Cutting example sentences
Related (20): scissors, blade, slicing, severing, trimming, shearing, excising, chopping, incising, mutilating, cleaving, dividing, sawing, snipping, fracturing, hacking, lopping, pruning, amputating, dissecting.
cutting (noun) · cuttings (plural noun)
- the action of cutting something:
- a piece cut off from something, especially what remains when something is being trimmed or prepared:
- a clipping from a newspaper or periodical:
- a piece cut from a plant for propagation:
- an open passage excavated through higher ground for a railroad, road, or canal:
- capable of cutting something:
- (of a comment) causing emotional pain; hurtful:
- (of the wind) bitterly cold:
cutting (present participle)
- make an opening, incision, or wound in (something) with a sharp-edged tool or object:
- make an incision in one's own flesh, as a symptom of emotional distress:
- castrate (an animal, especially a horse).
- circumcise (a boy or man).
- divide into pieces with a knife or other sharp implement:
- make divisions in (something):
- separate (something) into two pieces; sever:
- remove (something) from something larger by using a sharp implement:
- make or form (something) by using a sharp tool to remove material:
- make or design (a garment) in a particular way:
- make (a path, tunnel, or other route) by excavation, digging, or chopping:
- produce (a vinyl record) from a sound recording:
- trim or reduce the length of (something, especially grass or a person's hair or fingernails) by using a sharp implement:
- reduce the size, amount, or quantity of:
- shorten (a text, movie, or performance) by removing material:
- delete (part of a text or other display) completely or so as to insert a copy of it elsewhere. See also cut and paste
- (in sports) remove (a player) from a team's roster.
- absent oneself deliberately from (something one should normally attend, especially school):
- end or interrupt the provision of (something, especially power or food supplies):
- switch off (an engine or a light):
- (of a line) cross or intersect (another line):
- stop filming or recording:
- move to another shot in a movie:
- make (a movie) into a coherent whole by removing parts or placing them in a different order:
- adulterate (a drug) or dilute (alcohol) by mixing it with another substance:
- strike or kick (a ball) with an abrupt, typically downward motion:
- slice (the ball).
- divide (a pack of playing cards) by lifting a portion from the top, either to reveal or draw a card at random or to place the top portion under the bottom portion:
- ignore or refuse to recognize (someone):
piece, bit, fragment, part, trimming, clipping, clip, snippet, extract, excerpt, article, piece, passage, column, paragraph, scion, slip, graft, furrow, channel, trench, trough, canal, gouge, hollow, indentation, rut, gutter, cut, score, fissure, seam, rabbet, rebate, hurtful, wounding, barbed, pointed, scathing, acerbic, mordant, trenchant, caustic, acid, abrasive, sarcastic, sardonic, snide, spiteful, malicious, mean, nasty, cruel, unkind, vicious, venomous, poisonous, vitriolic, acerb, bitchy, catty, sarky, snarky, acidulous, mordacious, friendly, pleasant, icy, freezing, arctic, Siberian, glacial, bitter, chilling, chilly, biting, piercing, penetrating, raw, keen, sharp, stinging, harsh, Baltic, chill, gelid, warm, balmy, gash, slash, lacerate, slit, pierce, penetrate, wound, injure, scratch, graze, nick, snick, notch, incise, score, lance, castrate, neuter, geld, desex, asexualize, sterilize, unman, alter, doctor, fix, caponize, chop, slice, dice, cube, mince, carve, divide, hash, sever, cleave, rend, sunder, dissever, trim, snip, clip, crop, bob, barber, shear, shave, pare, prune, pollard, poll, lop, dock, mow, pick, pluck, gather, harvest, reap, garner, cull, sever, amputate, remove, excise, extract, form, fashion, make, create, mold, model, cast, frame, sculpt, sculpture, block, carve, hew, whittle, excavate, quarry, bore, tunnel, burrow, mine, channel, record, trim, snip, clip, crop, bob, barber, shear, shave, pare, prune, pollard, poll, lop, dock, mow, reduce, decrease, lessen, retrench, diminish, trim, prune, rationalize, downsize, slenderize, discount, lower, slash, axe, increase, shorten, abridge, condense, abbreviate, truncate, edit, precis, summarize, synopsize, bowdlerize, expurgate, epitomize, delete, remove, excise, lengthen, expand, add, discontinue, suspend, interrupt, stop, end, restore, deactivate, kill, cross, intersect, bisect, meet, join, decussate, diverge, degrade, debase, spoil, taint, defile, contaminate, pollute, foul, sully, doctor, mix, lace, dilute, weaken, bastardize, corrupt, spike, dope, vitiate, refine, snub, ignore, shun, rebuff, spurn, ostracize, snout, Wikipedia, Legal"Cutting" Example Sentences
