Croakings example sentences

Related (5): Croakings, noises, rasps, groans, whispers.

"Croakings" Example Sentences

1. The croakings of the frogs could be heard throughout the marsh.
2. The incessant croakings of the ravens made it difficult to sleep.
3. The eerie croakings in the haunted forest sent shivers down my spine.
4. The croakings of the toads signaled the start of the rainy season.
5. The croakings of the old man's voice made it hard to understand him.
6. The croakings of the crows foreshadowed the impending storm.
7. The croakings of the bullfrog filled the stillness of the night.
8. The croakings of the grumpy old man could be heard from down the street.
9. The croakings of the toads were like a symphony to her ears.
10. The croakings of the frogs were a comforting lullaby to the children as they fell asleep.
11. The croakings of the frogs and birds provided a peaceful ambiance to the garden.
12. The croakings of the nocturnal creatures in the rainforest were a mystery to the tourists.
13. The croakings of the bullfrog were a signal to the other frogs to start their chorus.
14. The incessant croakings of the cicadas could be heard all day long.
15. The croakings of the alligator made the surrounding animals wary and cautious.
16. The croakings of the toads were a reminder of the swamp's magic and mystery.
17. The croakings of the tree frogs could be heard from the nearby pond.
18. The croakings of the loons signaled the arrival of autumn.
19. The croakings of the bullfrog were a warning to the curious predators.
20. The croakings of the raven warned of an impending storm.
21. The croakings of the toads provided a steady backbeat to the music of the night.
22. The croakings of the baby chicks calling for their mother could be heard in the barn.
23. The croakings of the frogs and crickets created a natural medley of sound.
24. The croakings of the old man's voice carried across the busy street.
25. The croakings of the bullfrog were heard above the sound of rushing water.
26. The croakings of the crows in the morning sky created a chaotic yet beautiful pattern.
27. The croakings of the toads echoed through the valley as the sun set.
28. The croakings of the bullfrog were always the first to be heard as spring approached.
29. The croakings of the cranes could be heard from miles away.
30. The croakings of the frogs were a reminder that even in the quiet of the night, life could be heard bustling about.

Common Phases

The croakings of the frogs filled the swamp; the incessant croakings echoed through the forest; the mournful croakings added to the eerie atmosphere; the croakings became louder as the storm approached; the croakings were a sure sign of spring.

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