Crosstalk example sentences

Related (4): interference, noise, feedback, miscommunication

"Crosstalk" Example Sentences

1. During the conference call, there was a lot of crosstalk between the different departments.
2. The detective listened carefully for any crosstalk between the suspects during the interrogation.
3. The radio frequency was experiencing crosstalk, causing static interference.
4. The scene in the movie was so chaotic that all the dialogue turned into crosstalk.
5. The two scientists had a heated crosstalk about the interpretation of their data.
6. The moderator of the debate struggled to control the crosstalk between the candidates.
7. The military uses advanced technology to prevent crosstalk on their secure communication channels.
8. There was a lot of crosstalk when the musicians tried to play different songs at the same time.
9. In a party line telephone system, crosstalk is a common problem.
10. During the concert, the sound engineer had to suppress the crosstalk between the instruments.
11. The student's presentation was ruined by crosstalk coming from the next room.
12. The radio host had to apologize for the crosstalk during the live broadcast.
13. The cables in the server room were causing crosstalk and slowing down the network.
14. The flight attendant asked everyone to turn off their electronic devices to prevent crosstalk with the aircraft instruments.
15. The sound engineer adjusted the microphone levels to eliminate crosstalk and feedback.
16. The politicians couldn't hear each other over the crosstalk from the restless audience.
17. The audio mixer separated the tracks to prevent crosstalk and improve the sound quality.
18. The translator had to work hard to decipher the crosstalk between the two foreign delegates.
19. The satellite TV signal was disrupted by crosstalk from a nearby transmitter.
20. The radio operator struggled to filter out the crosstalk from other channels.
21. The soundproofing in the recording studio prevented crosstalk between the different instruments.
22. The communication devices used by astronauts are designed to minimize crosstalk in zero-gravity environments.
23. The judges had a hard time scoring the talent show because of the crosstalk between the different acts.
24. The acoustic engineer advised the client to invest in high-quality cables to reduce crosstalk.
25. The politician accused the opposition of crosstalk during the parliamentary debate.
26. The live TV broadcast was plagued by crosstalk from the in-studio audience.
27. The sound technician used a crossover to prevent crosstalk between the left and right audio channels.
28. The scientist discovered an interesting phenomenon related to crosstalk in his research on communication networks.
29. The customer service representative apologized for the crosstalk on the call and offered to transfer to a less busy line.
30. The musicians synchronized their timing to avoid crosstalk while playing their intricate melody.

Common Phases

1. "Sorry, I didn't catch that; can you repeat it without the crosstalk?"
2. "There's too much crosstalk happening, let's take turns speaking."
3. "I'm having trouble hearing you over the crosstalk on the line."
4. "Can we please eliminate the crosstalk and stay on topic?"
5. "The crosstalk is making it difficult to follow the conversation."
6. "Let's try to reduce the crosstalk and actively listen to one another."
7. "I think we need to mute our microphones to cut down on the crosstalk during this call."
8. "The crosstalk is causing confusion and delaying our progress."
9. "It's important to reduce crosstalk for effective communication and understanding."
10. "We need to address the crosstalk issue before continuing with this meeting."

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