Limit example sentences

Related (16): boundary, maximum, cap, restriction, ceiling, confinement, restraint, threshold, bar, cutoff, constraint, inhibition, obstacle, impediment, barrier, hindrance

"Limit" Example Sentences

1. The law limits the amount of pollution a factory can produce.
2. Speed limits are designed to make the roads safer.
3. Our budget limits us to spending no more than $500 on groceries this week.
4. The professor limited the number of absences allowed before failing the class.
5. The doctor ordered the patient to limit alcohol consumption.
6. The 10 page limit on the assignment challenged the student's ability to be concise.
7. The warranty limits the manufacturer's liability to repairing or replacing defective parts.
8. There are too many applicants to limit interviews to only a few candidates.
9. The Constitution limits the power of the federal government.
10. Without snow tires, the car could only go 40 mph on the icy roads, limiting its speed.
11. The time limit on the test stressed me out.
12. The penalty limits misconduct within the sport.
13. The CEO had to limit raises this year due to budget constraints.
14. We had to limit our shopping to only essential items to stick to the budget.
15. The photocopier limited the number of copies made per minute.
16. The government limits the amount of rice exported to control prices.
17. The library limits noise levels in order to provide a quiet place for studying.
18. Her illness limits her mobility and ability to work.
19. The restaurant limits how many people can be seated due to fire code requirements.
20. The expiration date limits how long the food can safely be eaten.
21. The constitution limits the president's power in several ways.
22. The weight limit on the bridge restricts trucks from crossing.
23. The medication has potential side effects that limit its use in children.
24. The firewall limits access to unsafe websites at work.
25. The jail limits visitors to immediate family members.
26. The suspect claims his limited education prevents him from understanding legal documents.
27. The students had to limit their speeches to 3 minutes or less.
28. We had to limit how much we packed to fit within the allowed baggage weight.
29. My limited mechanical skills prevent me from attempting complex repairs myself.
30. The limit on withdrawals from my savings account discourages frivolous spending.
31. The teacher limited class discussion to topics relevant to the curriculum.
32. The professor limited late assignments to only accept one per semester.
33. The law limits the amount of campaign contributions a donor can make.
34. We had to limit our overseas calls to only the most essential ones to control costs.
35. Her memory problems severely limit her independence.
36. The medication limits side effects to only minor nausea in some patients.
37. The budget severely limits options for new technology purchases this year.
38. Physical ailments limit my ability to exercise regularly.
39. The manager limited complaints to only those submitted in writing.
40. Her vision problems severely limit what she can read.
41. The terms of the contract strictly limit how the money can be spent.
42. The teenager tried to limit spending money to only necessities.
43. The living will limits medical interventions to exclude attempts at resuscitation.
44. The job listing limits applications to candidates with at least 3 years of experience.
45. The inspector's access was limited to only areas related to the complaint.
46. The refrigerator limits how long products can remain fresh.
47. The government limits immigration to a set number of visas per year.
48. Traffic jams limited our progress to a snail's pace.
49. The policy strictly limits use of the company vehicle to business purposes only.
50. Access is limited to authorized personnel only.
51. GPS corrections limit positioning errors to within a few meters.
52. My injuries currently limit my range of motion and strength.
53. Fire code requires doors that swing in the direction of exit travel, limiting design options.
54. The warranty only limits the manufacturer's liability up to the purchase price.
55. Air travel limits carry-on baggage to one bag per passenger.
56. Memory limitations restrict what can be stored and processed by a computer.
57. The law limits redistricting to using existing political boundaries wherever possible.
58. The altitude limits how high the plane can fly.
59. The duty roster limits overtime hours to no more than 10 per week.
60. The test had no time limit but most students still felt rushed.

Common Phases

1. The law limits maximum speed to 55 miles per hour.
2. Workers may not exceed the eight hour daily limit.
3. A fund with a $25,000 limit provides coverage for only so much.
4. She pushed herself to her physical and mental limits.
5. The company imposed strict limits on expenses.
6. The agreement sets no time limit on production.
7. A team reached its production limit by noon.
8. The teacher tried to set reasonable limits on chatter during class time.
9. The capacity and capability of machines limit possible options.
10. Limits exist for some tax deductions.
11. We reached the limit of our resources.
12. I reached my financial limit with this purchase.
13. Reaching word count limits can be challenging for essay assignments.
14. My body seems to have reached its pain limit for now.
15. Try to limit screen time for children.
16. There are limits to what technology can accomplish.
17. The therapist encouraged him to set reasonable limits with friends.
18. Limits exist for how many courses a student can drop.
19. Politicians tried to limit the discussion to relevant issues.
20. The restaurant limited customers to an hour and a half per table.
21. The password has a character limit of 8.
22. Limits on hunting keep animal populations from collapsing.
23. The amount of weight a car can tow is limited by its make and model.
24. Magazine word counts help limit the length of articles.
25. There is a limit to how long I can drive before taking a break.
26. Alcohol consumption should be limited during pregnancy.
27. Some credit cards limit how much you can withdraw per day.
28. Election ads will be limited to one minute in length.
29. Students kept trying to push the time limits on their presentation.
30. Income limitations determine assistance eligibility.
31. Government regulations aim to limit pollution emissions.
32. Our options became limited when resources ran out.
33. Try to limit how often you check your email
34. Her creativity seemed to know no limits.
35. Daily water use should be limited during droughts.
36. Apply limits to how long children play video games.
37. The warranty will limit product replacements to one per year.
38. Chemotherapy can only be limited to a certain dosage.
39. The professor limited class discussions to topics in the syllabus.
40. Regular exercise helps the body push its limits.
41. Global commerce has limited the effects of natural disasters.
42. My access has been limited since forgetting my password.
43. An oil spill threatened to limit fishing and tourism for years.
44. Debt limits how much money can be borrowed.
45. The rate of spending must be limited to match income.
46. There is no time limit on learning something new.
47. The agreement limited the scope of the research project.
48. Their choices became limited after losing part of their sight.
49. Limits were placed on how often the machine could be used.
50. The library limited the number of books that could be checked out.
51. Changes are limited by available technology and resources.
52. The contract limits my responsibilities to certain tasks only.
53. Limits exist on how many seats are available for free events.
54. The setting limited who characters could interact with in the story.
55. Phone calls will be limited to 15 minutes each during work hours.
56. Some disabilities can limit a person's ability to communicate.
57. Their goals are not limited by what others think is possible.
58. Controversial speech will be limited during school hours.
59. Try to limit distractions while studying or working.
60. Technology aims to remove limits on what humans can achieve.

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