Classes example sentences

Related (11): lecture, seminar, workshop, tutorial, course, program, curriculum, module, training, session, lab

"Classes" Example Sentences

1. The students took notes in their classes.
2. The teacher separated the students into different reading classes.
3. The university offers a wide range of classes for students to choose from.
4. The student attended all of her morning classes.
5. Dance classes were her favorite part of the week.
6. I signed up for several math classes next semester.
7. She tutors elementary school children in after-school classes.
8. The first-year courses provide a foundation for advanced classes.
9. My schedule only has morning classes on Mondays and Wednesdays.
10. The professor took roll at the beginning of each of his classes.
11. Cooking classes are a fun way to learn new skills.
12. The syllabus outlines all assignments for the upcoming classes.
13. Most classes only meet two or three times per week.
14. The athletic facilities offered exercise classes for students and staff.
15. The student missed several of her afternoon classes due to illness.
16. The college offers evening and weekend classes for working adults.
17. The gym membership includes access to group fitness classes.
18. Class sizes were smaller in upper-level courses compared to core classes.
19. Lab classes require additional materials and lab fees.
20. The art student spent hours outside of class sketching figures.
21. Language classes are more difficult for non-native speakers.
22. Introductory classes give students a taste of potential majors.
23. College is expensive these days, especially with multiple science classes.
24. High school students are required to take a certain number of core classes.
25. The career services office offers professional development classes.
26. College freshmen often struggle adjusting to the demands of their new classes.
27. Seminar classes are much smaller and more discussion based.
28. My son looks forward to art and music classes each week.
29. The TA led review classes before each exam.
30. The graduate student's schedule consisted mainly of advanced classes in her field of study.
31. The class meets every morning except on Fridays.
32. Most business classes required case studies and group projects.
33. The student received perfect scores on all homework assignments for her history classes.
34. There were not enough desks for all the students in some of the large lecture classes.
35. Postgraduate students attended specialized seminar classes.
36. The school dress code applied to all classes and school activities.
37. Independent study classes allow students to pursue research projects of interest.
38. The drama classes put on several stage productions each year.
39. The saying goes that "you get out what you put into your classes."
40. Computer lab classes taught students the basics of software applications.
41. Review classes helped students prepare for standardized tests and AP exams.
42. Dance and fitness classes were free for community members after 5pm.
43. The elective classes covered topics outside of required core subjects.
44. Music classes provide opportunities for students to learn new instruments.
45. The intern balanced a full course load with her job and extracurricular classes.
46. The continuing education classes offered professional development and personal enrichment opportunities.
47. Students frequently studied together outside of their classes.
48. The gym offered yoga and Zumba classes for students.
49. The nursing program required many specialized clinical classes.
50. College application essays often asked students to describe favorite classes.
51. Online classes provide flexibility but lack the social benefits of in-person classes.
52. The enrollment in computer science classes had doubled in recent years.
53. Homeschool students often take classes part-time at community colleges.
54. The teaching assistant led discussion sections for the large lecture classes.
55. The school calendar detailed important dates for the start of classes and exams.
56. Class participation was an important part of the student's grades in most of her classes.
57. Classes were canceled due to inclement weather.
58. The university course catalog outlined requirements for graduation and descriptions of available classes.
59. The school day consisted of seven periods of roughly 55-minute classes.
60. Guest lecturers supplemented the material covered in some of the advanced classes.

Common Phases

1. The school offers a wide variety of classes for students to choose from.
2. My daughter is taking dance classes after school.
3. The university has over 500 different classes for undergrads to enroll in.
4. I'm excited to start my guitar lessons and guitar classes this weekend.
5. Higher level math classes are difficult for me.
6. My daily schedule includes math, english, science, and history classes.
7. The gym offers fitness classes like yoga, spinning, and Zumba.
8. The college offers elective classes for students interested in various subjects.
9. I had to take many mandatory science classes to earn my degree in engineering.
10. My homework assignments from all my different classes take hours to complete.
11. The tutor helps students in a variety of classes including math, science, and history.
12. The professor discussed class schedules and requirements for his classes.
13. Many students find foreign language classes challenging.
14. The students in my art classes work on a variety of creative projects.
15. My classmate and I studied together for our Spanish classes.
16. The university offers classes for both undergraduate and graduate students.
17. My son enjoys learning about history in his social studies classes.
18 The cooking classes teach students basic culinary skills and techniques.
19. I mainly take computer science and programming classes as part of my degree program.
20. The holiday break between semester classes was much needed.
21. My niece loves taking violin classes after school.
22. The local community center offers a wide variety of exercise classes for seniors.
23. The homeschool curriculum includes courses covering math, science, history and literature classes.
24. I will miss my classmates and professors once our semester classes end.
25. She audited several philosophy classes during her time in college.
26. I enjoy the lively debates and discussions that happen in my political science classes.
27. My school friends and I enjoyed socializing between our classes.
28. The teacher divides students into groups for group projects in her classes.
29. My younger siblings are frustrated with their advanced math classes.
30. Students need to register for next semester's classes now.
31. The tuition costs for my graduate school classes were very high.
32. Many students sleep through their early morning classes.
33. I learn best through hands-on activities in my classes rather than just listening to lectures.
34. The professor started each of his art history classes with an inspiring lecture.
35. Class assignments and group projects help students learn and practice the material discussed in classes.
36. The course schedule lists the times and locations of all the available classes.
37. Our summer break gave me a chance to catch up on sleep missed during the semester classes.
38. My grandparents enjoyed taking recreational art classes later in life.
39. Many college students work part-time jobs to help pay for their classes and living expenses.
40. The student's grades in her various classes help determine her GPA.
41. There are disruptive students in some of my classes who make it hard to concentrate.
42. Online classes provide flexibility and convenience for working students.
43. I spend most evenings studying and doing homework from my college classes.
44. The academic schedules for students differ based on their choice of degree programs and classes.
45. Quiet study environments help me focus during my busy class schedule.
46. Boring lectures and uninteresting material make some classes drag on.
47. Students often meet with professors during office hours to discuss questions about their classes.
48. The more effort students put into their classes, the more they tend to learn.
49. Many high schools offer advanced placement classes to prepare students for college level coursework.
50. I took guitar classes for two years before learning to play on my own.
51. The biology lab classes complement the material covered in our regular lecture classes.
52. College courses and classes become more challenging each year of the degree program.
53. The little free time I have is spent doing work for my graduate school classes.
54. Class attendance and participation often factor into students' grades in their classes.
55. Teaching classes related to my field of expertise is rewarding work.
56. My psychology classes discuss a variety of interesting human behaviors and phenomena.
57. Afternoon classes can be more difficult to stay focused in.
58. Class discussions give students a chance to practice explaining and debating complex ideas.
59. Strict professors who take roll for their classes tend to have higher attendance rates.
60. My weekly tutoring job helps pay for most of my college classes.

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