Cutbacks example sentences

Related (14): reductions, savings, downsizing, layoffs, belt-tightening, streamlining, retrenchment, economizing, pruning, slashing, frugality, thriftiness, penny-pinching, cost-cutting.

"Cutbacks" Example Sentences

1. The company announced major cutbacks due to falling revenue.
2. Staff were unhappy about the proposed job cutbacks.
3. The school has had to make spending cutbacks due to budget constraints.
4. The government is implementing austerity measures and public spending cutbacks.
5. The city has been hit hard by job cutbacks in the manufacturing sector.
6. The hospital has had to make staffing cutbacks to balance its budget.
7. Local governments are being forced to make spending cutbacks.
8. Employees are worried about rumors of possible layoffs and cutbacks.
9. The charity has had to make service cutbacks because of a drop in donations.
10. The department is struggling with the effects of budget cutbacks.
11. Many nonprofit organizations are suffering from funding cutbacks.
12. The college is dealing with fallout from recent budget cutbacks.
13. The business streamlined operations to cope with budget cutbacks.
14. The arts community has been hit hard by funding cutbacks.
15. Program cutbacks could impact services for elderly and disabled residents.
16. Staffing cutbacks are likely to lead to longer wait times and reduced hours.
17. Funding cutbacks have resulted in layoffs at the research institute.
18. Budget cutbacks have meant cutting back on library resources and acquisitions.
19. The company instituted a hiring freeze in response to revenue cutbacks.
20. Public sector workers are protesting proposed wage freezes and budget cutbacks.
21. Bus routes are being cut and hours reduced due to city funding cutbacks.
22. Insurance claims are up this year, prompting payment cutbacks.
23. The teacher lamented the effects of materials budget cutbacks on students.
24. Many small towns are struggling to provide core services amid budget cutbacks.
25. The newspaper had to make staffing cutbacks due to declining circulation.
26. Universities are having to provide the same services with less money amid funding cutbacks.
27. The tourism board has had its budget slashed, forcing major program cutbacks.
28. Cost-cutting measures and staffing cutbacks are expected in the coming fiscal year.
29. Legislators are proposing cuts to social programs as part of budget cutbacks.
30. The pension fund incurred losses which necessitated payout cutbacks.
31. Health insurance premiums continue to rise despite ongoing treatment coverage cutbacks.
32. Businesses are grappling with increasing costs at a time of revenue cutbacks.
33. Salary freezes and hiring cutbacks have hit the IT department hard.
34. Low milk prices forced dairy farmers to sell off cows and make other spending cutbacks.
35. Government funding cutbacks are expected to impact the drug rehabilitation program.
36. Employees were unhappy about proposed pay cutbacks and reduced benefits.
37. They had to reduce staff and make service cutbacks to stay within budget.
38. The library system is dealing with the effects of materials budget cutbacks.
39. The employees voted to authorize a strike in protest of proposed wage cutbacks.
40. Many states are struggling to fund education amid steep budget cutbacks.
41. The retail chain announced store closures and staffing cutbacks across the region.
42. The steel manufacturer instituted mandatory unpaid vacation days and wage cutbacks.
43. Students have seen the impact of funding cutbacks on overcrowded classrooms and limited resources.
44. Workers worry that additional layoffs and benefit cutbacks may be on the horizon.
45. Government agencies are implementing hiring freezes and making funding cutbacks.
46. Many farmers endured a difficult year due to low crop prices and cost-cutting cutbacks.
47. The foundation had to scale back existing grants due to considerable endowment losses and revenue cutbacks.
48. The transportation authority had to reduce services amid declining farebox revenue and government funding cutbacks.
49. The contractor instituted pay cutbacks and reduced hours in response to declining work.
50. Officials warned that further budget cutbacks could seriously impact public safety.
51. The startup made a series of difficult decisions, including layoffs and spending cutbacks.
52. Many government social programs face cuts or elimination amid broader budget cutbacks.
53. Patients complained the health center was understaffed and overburdened due to cutbacks.
54. Funding cutbacks seriously hampered flood relief efforts.
55. Local authorities warned that proposed state budget cutbacks could lead to higher property taxes.
56. The Board of Education is considering staffing and program cutbacks to reduce next year's budget deficit.
57. Union representatives vowed to fight proposed wage cutbacks and benefit reductions.
58. University administrators warned of fewer course offerings and larger class sizes amid funding cutbacks.
59. Increased class sizes and reduced services resulted from years of budget and staffing cutbacks.
60. The police chief cautioned that additional funding cutbacks could hamper the force's ability to fight crime.

Common Phases

budget cutbacks
funding cutbacks
staffing cutbacks
spending cutbacks
layoffs and cutbacks
job cutbacks
program cutbacks
service cutbacks
benefit cutbacks
pay cutbacks
staff cutbacks
cost-cutting cutbacks
resources cutbacks
wage cutbacks
material cutbacks
work hour cutbacks
hiring cutbacks
salary cutbacks

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