Witless example sentences

Related (8): stupid, brainless, foolish, senseless, mindless, idiotic, silly, nonsensical

"Witless" Example Sentences

1. The witless driver was arguing with the police officer after causing a minor traffic accident.
2. The witless prank call left everyone unamused.
3. The boy made a witless attempt at humor that fell flat.
4. Her witless remarks got her into trouble with her boss.
5. The witless joke revealed his immaturity.
6. The witless comment cost him his job.
7. His witless behavior embarrassed his whole family.
8. The witless remark earned him a slap in the face.
9. The witless thief was easily caught by the police.
10. His witless plan to steal the treasure failed miserably.
11. Her dull and witless response irritated him.
12. His witless actions revealed his incompetence.
13. The witless thief tripped the security alarm at his first attempt to break in.
14. His witless remark drew groans from his coworkers.
15. After his witless antics, no one wanted to sit near him at lunch.
16. Their witless scheme fell apart almost immediately.
17. The witless player fouled his own teammate.
18. The witless crack drew laughter from everyone but the man he meant to amuse.
19. The witless politician quickly lost favor with his constituents.
20. His witless attempts to hit on women always failed.
21. The witless plan backfired and landed them in jail.
22. The witless contestant made a fool of himself on live TV.
23. Her witless attempts at humor fell flat.
24. His witless remark belittled his coworker's work.
25. The witless cliché ended his chance at a successful speech.
26. The officer saw through the witless teen's feeble attempt to hide the drugs.
27. The witless criminals left evidence everywhere that quickly led to their capture.
28. Their witless scheme failed to fool anyone.
29. The boy's witless remark netted him a punch in the face.
30. After several witless attempts at stealing, the burglar gave up.
31. The witless remark earned him a slap across the face.
32. His witless acquaintance never failed to annoy him.
33. The witless insult offended his coworker.
34. The witless suggestion was quickly dismissed.
35. The witless students failed the test despite extensive studying.
36. Their witless plan fell apart almost immediately.
37. The witless proposal was met with laughter and ridicule.
38. The witless joke fell flat and earned him looks of derision.
39. The witless remark angered his boss.
40. His witless behavior embarrassed everyone around him.
41. His smile revealed the witless thoughts behind it.
42. The witless comment got him fired from his job.
43. The witless pun earned him a groan and an eye roll.
44. His witless remark alienated his coworkers.
45. The witless boy's foolish comments made him seem stupid.
46. The witless fool constantly got himself into trouble.
47. The witless thief left fingerprints everywhere in his haste.
48. The witless remark cost him the chance at promotion.
49. His witless comments revealed his ignorance on the subject.
50. Her witless jokes irritated everyone at the party.
51. The witless crack showed he had missed the entire point.
52. The witless claim quickly discredited his whole argument.
53. The witless boy's antics frequently got him into trouble.
54. His witless actions revealed his incompetence and lack of intelligence.
55. The witless remark earned her a contemptuous look.
56. The witless remark earned him only puzzled stares.
57. Her witless mistakes cost the company thousands of dollars.
58. The witless thief was easily foiled by even the simplest of defenses.
59. His witless attempt at flattery fell flat and offended her instead.
60. The witless teenager constantly got into trouble with his idiotic antics.

Common Phases

1. The witless fool left his keys behind.
2. She regarded his witless comment with scorn.
3. The witless remark only served to infuriate his critics further.
4. The witless jibe did nothing but harm his argument.
5. He made a witless joke that fell flat with the audience.
6. Her witless neighbor continued to prattle on incessantly.
7. I cannot stand listening to his witless prattle any longer.
8. Their witless obsession with fame bewildered me.
9. I ignored his witless heckling and continued on with my speech.
10. The witless bully picked on the weaker students.
11. His witless behavior brought shame upon his family.
12. Her witless remark landed her in hot water with the boss.
13. The witless flattery fell on deaf ears.
14. She stared at him with a witless smile plastered on her face.
15. The witless candidate continued his endless campaigning.
16. The interviewer dismissed the candidate's witless answers.
17. His witless jokes received stony silence from the audience.
18. The witless newbie continued to make the same mistakes.
19. The witless eyes stared vacantly into space.
20. She dismissed his witless questions with a wave of her hand.
21. He continued to make witless accusations against his enemies.
22. The witless stare of the lobotomized patient was unnerving.
23. The witless team was outsmarted at every turn.
24. I could not bear another minute of his witless prattle.
25. His witless boasting only made him appear foolish.
26. The poor, witless creature had no idea of the danger.
27. She gave him a witless grin and continued on her way.
28. The witless chatter filled the room with nonsense.
29. His witless suggestions only served to complicate matters.
30. The witless comments only betrayed her own ignorance.
31. Her once charming boyfriend now seemed witless and annoying.
32. His witless followers blindly accepted his every word.
33. The witless gerbil ran endlessly on its wheel.
34. The witless henchmen carried out their orders blindly.
35. His once clever joke now sounded utterly witless.
36. The witless onlookers stared in confusion.
37. The witless crowd cheered without understanding.
38. Her desperate attempts to flatter him seemed utterly witless.
39. His witless servant fetched him drink after drink.
40. The army of witless drones marched on.
41. The witless tourist asked the same question repeatedly.
42. His witless guesses fell further and further from the truth.
43. The witless general led his army to defeat.
44. The witless chicken pecked at the same spot endlessly.
45. The witless sycophant laughed loudly at his master's every joke.
46. The politician's witless remarks were quickly forgotten.
47. The witless grins of the loitering teenagers filled her with dread.
48. His once witty jokes now sounded witless and repetitive.
49. The witless cronies laughed uproariously at their leader's lame jokes.
50. The witless throngs filled the stadium for the celebrity's concert.
51. His witless attempts to charm her only made her laugh.
52. The interviewer quickly became bored with the witless babbling.
53. The man had a witless grin plastered across his face.
54. The witless sidekick followed his companion mindlessly.
55. The witless fool ignored all warnings and walked into danger.
56. His once clever lyrics now sounded trite and witless.
57. The witless robot replied with the same monotonous phrase.
58. The witless cheerleaders went into mechanical routines.
59. The witless rascal ran off with his stolen loot.
60. His witless questions only betrayed his own lack of comprehension.

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