Craterlike example sentences

Related (5): cavernous, pockmarked, hollow, concave, indented

"Craterlike" Example Sentences

1. The moon's surface is covered in countless craterlike formations.
2. The car hit a pothole so deep that it left a craterlike indentation in the road.
3. The explosion created a craterlike hole in the ground.
4. The scar on her skin was craterlike in appearance.
5. The mountain's peak was surrounded by a craterlike depression.
6. The impact of the meteor created a craterlike cavity in the earth.
7. The terrain was dotted with many craterlike depressions.
8. The clay sculpture had a craterlike texture on its surface.
9. The geologists studied the craterlike formations to learn about the planet's history.
10. The artist used a rubber stamp with a craterlike pattern to create texture in her painting.
11. The rock formations in the canyon looked like craterlike pillars supporting the earth.
12. The sand dunes had a craterlike appearance, with hollows and ridges formed by wind erosion.
13. The chicken pox scars on her face were small craterlike pits.
14. The landscape was marked by a series of craterlike formations caused by ancient volcanic activity.
15. The asteroid left a craterlike impact on the planet's surface.
16. The bubbles on the surface of the boiling liquid created a craterlike pattern.
17. The porcelain vase had a unique craterlike texture created by glaze drips.
18. The storm left a craterlike pothole in the backyard where a tree had been uprooted.
19. The diver emerged from the water with a red, craterlike rash on his skin from jellyfish stings.
20. The parched desert landscape was marked by a series of craterlike sinkholes.
21. The chef created a dessert with a craterlike indentation in the middle for filling with fruit or sauce.
22. The shadows on the wall created a series of craterlike shapes from the leaves of the nearby trees.
23. The pottery had a distinctive craterlike design on its surface, the result of a specific firing technique.
24. The wildfire left a trail of charred, craterlike pits where trees and brush had burned.
25. The musician played a drum solo with a craterlike rhythm that echoed through the room.
26. The cracked pavement had a craterlike pattern where tree roots had grown below.
27. The volcanic island was surrounded by a ring of craterlike calderas formed by past eruptions.
28. The candy had a unique, craterlike shape with a hollow inside.
29. The erosion had created a series of craterlike caves in the limestone cliffs along the coast.
30. The meteor shower left the sky looking like a black canvas speckled with craterlike spots.

Common Phases

1. The moon's surface was full of craterlike formations; it almost looked as if it had been pockmarked by meteorites.
2. The old road was in such bad shape that it had become craterlike; driving on it was like navigating an obstacle course.
3. The field had been hit so many times by heavy rain that it had become craterlike; the soil was now compacted and difficult to work with.
4. The asteroid had impacted the planet's surface, causing a huge craterlike depression that stretched for miles.
5. The volcano had erupted violently, leaving behind a craterlike caldera that was still smoking and steaming.

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