media criticized the politicians for their crass money grab.
16. The party was full of crass shouting and crude behavior.
17. The disagreement quickly devolved into crass name-calling.
18. The crass commercializing of Christmas upsets many people.
19. Many think the book promotes a crass view of women.
20. The campaign received criticism for its crass scare tactics.
21. His letters home highlighted his crass views of women and nonwhites.
22. The film critics condemned the movie for its crass gratuitous violence.
23. Many complained the bureaucrat's crass ignorance of local issues.
24. The famous sculptor rejected the crass commercialism of pop art.
25. The crass joke left his audience stunned into silence.
26. The political ad drew criticism for its crass personal attacks.
27. The crass comment ended their budding relationship immediately.
28. His motivational speeches lack inspiration and rely too much on crass slogans.
29. The story highlighted the corporation's crass disregard for environmental concerns.
30. The paper Editorial condemned the politician's crass disregard for the law.
31. Many criticized the celebrity chef for her crass commercialism and product endorsements.
32. The crass insult left him fuming with anger for days.
33. The media criticized the pop star for promoting a crass view of relationships.
34. The politician received flak for her crass disregard of campaign promises.
35. The radio shock jocks were notorious for their crass humor and tasteless jokes.
36. The crass sexist comments were totally unacceptable in the workplace.
37. The comedian's raunchy, crass humor appealed only to a limited audience.
38. The consumer advocacy group criticized the ad for promoting a crass view of women.
39. The musician rejected the crass commercialism of mainstream music.
40. The crass tactlessness of their comments made everyone uncomfortable.
41. Many criticized the celebrity chef for turning cooking into a crass commercial enterprise.
42. The novelist portrayed the characters with crass sexism and stereotypes.
43. The activist lambasted the corporation for its crass disregard of environmental concerns.
44. The novelist presented a crassly simplistic view of complex social issues.
45. His crass attempt at flattery only sounded foolish and insincere.
46. The CEO issued an apology for his employee's crass and inappropriate remarks.
47. The jock's crass behavior alienated many classmates.
48. His crass language made many listeners turn off the radio in disgust.
49. Her crass lack of compassion shocked most people who met her.
50. The politician received criticism for promoting a crass view of immigrants.
51. Many found his immature and crass behavior totally unacceptable.
52. The social media post drew criticism for promoting a crass view of women.
53. The radio announcer received criticism for his crass and tasteless joke.
54. The artist rejected the crass materialism of commercial art.
55. The lawsuit accused the corporation of crass disregard for public safety.
56. The activist lambasted the corporation for its crass disregard for human rights.
57. The magazine received criticism for publishing an article promoting a crass view of culture.
58. His crass behavior left many audience members walking out in disgust.
59. The crudely designed tattoo highlighted the person's crass lack of taste.
60. The activist lambasted the corporation for its crass disregard of environmental sustainability.
Common Phases
1. The comment was a crass generalization.
2. His crass insults offended many guests at the party.
3. She found his attempt at humor crass and in poor taste.
4. The ad's crass commercialism missed the mark.
5. The politician made a crass attempt to appeal to voters' prejudices.
6. His crass materialism was off-putting.
7. The crude joke was met with crass laughter from the fraternity boys.
8. The crude remark was deemed too crass for broadcast television.
9. Her remarks have been blasted as crass and offensive.
10. The crass joke fell flat and offended many listeners.
11. The crass language on the song caused many radio stations to ban it.
12. The celebrity known for crass humor and outlandish behavior.
13. The rude insult was deemed too crass for mainstream audiences.
14. He made a crass attempt to hit on her at the party.
15. The crass advertising appealed only to the basest instincts.
16. Critics found the character's behavior crass and stereotypical.
17. The billboard's crass messaging turned off potential customers.
18. His crass remarks left many guests speechless with shock.
19. The crass attempts at humor fell flat and offended some listeners.
20. Critics blasted the movie for its overly crass humor and offensive content.
21. His crass disregard for others offended many at the reception.
22. The author is known for her blunt and sometimes crass style of writing.
23. The crude email sent by the executive was deemed crass and inappropriate.
24. The lobbyist's crass suggestion caused an uproar in the legislative chambers.
25. His crass behavior quickly wore out its welcome.
26. The commercial took a crass approach to a sensitive issue.
27. Her crass social media posts shocked and offended many followers.
28. He made a crass attempt to impress her with an obscene joke.
29. The vulgar lyrics and crass imagery limited the song's appeal.
30. The billboard's crass photo shocked drivers and triggered calls for its removal.
31. The humor was deemed too crass for family audiences.
32. His crass attempts to hit on women made them uncomfortable.
33. Many found the cartoon character's crude antics crass and inappropriate.
34. The books are known for their gritty realism and sometimes crass subject matter.
35. Viewers found the rude jokes on the show overly crass and distasteful.
36. She made a crass grab for attention through outrageous behavior.
37. The ad's crass wording trivialized an important cause.
38. Critics slammed the show for its crass stereotyping and frequent use of expletives.
39. His material was often deemed too crass for mainstream audiences.
40. The celebrity's crass behavior tarnished her wholesome public image.
41. Viewers found the show's frequent nude scenes gratuitous and crass.
42. The singer is known for his crass lyrics and profane onstage persona.
43. The magazine's crass headlines and sexualized content limit its appeal.
44. The joke relied on crass stereotyping for its supposed humor.
45. His crass comments left the room in stunned silence.
46. The comedian's material often bordered on the crass and offensive.
47. The sexist remarks were deemed crass and outdated.
48. The crude joke was met with groans for being in such crass bad taste.
49. The author is known for her socially conscious writings, not for crass commercialism.
50. The show resorted to increasingly crass stunts to garner higher ratings.
51. Critics panned the movie for its crass exploitation of crude stereotypes.
52. His crass flirting made her extremely uncomfortable.
53. The movie's crass humor and sexual content limited its appeal.
54. He made several crass attempts to kiss her despite her protests.
55. The politician's crass remarks cost him many supporters.
56. The commercial took a crass approach to a sensitive topic.
57. His crass disregard for others shocked and dismayed many guests.
58. The group's crass behavior quickly wore out its welcome at the party.
59. The grocery store's crass attempt to cash in on the tragic event backfired.
60. The politician's crass gaffes undermined his efforts to broaden his appeal.
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