Niche example sentences

Related (1): specialty

"Niche" Example Sentences

1. The company focused on a niche market.
2. She carved out a niche for herself in the industry.
3. His product filled a niche that no one else was serving.
4. The startup aimed to fill a niche not served by larger companies.
5. They cater to a very specific niche of customers.
6. She tried to find her niche within the organization.
7. The business model targeted an underexploited niche.
8. The product found success by filling a niche left empty by competitors.
9. The program fills an important niche in the curriculum.
10. The cafe aims to fill a niche for quality coffee and desserts.
11. His music fit into a very specific niche of listeners.
12. They operate within a niche sector of the banking industry.
13. The shop sells items geared toward a very niche audience.
14. The hotel attempts to fill a niche for luxury, boutique accommodations.
15. The publication fills an important niche for that particular audience.
16. The festival aims to fill a niche for that type of music and culture.
17. The service is targeted at a very niche segment of the market.
18. The restaurant fills a niche for high-end continental cuisine.
19. His writings appeal to a particular niche of readers.
20. The product exists in a niche largely ignored by other companies.
21. His research interests fall within a very niche area of the field.
22. The job served her well by filling a niche in her career.
23. The website serves a niche community of interest.
24. The product filled a profitable niche in a crowded market.
25. His film interests fall within a very niche genre.
26. His artworks appeal to a specific niche of collectors.
27. They aimed to capture a niche portion of the market.
28. The item fills an important, albeit niche, role in the industry.
29. The job offers a niche opportunity within a larger career field.
30. The boutique fills a niche for hard-to-find accessories.
31. The organization serves an underserved niche community.
32. His research agenda focuses on a niche area within his field.
33. The website fills a niche by providing specialized content.
34. The school offers an important niche program within the district.
35. Her hobbies fall within a rather niche interest area.
36. The app aims to fill an untapped niche within the market.
37. The product targeted a niche audience within a broader demographic.
38. His business carved out a successful niche in an oversaturated market.
39. The store fills an important niche for luxury goods.
40. The museum fills an important niche by focusing on a specific time period.
41. The class aims to fill an important niche within the curriculum.
42. She enjoys activities that fall within a rather niche category.
43. The organization aims to fill an important niche within the community.
44. The restaurant fills a profitable niche for ethnic cuisine.
45. The job serves an important niche function within the company.
46. The product exists within a rather niche area of the industry.
47. The magazine focuses on a very niche segment of news.
48. The club fills an important social niche within the community.
49. The musician caters to a niche group of followers.
50. His expertise falls within a very niche subdomain of the field.
51. The policy aims to fill an important niche need within the population.
52. The store fills an important niche for hard-to-find items.
53. The business aimed to capture a small but profitable niche in the market.
54. The item fills a niche role within the broader category.
55. The school program serves an important niche within the district.
56. The product fills an unmet niche demand within the sector.
57. The job serves an important, albeit niche, function within the larger organization.
58. The documentary focuses on a niche topic within a broader issue.
59. The book aims to fill an important niche within the genre.
60. The organization fills an important niche role within the community.

Common Phases

1. Carve out a niche - to establish or secure a position or foothold for oneself in a specialized area. She carved out a niche for herself as a travel writer.
2. Fill a niche - to occupy or satisfy a need within a specialized area. The restaurant aimed to fill a niche for vegetarian cuisine.
3. Niche market - a specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service. Their marketing campaign targeted a very specific niche market.
4. Niche audience - a specialized group of consumers for a particular product or service. The video game targeted a niche audience of teenage boys.
5. Niche industry - an industry that serves a specialized market. Financial services companies operate within a niche industry.
6. Niche interest - an area of interest that appeals to a small number of people. Stamp collecting is considered a niche interest.
7. Niche sector - a specialized segment within a larger industry. They operate within the niche sector of organic, gluten-free foods.
8. Target a niche - to focus one's products or services on a specialized segment. The startup aimed to target a niche market underserved by larger companies.
9. Untapped niche - an area of specialization that has not been fully taken advantage of. They saw an untapped niche within the athletic apparel industry.
10. Cater to a niche - to provide products or services that appeal to a specialized segment. The spa aimed to cater to a niche of upscale, health-conscious clients.

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