Crisp example sentences

Related (19): apple, potato, autumn, fresh, crunchy, breeze, leaves, salad, sound, quick, clean, fried, white, golden, pie, juicy, cold, air, clear

"Crisp" Example Sentences

1. The cold winter air was crisp and fresh.
2. The bright red apple had a crisp, juicy skin.
3. The chef made crisp french fries for the customer.
4. The butcher sliced the bacon into small, crisp strips.
5. She folded the sheets with crisp, precise motions.
6. His orders were delivered in a crisp military manner.
7. The actor gave a crisp, confident performance in the play.
8. The coach delivered his instructions in a crisp, authoritative tone.
9. He spoke with a crisp British accent.
10. The tree leaves crunched in a crisp, satisfying way under her feet.
11. The salads had crisp lettuce and fresh vegetables.
12. The toast emerged from the toaster hot and crisp.
13. The apple pie had a crisp, flaky crust.
14. The paper freshly removed from the printer felt crisp and smooth.
15. The man wore a crisp, ironed shirt and neatly pressed trousers.
16. The dry, brittle grass crackled in a crisp, satisfying way underfoot.
17. The green, freshly mown lawn looked crisp and inviting.
18. The chef made crisp potato chips for the appetizer.
19. The evening air was crisp and cool.
20. The autumn leaves crunched in a colorful, crisp carpet underfoot.
21. The sound of crunching an apple is so crisp and satisfying.
22. The new dollar bill felt crisp and fresh in his hand.
23. The captain issued crisp orders to his men.
24. The actor gave a crisp performance.
25. The freshly printed pages of the book felt crisp and smelled of ink.
26. Her voice was crisp and businesslike on the phone.
27. The newly fallen snow was crisp and undisturbed.
28. They served warm chocolate chip cookies that were hot and crisp around the edges.
29. The commander delivered crisp orders to his troops.
30. His comments were short and crisp.
31. The narrator spoke in a crisp, authoritative voice.
32. The freshly mowed grass smelled sweet and looked vividly green and crisp.
33. The dancers executed their moves with crisp precision.
34. The football players ran crisp patterns on the field.
35. The orders were delivered in crisp, unambiguous terms.
36. She loved the crisp feel of freshly laundered sheets.
37. The lettuce in the salad was fresh and crisp.
38. Her shirts were always neatly pressed and crisp.
39. His speech was concise and crisp, with no wasted words.
40. He gave a crisp salute to his superior officer.
41. The photographer wanted the models to sit up straight and look crisp and polished.
42. The new dollar bills felt fresh and crisp and full of promise.
43. The dress code required men to wear crisp shirts and suits.
44. The paper felt fresh and crisp as he pulled it from the printer.
45. The sound of cracking corn flakes is so crisp and satisfying.
46. The cold, clear autumn air was brisk and crisp.
47. The captain issued his orders in short, crisp sentences.
48. His words were short and crisp.
49. The children crunched through the fallen leaves in a crisp carpet of red and gold.
50. She took a bite of the apple and enjoyed the crisp, juicy crunch.
51. The freshly fallen snow looked brilliantly white and crisp in the sunlight.
52. The salad had crisp lettuce and juicy tomatoes.
53. The smell of wood smoke filled the crisp autumn air.
54. The freshly printed newspaper pages felt crisp and clean.
55. The general's commands were given in sharp, crisp tones.
56. The sound of the students' marching steps was crisp and precise.
57. The basketball players ran crisp, fluid patterns on the court.
58. His movements were quick, sharp, and crisp.
59. The buttermilk biscuits were hot and crisp from the oven.
60. The sound of the drum majorette's commands were sharp and crisp over the din of the band.

Common Phases

1. crisp air - The cold, fresh air on a wintry day.
2. crisp dollar bill - A new, unwrinkled dollar bill.
3. crisp edge - A clean, sharp edge.
4. crisp folds - Neat, sharp folds in fabric or paper.
5. crisp linen - Clean, freshly ironed linen clothes.
6. crisp note - A distinct, clear note or sound.
7. crisp routine - A routine performed with precision and coordination.
8. crisp sentence - A short, clear sentence with no excess words.
9. crisp commands - Commands given sharply and clearly.
10. crisp performance - A performance executed with precision and energy.

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