Crypsis example sentences

Related (11): camouflage, concealment, hiding, deception, mimicry, adaptation, unrevealed, obfuscation, invisibility, secrecy, surreptitiousness

"Crypsis" Example Sentences

1. The bird's crypsis allowed it to blend in perfectly with the bark of the tree.
2. The lizard's crypsis made it nearly impossible to spot in the rocky terrain.
3. The military uses crypsis to make their vehicles and uniforms blend in with their surroundings.
4. The moth's crypsis allowed it to avoid being preyed upon by birds.
5. Companies use crypsis techniques in their marketing to make their ads blend in with the rest of the content online.
6. The butterfly's crypsis made it difficult for predators to spot it among the flowers.
7. In nature, crypsis is a very useful adaptation that helps animals avoid being eaten.
8. The camouflage on the soldier's uniform was designed to create a sense of crypsis in the midst of battle.
9. The chameleon's crypsis allows it to change its color to match its surroundings.
10. Crypsis is a tool used by many different creatures to evade detection by predators.
11. The spider's crypsis allowed it to blend in with the web it had spun.
12. The caterpillar's crypsis made it appear to be a stick or leaf, deceiving predators.
13. A good spy knows how to achieve crypsis, blending in with their environment to avoid detection.
14. The octopus has an incredible ability to achieve crypsis, blending in with its surroundings perfectly.
15. Adaptive crypsis allows animals to change their color or pattern to match their environment as it changes.
16. Mosses and lichens on trees use crypsis to avoid being eaten by insects.
17. Crypsis can be achieved through many different methods, such as color, pattern, texture, and behavior.
18. The snake's crypsis made it appear as a fallen branch, allowing it to catch prey unawares.
19. The crab's crypsis allowed it to blend in with the sand on the bottom of the ocean floor.
20. Crypsis is not limited to the animal kingdom, as certain plants have developed the ability to blend in with their environments.
21. The snowshoe hare's crypsis allows it to blend in with the snow in the winter months.
22. Some predators, such as the jaguar, use crypsis to blend in with their surroundings and ambush their prey.
23. The arctic fox's crypsis allows it to blend in perfectly with the snow and ice in its habitat.
24. Crypsis is not a foolproof defense, as some predators have evolved the ability to see through it.
25. The stick insect's crypsis makes it look like a twig, allowing it to avoid being eaten by birds.
26. Some species of fish use crypsis to blend in with coral reefs and avoid being eaten by larger fish.
27. The snail's crypsis makes it look like a rock, helping it survive in harsh environments.
28. Crypsis is a testament to the incredible adaptability of animals and plants in the natural world.
29. The seahorse's crypsis allows it to blend in with sea grass, avoiding detection by predators.
30. Crypsis is a fascinating topic of study for scientists, as they seek to understand how animals and plants are able to achieve it.

Common Phases

1. The army used crypsis techniques to camouflage their tanks;
2. The chameleon's crypsis allowed it to blend into its surroundings;
3. The butterfly's wings had intricate patterns for crypsis;
4. The octopus changed its colors for effective crypsis;
5. The spy used crypsis to remain undetected in enemy territory.

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