Curing example sentences

Related (6): healing, recovering, treating, alleviating, remedying, rehabilitating

"Curing" Example Sentences

1. The doctor recommended curing the illness with antibiotics.
2. They are curing the meat in a mixture of salt, spices and sugar.
3. Curing concrete involves adding chemicals that accelerate the hardening process.
4. The aging process resulted in curing the wine's acidic flavors.
5. The curing process for cheese includes salting, pressing and aging.
6. Curing tobacco involves drying and conditioning the leaves.
7. He is using Ultraviolet light therapy in an attempt to cure his skin condition.
8. Researchers are working on developing new treatments to cure cancer.
9. The disease has so far proved incurable despite efforts at curing it.
10. The bakerybread continues curing even after it has been baked.
11. The company is testing a new vaccine they hope will cure the virus.
12. They applied the curing agent to harden the epoxy resin.
13. The curing process for rubber involves adding sulfur.
14. Experts recommend a balance of exercise and rest in curing exhaustion and fatigue.
15. The patient's condition is not responding well to the curing treatment.
16. The meat needs to hang for a few days to allow the curing process to take effect.
17. The gemstones were sealed using a curing resin.
18. Exposure to sunlight helps in curing some skin conditions naturally.
19. Curing ham involves covering it in a mixture of salt, sugar and spices.
20. She applied the curing salve to her wound every day.
21. The illness left him bedridden for weeks before curing.
22. Most illnesses eventually cure themselves given enough time.
23. Depression and anxiety are medical conditions that often require treatment before curing.
24. The tannery uses a curing agent to prevent the leather from rotting.
25. There is no proven medical treatment that reliably cures the common cold.
26. They used a silicone sealer to cure the cracks in the tile grout.
27. The adhesive needed 12 hours to fully cure at room temperature.
28. Many alternative therapies claim to cure chronic illnesses but lack scientific evidence.
29. The surgeon carefully checked for any residual infection before curing the procedure a success.
30. Exposure to oxygen helps speed up the curing process for some resins.
31. Plant extracts are often used as natural curing agents in alternative medicine.
32. Cold and flu symptoms usually cure themselves within a week or two.
33. The wound continued curing for several weeks after the stitches were removed.
34. The compound will cure hard when exposed to UV light.
35. The dentist injected a curing light into the filling material.
36. The aging process helps give wine its complex flavors through curing.
37. He was curing ham in the kitchen for their Christmas dinner.
38. She applied the curing balm twice a day to help heal her sunburn.
39. The doctor prescribed antibiotics to help cure the infection.
40. Smoking cessation programs aim to help people cure their nicotine addiction.
41. Researchers are attempting to find a drug that will cure Alzheimer's disease.
42. Time and patience are often the best medicines for curing heartbreak.
43. The film cures in just a few seconds when exposed to sunlight.
44. The tribal healer attempted to cure the illness with herbal remedies.
45. The paint needed 24 hours at room temperature before fully curing.
46. Stress can weaken the immune system and make curing illness more difficult.
47. Some cancers cannot currently be cured with existing medical treatments.
48. Warmth and humidity help speed up the curing process for many foods.
49. She carefully monitored the patient's progress as he cured from his injuries.
50. Brine curing involves soaking the meat in a salty solution.
51. Curing the illness required a combination of antibiotics and bed rest.
52. Curing concrete involves a chemical reaction that hardens the material.
53. They hung the turkey to cure in a cool, dark place.
54. The composite material will continue curing for up to seven days.
55. The surgeon said the operation cured the tumor.
56. Researchers hope that gene therapy may one day cure many genetic diseases.
57. The curing process transforms milk into cheese.
58. His memory slowly cured over the years after the traumatic event.
59. The tincture seemed to be curing his cold symptoms.
60. The glue needed 24 hours to fully cure.

Common Phases

1. Researchers are working on curing many diseases.
2. Scientists have developed a vaccine that may help cure the virus.
3. The patient underwent chemotherapy in hopes of curing his cancer.
4. Alternative medicine proponents claim their methods can cure illnesses modern medicine cannot.
5. Researchers are testing a new drug for curing Alzheimer's disease.
6. The doctor tried many treatments before finding the right one for curing his patient's infection.
7. The tomato is curing on the windowsill.
8. Curing meat involves covering it with salt or using certain chemicals.
9. Curing tobacco leaves is a crucial step in making cigars.
10. Salt curing is a common method for preserving meat and fish.
11. They tried many different herbal remedies before finding one that helped cure her headaches.
12. Early attempts at curing diseases involved dubious methods.
13. Cheesemakers carefully monitor the curing process.
14. Ancient cultures used herbs and remedies they believed helped cure illness.
15. Curing illnesses is the ultimate goal of medical research.
16. Smoking the cured meat helps preserve it further.
17. Scientists are close to curing several forms of cancer.
18. The surgeon said the surgery had a high chance of curing his condition.
19. Doctors prescribe antibiotics in hopes of curing infections.
20. Curing the illness required several months of intensive treatment.
21. The wound needs time and proper care to cure on its own.
22. Scientists are working to develop a vaccine that could potentially cure HIV/AIDS.
23. Over time and with treatment, many illnesses can cure themselves.
24. High levels of stress can hinder the body's ability to cure itself.
25. The doctor's experimental treatment successfully cured her disease.
26. Alternative cures and herbal remedies promise much but often deliver little.
27. Proper nutrition and rest are often crucial in curing illness.
28. Curing the meat in salt preserved it for storage and transport.
29. Researchers are testing a combination drug therapy for curing malaria.
30. There is no known cure for certain genetic diseases.
31. Traditional Chinese medicine has been used for centuries to help cure illnesses.
32. Brining is another common method for curing meat and fish.
33. Exposure to sunlight can help cure some skin conditions.
34. The procedure has proven effective at curing certain forms of deafness.
35. Curing sickness is often more difficult than preventing it.
36. Honey can help cure minor wounds and burns when applied topically.
37. She tried every herb and supplement advertised to cure insomnia but nothing helped.
38. Tobacco leaves must be cured properly before use.
39. Antibiotics can help cure bacterial infections but not viral ones.
40. Exercising regularly may help the body cure itself of minor illnesses more quickly.
41. Patients were hopeful the new treatment would finally cure their rare disease.
42. Proper curing techniques produce cheese with the desired texture and flavor.
43. Alternative medicine focuses more on curing the whole person, not just the disease.
44. Curing rubber involves treating the raw material with certain chemicals.
45. Curing the meat requires hanging it for several days.
46. Many people resort to herbal remedies in hopes of curing chronic conditions.
47. The patient was finally cured of her long illness after aggressive treatment.
48. Curing the raw hide produces soft, supple leather.
49. Researchers are working to discover cures for conditions that currently have none.
50. Natural remedies can sometimes help cure mild illnesses.
51. After five years of treatment, his cancer was finally cured.
52. The ham was covered in brown sugar during the curing process.
53. Some believe positive thinking and meditation can help cure illnesses.
54. Early medicine men used herbs and rituals they believed helped cure sickness.
55. Time and rest usually cure most sprains and strains.
56. Proper wound care and antibiotics eventually cured the severe infection.
57. Strictly following the curing instructions ensured a delicious end product.
58. Modern medicine has helped cure diseases that once had no cure.
59. The infection slowed her recovery but eventually cured on its own.
60. Researchers are close to developing a breakthrough cure for many forms of cancer.

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