Curiousness example sentences
Related (6): inquisitiveness, interest, exploration, investigation, questioning, eagerness
- noun form of curious
curious (adjective) · curiouser (comparative adjective) · curiousest (superlative adjective)
- eager to know or learn something:
- expressing curiosity:
- strange; unusual:
curious, eager, excited, impatient, keen, anxious, longing, expectant, enthralled, enthusiastic, avid, breathless, itching, uninterested, incurious, inquisitive, intrigued, interested, agog, quizzical, inquiring, searching, probing, querying, questioning, interrogative, perplexed, puzzled, baffled, mystified, nosy, snoopy, uninterested, strange, odd, peculiar, funny, unusual, bizarre, weird, eccentric, queer, unexpected, unfamiliar, abnormal, atypical, anomalous, untypical, different, surprising, incongruous, extraordinary, remarkable, puzzling, mystifying, mysterious, perplexing, baffling, unaccountable, inexplicable, irregular, singular, offbeat, unconventional, unorthodox, outlandish, aberrant, freak, freakish, deviant, uncanny, eerie, unnatural, unco, wacky, rum, wacko, ordinary"Curiousness" Example Sentences
1. His curiousness led him to ask many questions.
2. Her curiousness knew no bounds.
3. The cat's curiousness got it into trouble.
4. His curiousness about the camera made him peek inside the bag.
5. The child's curiousness would not let her leave the box unopened.
6. The curiousness of a cat often gets it in trouble.
7. His curiousness led him to explore every inch of the property.
8. Her curiousness drove her to research the topic thoroughly.
9. The dog's curiousness made it sniff everything on the walk.
10. The man's curiousness led him to investigate the mysterious noise.
11. His curiousness sparked new ideas and lines of inquiry.
12. The curiousness of youth drove him to adventures.
13. The learner's curiousness helped her retain knowledge.
14. Intellectual curiousness is the foundation of discovery and progress.
15. The tourist's curiousness led him to wander off the beaten path.
16. Her curiousness inspired her to pursue an answer to her questions.
17. The scientist's curiousness motivated her research into new areas.
18. The explorer's curiousness drove him to push boundaries.
19. His curiousness got him into trouble more times than he could count.
20. The student's curiousness helped her soak up knowledge.
21. Her insatiable curiousness prompted her to seek out new information.
22. Intellectual curiousness helps expand one's horizons.
23. The toddler's curiousness meant constant supervision.
24. The child's curiousness led to many questions.
25. The detective's curiousness made him investigate every detail.
26. Children's curiousness helps them learn about the world around them.
27. The reporter's curiousness motivated her to dig deeper into the story.
28. The artist's curiousness led him to try new techniques.
29. Intellectual curiousness is vital for learning and growth.
30. The baby's curiousness meant nothing was safe from being placed in his mouth.
31. The traveler's curiousness led him to venture off the beaten path.
32. His curiousness got him into more than one precarious situation.
33. The researcher's curiousness drove her to pursue tangents and side paths.
34. The baby's curiousness kept his parents on their toes.
35. His curiousness often led him to make discoveries.
36. The spirit of curiousness drives innovation and progress.
37. His insatiable curiousness meant he had to investigate everything.
38. Curiousness is the root of wisdom.
39. Her curiousness about the plant made her look up its name.
40. His curiousness drove him to seek understanding of abstract concepts.
41. Her natural curiousness disappeared as she got older.
42. The inventor's curiousness led him to try combining two unrelated ideas.
43. Intellectual curiousness enriches one's world.
44. The baby's curiousness kept his mom busy hiding electrical cords and breakables.
45. The student's curiousness led her to ask insightful questions.
46. His curiousness often led him into trouble as a child.
47. The researchers' curiousness kept the project moving forward.
48. The toddler's curiousness meant constant vigilance.
49. Curiouness is the fire of learning.
50. Her curiousness had her asking countless why questions.
51. The detective's curiousness helped him solve the case.
52. The toddler's curiousness led to many mishaps and broken objects.
53. His inquisitive curiousness fueled his imagination.
54. The cat's curiousness involved a lot of sniffing and pawing.
55. The toddler's curiousness caused his parents much stress.
56. Intellectual curiousness is the mark of an educated mind.
57. His curiousness often led him on tangents that others found odd.
58. His curiousness and imagination went hand in hand.
59. The toddler's curiousness led him to get into everything.
60. The child's curiousness made her an eager learner.
Common Phases
1. Curiosity killed the cat. (Meaning: Being too curious can lead to trouble.)
2. Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning. (Meaning: Curiosity enables learning.)
3. Curiosity is the ornament of the young, the bane of the middle-aged, and the torment of the old.
4. Curiosity breeds knowledge. (Meaning: Being curious helps one gain knowledge.)
5. Curiosity is no vice. (Meaning: There's nothing wrong with being curious.)
6. Curiosity is a natural feeling and a useful faculty of the mind.
7. Curiosity never hurt a cat. (Meaning: There's no harm in being curious.)
8. Curiosity is the thirst of the soul.
9. Follow your curiosity. (Meaning: Pursue your interests, things that make you curious.)
10. Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers. (Meaning: Curiosity helps gain knowledge, but wisdom takes time.)
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