Obfuscation example sentences

Related (12): deception, confusion, subterfuge, concealment, ambiguity, complexity, misdirection, equivocation, pretense, camouflage, mystification, opacity.

"Obfuscation" Example Sentences

1. His obfuscation only resulted in more confusion.
2. She saw through his obfuscation and demanded the truth.
3. The company's obfuscation raised suspicions of wrongdoing.
4. Muddling through layers of obfuscation, the truth was difficult to find.
5. The politician's obfuscation only bred more distrust among voters.
6. His obfuscation did little to disguise the reality of the situation.
7. The politician resorted to obfuscation to avoid answering difficult questions.
8. The official's obfuscation failed to conceal the organization's failures.
9. Accusations of obfuscation followed the department head.
10. Transparency is the antidote to obfuscation.
11. Their attempts at obfuscation only fueled rumors.
12. His obfuscation started as a defensive response.
13 The report called out the department for their continued obfuscation.
14. The journalist sought to cut through layers of obfuscation to reach the truth.
15. Anger brewed over the company's persistent obfuscation of the facts.
16. Instead of clear answers, we only got more obfuscation.
17. The PR team sought to minimize damage through careful obfuscation.
18. All she received in response were layers of impenetrable obfuscation.
19. They were met with more lies and obfuscation.
20. The obfuscation soon wore thin and the truth came out.
21. Intentional obfuscation is a poor way to run an organization.
22. Her obfuscation finally gave way to confession.
23. His desperate obfuscation only served to fuel her anger.
24. Their obfuscation hid mismanagement and neglect.
25. The obfuscation was so complete it bordered on fiction.
26. Her obfuscation concealed a multitude of sins.
27. His carefully crafted obfuscation could not long withstand scrutiny.
28. We grew weary of constant excuses and obfuscation.
29. Her obfuscation seemed intended to mislead and confuse.
30. Repeated obfuscation undermined his credibility.
31. She saw through their attempts at obfuscation.
32. Anger grew over continued denials and obfuscation.
33. His obfuscation obscured more than it revealed.
34. Their obfuscation hid neglect of responsibility.
35. Even the most skillful obfuscation could not conceal the truth forever.
36. The speaker's obfuscation failed to persuade the skeptical audience.
37. His obfuscation only fueled rumors and speculation.
38. The lawyer attempted to bury the truth under layers of obfuscation.
39. The department's obfuscation finally gave way to admission of fault.
40. Careful obfuscation concealed serious problems.
41. They assumed everyone would believe their obfuscation.
42. We grew tired of attempting to navigate his obfuscation.
43. Accountability was nearly impossible due to the rampant obfuscation.
44. They had perfected the art of skillful obfuscation.
45. His obfuscation created more questions than answers.
46. Their obfuscation alienated listeners rather than convincing them.
47. We saw through her layers of carefully crafted obfuscation.
48. The critic tore through layers of obfuscation to reveal the truth.
49. His obfuscation only highlighted the problem, not solved it.
50. The organization's persistent obfuscation eroded trust.
51. They met his obfuscation with skepticism.
52. His obfuscation created more confusion than clarity.
53. The obfuscation seemed intended to conceal wrongdoing.
54. Clear communication is the opposite of misleading obfuscation.
55. Their obfuscation lasted only as long as their credibility.
56. Calls for transparency replaced pleas for continued obfuscation.
57. He shrouded himself in layers of impenetrable obfuscation.
58. Repeated obfuscation finally incurred consequences.
59. Persistent obfuscation drained goodwill and trust.
60. The more obfuscation they used, the more skeptical people became.

