Cupboardy example sentences

Related (13): cabinet, storage, pantry, closet, shelf, hutch, wardrobe, armoire, locker, compartment, cupboard-like, niche, alcove.

"Cupboardy" Example Sentences

1. The kitchen had a cupboardy smell.
2. I opened the cupboardy door and found the cereal.
3. She organized her wardrobe in a cupboardy style.
4. The room was dim and cupboardy.
5. He reached into the cupboardy depths and grabbed a mug.
6. The old cupboardy cabinet was filled with antique books.
7. I felt a bit claustrophobic in that small, cupboardy room.
8. The house had a very cupboardy feel to it.
9. The clinking of glasses in the cupboardy kitchen woke me up.
10. The little cupboardy space underneath the stairs was perfect for hiding.
11. She buried her face in the cupboardy aroma of baking cookies.
12. The cherry wood cupboardy table was the centerpiece of the dining room.
13. The cupboardy shelves were lined with jars of homemade preserves.
14. The musty, cupboardy smell of the antique store was overwhelming.
15. I loved the nostalgic, cupboardy look of the vintage diner.
16. The old lady's house had a very cupboardy clutter to it.
17. The cupboardy pantry was well-stocked with canned goods.
18. Despite the small size of the cupboardy motel room, it had everything we needed.
19. The cupboardy sound of the creaking floorboards echoed through the empty house.
20. As I sat there, staring at the cupboardy walls, I started to feel trapped.
21. The cupboardy aroma of herbs and spices filled the air.
22. The cramped, cupboardy quarters of the submarine took some getting used to.
23. The musty, cupboardy scent of hay filled the barn.
24. The little girl loved to play tea party with her dolls in the cupboardy kitchen.
25. The cupboardy closet was bursting with clothes and shoes.
26. The tiny, cupboardy apartment was all he could afford.
27. The cupboardy classroom smelled like chalk and textbooks.
28. The old, cupboardy piano creaked as I played it.
29. The dusty, cupboardy attic was a treasure trove of forgotten memories.
30. The cupboardy basement was where he kept his secret stash of beer.
31. The little cupboardy bookshop downtown was a hidden gem.
32. The cupboardy cabinets in the bathroom were cluttered with unopened products.
33. She carefully arranged the flowers in a cupboardy vase on the table.
34. The cupboardy living room had a cozy fireplace in the corner.
35. The vintage car had a very cupboardy interior.
36. The dingy, cupboardy hotel room had seen better days.
37. The creaky, cupboardy stairs were a bit unnerving to climb.
38. The cupboardy walls were adorned with vintage photos of the family.
39. The antique dresser had that classic, cupboardy look to it.
40. The dimly-lit, cupboardy hallway led to an unknown destination.

Common Phases

1. The kitchen cabinets are a bit cupboardy;
2. I don't like the way this room feels so cupboardy;
3. The old house had a heavy, cupboardy smell;
4. This hotel room has a real cupboardy vibe;
5. The antique shop was cluttered and cupboardy;
6. The basement was dark and cupboardy;
7. The attic had a musty, cupboardy smell;
8. The storage room was full of cupboardy furniture;
9. The pantry was small and cupboardy;
10. The classroom had a cupboardy, old-school feel.

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