Creepage example sentences

Related (12): leakage, distance, clearance, track, path, spread, margin, boundary, limit, edge, zone, area

"Creepage" Example Sentences

1. Without proper insulation, the creepage could cause a short circuit.
2. The technician observed creepage on the surface of the electrical conductor.
3. It is important to consider the creepage distance when designing electrical equipment.
4. The creepage rate of the material must be determined through testing.
5. The increase in creepage can lead to the degradation of the dielectric material.
6. The creepage path must be clear of any obstructions to prevent damage to the electrical equipment.
7. The effective creepage distance must be maintained to prevent electrical arcing.
8. The creepage resistance of the insulation material should be inspected regularly.
9. The insulation breakdown voltage and creepage distance are critical in preventing electrical failure.
10. The circuit design should adhere to the recommended creepage and clearance distances.
11. The creepage rate of the material is affected by environmental factors such as temperature and humidity.
12. The creepage distance of the electrical equipment should comply with safety regulations.
13. The insulation material must have a high creepage resistance to withstand high voltages.
14. Creepage across the surface of the electrical conductor can cause electrical discharge.
15. The creepage path of the electrical equipment should be kept dry and clean.
16. The creepage distance must be increased if the material is exposed to moisture or humidity.
17. Proper creepage distance is essential for the safe operation of electrical equipment.
18. The insulation material's ability to withstand creepage is crucial in high voltage systems.
19. The creepage distance is affected by the surface roughness of the electrical conductor.
20. The creepage and clearance distances should be considered when designing printed circuit boards.
21. The surface of the electrical conductor must be smooth to prevent creepage.
22. The recommended creepage distance depends on the voltage of the electrical equipment.
23. Creepage testing should be performed to determine the performance characteristics of the insulation material.
24. Creepage on the surface of the electrical equipment can cause electrical breakdown.
25. The creepage path should be inspected regularly to prevent electrical failure.
26. The design should provide a sufficient creepage distance to prevent electrical breakdown.
27. The creepage distance required for electrical insulation varies depending on the application.
28. The effect of creepage on the dielectric material should be evaluated over time.
29. Proper insulation design can prevent creepage and ensure the safe operation of electrical equipment.
30. Industry standards provide guidelines for the minimum required creepage and clearance distances.

Common Phases

1. The creepage distance between two conductive surfaces is crucial for electrical safety.
2. To reduce the risk of electric shock, the creepage path must be increased.
3. Creepage may occur due to the gradual deformation of materials over time.
4. It is important to consider creepage when designing electrical equipment for outdoor use.
5. Insulating materials can be used to prevent creepage in electrical circuits.
6. Creepage testing is necessary to ensure the safety and reliability of electrical products.
7. Creepage may cause electrical arcing between two conductive surfaces.
8. The creepage factor is a critical parameter in electrical insulation design.
9. Creepage can lead to equipment failure and malfunction if not properly addressed.
10. Electrical standards require a minimum creepage distance to be maintained between conductors.

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