Common Phases

1. The politician's obfuscation of the facts only served to make him seem untrustworthy.
2. The contract was filled with legal jargon and obfuscation in an attempt to hide important details.
3. The authorities were unable to determine the truth due to the suspect's constant obfuscation and deception.
4. The marketing department used obfuscation and vagueness in their advertising campaign to create hype.
5. The professor criticized the essay for its intentional obfuscation of key details.
6. The media accused the governor of intentional obfuscation when explaining the budget cuts.
7. The defense attorney used obfuscation and technicalities to try and confuse the jury.
8. The technical report was filled with verbiage and deliberate obfuscation to make it seem more complicated than necessary.
9. The administration's purposeful obfuscation of facts angered many students and faculty.
10. The corporate memo was full of intentional obfuscation to disguise the planned layoffs.
11. Their obfuscation and vagueness only raised more questions and suspicion.
12. The goal of his obfuscation seemed to be to avoid providing a clear answer.
13. The employee handbook was full of purposeful obfuscation to hide policies that workers might object to.
14. The salesperson's constant obfuscation and misdirection made it hard to trust what they were selling.
15. The terms of service agreement used obfuscating legal jargon clearly designed to limit the company's liability.
16. The witness provided so much obfuscation and misdirection that his testimony was deemed unreliable.
17. The government official's obfuscation only served to undermine public trust.
18. Activists accused the company of intentional obfuscation regarding their environmental record.
19. They accused him of using meaningless obfuscation to hide the fact that he didn't actually have a solution.
20. The terms of the contract were obfuscated in overly legalistic language seemingly designed to confuse.
21. The politician's speech was filled with empty rhetoric and obfuscation rather than providing any real solutions.
22. The bureaucratic memo was filled with intentional obfuscation designed to limit transparency.
23. The professor called out the student's paper for its excessive use of obfuscating jargon.
24. Critics accused them of obfuscating the important facts to downplay the risks involved.
25. The company's website was filled with obfuscating technical specifications that were impossible to decipher.
26. The minister skillfully used obfuscation and vague answers to avoid answering difficult questions.
27. The excessively wordy proposal seemed designed primarily for obfuscation rather than clear communication.
28. The new management quickly instituted a program of intentional obfuscation and limited transparency.
29. The legal brief was filled with intentional obfuscation designed to confuse rather than enlighten.
30. Activists accused the government of purposeful obfuscation to hide key facts from the general public.
31. The official rebuttal relied heavily on obfuscation and misdirection rather than providing a clear factual response.
32. The confusion stemmed more from the speaker's intentional obfuscation rather than the complexity of the topic.
33. The witness relied on vague evasive answers and obfuscation rather than providing any clear responses.
34. Intense obfuscation and deception made it nearly impossible to determine the truth of the matter.
35. Sources accused the media of intentional obfuscation of facts to promote a particular agenda.
36. The manual employed overly technical and obfuscating explanations that were needlessly confusing.
37. His constant obfuscation and misleading answers only made him seem more suspicious.
38. Simple facts were buried under layers of intentional obfuscation and misleading rhetoric.
39. The official statements relied heavily on obfuscation and misleading language to downplay the incident.
40. Employees accused management of intentional obfuscation of policies to limit transparency.
41. The company website provided meaningless technical details and obfuscation instead of clear honest explanations.
42. The government report was filled with jargon, obfuscation and misleading statements designed to minimize problems.
43. The professor criticized the student paper for its reliance on jargon and obfuscating explanations.
44. The witness's obfuscation and intentional vagueness called their credibility into question.
45. The official response relied more on evasive obfuscation than providing clear factual answers.
46. Activists accused government of intentional obfuscation to hide environmental deregulation efforts.
47. The candidate's speech was filled with empty rhetoric and intentional obfuscation rather than substance.
48. The witness provided vague responses and intentional obfuscation instead of being straightforward and honest.
49. Simple facts were buried under layers of intentional jargon, obfuscation and misleading rhetoric.
50. The terms of agreement relied on overly technical and obfuscating legalese seemingly designed to confuse.
51. His obfuscating explanations only served to further confuse an already complex topic.
52. Management employed intentional obfuscation of policies and procedures to discourage worker dissent.
53. Obfuscating jargon and misleading terminology made it impossible for the general public to understand the issue.
54. Their promotional materials relied primarily on empty buzzwords, obfuscation and misdirection.
55. The organization was accused of intentional obfuscation to hide key facts from the public.
56. The dissertation was criticized for relying too heavily on jargon and obfuscating explanations.
57. The official response was filled with meaningless platitudes and intentional obfuscation designed to diffuse criticism.
58. The handbook used intentionally obfuscating legal language seemingly designed to absolve the company of liability.
59. The company employed confusing instructions, jargon and intentional obfuscation to make their product seem more sophisticated.
60. The internal memo used obfuscating language and misdirection seemingly designed to mislead lower level employees.

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