Crimpling example sentences

Related (5): wrinkling, crumpling, creasing, folding, crushing

"Crimpling" Example Sentences

1. The crimpling of the paper signaled the beginning of the craft project.
2. His laughter caused a crimpling effect in the corners of his eyes.
3. The wind was crimpling the water of the lake into tiny waves.
4. The crimpling sound of the footsteps made her nervous.
5. The crimpling of the fabric under her fingers was satisfying.
6. The crimpling leaves underfoot announced the start of fall.
7. The crimpling of the plastic bag caught her attention.
8. The crimpling of the candy wrapper attracted the children.
9. The crimpling of the foil suggested a surprise inside.
10. The crimpling of the parchment paper hinted at something delicious.
11. The crimpling of the tissue paper signified a special gift.
12. The crimpling of the sheets woke her from her sleep.
13. The crimpling of the curtains in the wind created a eerie feeling.
14. The crimpling of the pages of the book made it feel like an old treasure.
15. The crimpling of the branches during the storm caused damage to the house.
16. The crimpling of the aluminum cans in the recycle bin made a satisfying sound.
17. The crimpling of the wrapper of the granola bar made it easy to open.
18. The crimpling of the chip bag let everyone within earshot know that a snack was imminent.
19. The crimpling of the candy wrapper made it hard to sneak a late night treat.
20. The crimpling of the newspaper underfoot announced his arrival.
21. The crimpling of the popcorn bag made them excited for movie night.
22. The crimpling of the bubble wrap was oddly satisfying.
23. The crimpling of the tissue paper around the flowers added to the excitement of receiving them.
24. The crimpling of the paper wrapper made it easy to remove the straw from the juice box.
25. The crimpling of the snack bag made it feel like a special treat.
26. The crimpling of the tea bag made the water turn a relaxing shade of brown.
27. The crimpling of the coffee bag announced the aroma of fresh coffee.
28. The crimpling of the chip bag was both satisfying and annoying during the movie.
29. The crimpling of the wrapping paper gave away the present before it was even opened.
30. The crimpling of the candy wrapper was the only sound in the quiet room.

Common Phases

1. He was crimpling his hair; trying to get it just right.
2. The paper was crimpling in the humidity; making it difficult to read.
3. She crimpled the pages of her notebook; frustrated by her lack of progress.
4. The leaves were crimpling underfoot; announcing the arrival of autumn.
5. He crimpled his tie as he adjusted it in the mirror; nervous for his job interview.

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