1. He spent the afternoon cutting the grass.
2. The chef was cutting vegetables for the salad.
3. I'm cutting paper snowflakes for the holiday decorations.
4. The tailor was cutting patterns for her next dress design.
5. I cut my finger while slicing the bread.
6. She tripped while cutting across the yard.
7. The seamstress was cutting fabric for a new quilt.
8. He cut the rope with his knife.
9. Be careful while cutting the steak with that sharp knife.
10. The lumberjack went to work cutting down trees.
11. I'm cutting out coupons to clip from the newspaper.
12. She was cutting a slice of cake for the birthday boy.
13. The barber was cutting his client's hair.
14. I cut my bangs way too short!
15. The lumber was cut to size for the building project.
16. They were cutting rebar for the foundation.
17. Budget cuts meant layoffs at the company.
18. The gardener was cutting back the overgrown hedges.
19. The sculptor spent hours cutting stone into shapes.
20. He cut off a piece of bread for his sandwich.
21. She was busy cutting coupons to use at the store.
22. I'll need to cut apart the pattern pieces before sewing.
23. The instructor demonstrated the proper technique for cutting dovetail joints.
24. The critic's harsh review was a cutting remark.
25. She endured cutting remarks about her appearance.
26. Stop cutting me off while I'm talking!
27. There were mid-year budget cuts across all departments.
28. I'm cutting my screen time to be more productive.
29. Be careful cutting that cardboard—the edges are sharp!
30. They were cutting downed trees to clear the trail.
31. The artist spent hours cutting dozens of paper snowflakes.
32. Careful cutting! That knife is very sharp.
33. The children were cutting and pasting pictures in their notebooks.
34. The butcher was carefully cutting pieces of meat.
35. The reporter asked cutting questions at the press conference.
36. The board members debated the proposed budget cuts.
37. The gardener had to cut away dead branches from the tree.
38. I'm cutting this old t-shirt into rags for cleaning.
39. Workers were cutting steel girders for the new building.
40. He made cutting remarks about her choice of outfit.
41. There were some painful cutting remarks made at the dinner party.
42. The tailor spent hours cutting fabric for the custom garment.
43. The fabric scissors have very sharp cutting edges.
44. The barber uses clippers to cut hair with a cutting blade.
45. The critic made cutting comments about the author's latest book.
46. There were rumors of more staffing cuts coming soon.
47. She tends to make cutting remarks when she's upset.
48. Cutting back on expenses helped balance the budget.
49. The gardener was cutting and pruning the rose bushes.
50. The knife had a very sharp cutting edge.
51. They were cutting down trees to clear space for the new school.
52. The sculptor spent hours cutting stone into abstract shapes.
53. The new budget cuts meant layoffs for some employees.
54. I had to cut the bandage to fit the wound properly.
55. The branch cutter made quick work of the overgrown hedges.
56. Be careful when cutting the turkey—the bones are sharp.
57. The barber uses a straight razor for a close-cutting shave.
58. The children were cutting and pasting construction paper into collages.
59. The hedge trimmer made quick work of cutting back the overgrown shrubs.
60. The critic's cutting review effectively ended the young poet's career.
Common Phases
1. The chef expertly sliced the vegetables using a sharp cutting knife.
2. The gardener used cutting shears to trim the hedges into shape.
3. He suffered a deep cutting wound from the knife attack.
4. The lumberjack swung his axe, cutting through the thick tree trunk with ease.
5. The stylist used the cutting shears to shape my hair into a modern style.
6. The cutting edge technology allowed them to perform the surgery with precision.
7. The edge of the glass was very sharp and cutting.
8. The cutting board was stained with the juices from the sliced fruit.
9. The hedge trimmer made quick work of cutting the overgrown bushes.
10. The barber used the electric clippers for a close but not too cutting haircut.
11. The scissors felt dull and not suitable for precise cutting.
12. Workers wore Kevlar gloves to protect their hands from cutting injuries.
13. Cost cutting measures were implemented to reduce expenses.
14. Deforestation is a major environmental issue impacting wildlife habitat and cutting into natural resources.
15. The straw cutting ridge lowers resistance when cutting.
16. The director made cutting edits to the film to shorten the runtime.
17. Her hurtful comments were very cutting and insensitive.
18. The surgeon completed the delicate cutting procedure with precision.
19. Paper cuts are an annoying but minor form of cutting injury.
20. The winemakers carefully cut and sorted the grapes for winemaking.
21. The pizza cutter made quick work of slicing through the dough.
22. The critic unleashed a scathing and cutting review of the performance.
23. The prototype employed cutting edge design features.
24. The hedge trimmer caught on a branch and jerked, cutting my arm.
25. He made a cutting remark that quickly ended the friendly conversation.
26. The butcher expertly sliced various cuts of meat for the customers.
27. The buzz saw cutting blade spun dangerously as it sliced through the wood.
28. The sewing shears cut through the thick fabric with ease.
29. The delicate task required extremely sharp cutting tools.
30. The playwright rewrote several scenes, cutting out unnecessary dialogue.
31. The sharp rocks on the beach cut into my feet as I walked.
32. It took a steady hand and sharp blade for precise cutting of the artwork.
33. The grass grew back quickly after being cut with the lawn mower.
34. The winding path cut through the dense forest.
35. The forensic expert used magnifying glasses and cutting tools to examine the evidence.
36. The judge's stern remarks delivered a cutting reprimand.
37. He received cutting remarks and criticism from peers in the industry.
38. They enacted significant budget cutting measures to balance the accounts.
39. The continuous miner cutting machine extracts coal from underground seams.
40. The knife blade had become dull and ineffective for cutting.
41. The craftsman worked with cutting edge tools and techniques.
42. The ribbon cutting ceremony officially opened the new library.
43. The carving knife easily sliced through the roast chicken.
44. Cutting the funding has stalled progress on the research initiative.
45. The artist created intricate cutting designs that fell just short of perfection.
46. Plant stems were cut above each leaf node for propagating new plants.
47. The rose bush had long reaching and cutting thorns.
48. Her sharp criticism contained cutting remarks about my work.
49. Trimming the hedges required multiple cuts with the same set of cutting shears.
50. The saw made a tearing and cutting noise as it went through the wood.
51. The sharp knife made quick work of slicing and cutting the vegetables.
52. The measured budget cuts were designed to minimize service cutting.
53. The cake decorator used a sharp knife for precise cutting and decorating.
54. The wood carver used various chisels and cutting tools in his work.
55. The laser cutting machine allowed for precision work on a variety of materials.
56. The craftsman used blades of different shapes and sizes for various cutting needs.
57. The greenhouse grower made strategic leaf node cuts for maximizing plant yields.
58. The jagged edges of the broken glass felt sharp and cutting on my skin.
59. The barber's cutting scissors glided smoothly through my long locks of hair.
60. The heated cutting blade made quick work of slicing through the frozen turkey.