Dale example sentences

Related (10): valley, gorge, ravine, dell, vale, hollow, glen, dingle, basin, coulee.

"Dale" Example Sentences

1. They walked down the dale.
2. The dale stretched out for miles before them.
3. The valley or dale was green and lush.
4. Nestled in the dale was a small village.
5. Cows grazed in the fields that flanked the dale.
6. They rode their horses through the winding dale.
7. A stream meandered through the middle of the dale.
8. The air was fresh and clean in the high dale.
9. Fog often filled the bottom of the dale.
10. The dale was quiet and peaceful.
11. They followed the path through the dale.
12. They lived in a cottage at the end of the dale.
13. The dale opened into a wide plain.
14. The farmhouse sat high above the dale.
15. Smoke rose from chimneys in the distant dale.
16. Wildflowers blossomed across the slopes of the dale.
17. They could see for miles from the top of the dale.
18. A church spire rose above the trees in the dale.
19. The two dales merged at the far end.
20. They descended into the shady dale.
21. They walked up the dale.
22. They traversed the entire length of the dale.
23. Fog hung in the dale in the early mornings.
24. Children played in the fields along the dale.
25. Their footsteps echoed across the empty dale.
26. Bees buzzed among the heather on the dale slopes.
27. High cliffs rose up on either side of the dale.
28. Stone walls lined the edge of the dale.
29. A small river formed a waterfall at the head of the dale.
30. The dale led down into the valley.
31. Goats grazed on the cliffs above the dale.
32. The dale narrowed as it wound through the hills.
33. The dale was his favorite place to walk.
34. Their dales merged and became one.
35. Birds sang in the trees that lined the dale.
36. The path wound its way up the side of the dale.
37. They could see for miles across the broad dale.
38. The old stone bridge spanned the stream in the dale.
39. They sat on a bench at the top of the dale.
40. Fog rolled in and filled the dale.
41. Snow clung to the sides of the dale in winter.
42. The views from the dale were breathtaking.
43. They traveled the length of the dale on foot.
44. The road twisted and turned through the dale.
45. The landscape of the dale changed with the seasons.
46. They stopped to rest at a sighting point above the dale.
47. Boats floated on the small lake at the head of the dale.
48. The call of curlews echoed across the lonely dale.
49. The abandoned quarry lay at the northern end of the dale.
50. The two dales joined and became one.
51. They enjoyed hiking through the dales.
52. Deer grazed on the distant slopes of the dale.
53. Fog hung low over the dale in the mornings.
54. The dale was carpeted with wildflowers in spring.
55. Craggy mountains rimmed the edges of the broad dale.
56. Birds flitted among the trees that lined the dale.
57. He walked the length of the dale every morning.
58. The path switchbacked down the side of the dale.
59. They could see the ocean from the head of the dale.
60. The dale spread out before them like a green blanket.

Common Phases

1. Dale una oportunidad.
2. Dale un descanso.
3. Dale tiempo para pensarlo.
4. Dale espacio para respirar.
5. Dale un poco de crédito.
6. Dale una posibilidad.
7. Dale las gracias.
8. Dale la bienvenida.
9. Dale la vuelta a la página.
10. Dale un salto.
11. Dale pero no llores.
12. Dale lo mejor de ti.
13. Dale una mano con eso.
14. Dale la mano a alguien.
15. Dale la bienvenida a tus amigos.
16. Dale su propio espacio.
17. No le des importancia.
18. Dale la vuelta a eso.
19. Dale un abrazo.
20. Dale el beneficio de la duda.
21. Dale un respiro.
22. Dale un recordatorio.
23. Dale un consejo.
24. Dale la vuelta y mira.
25. Dale la espalda.
26. Dale una orden.
27. Dale una lección.
28. Dale un empujoncito.
29. Dale lo mejor que tengas.
30. Dale la bienvenida al invierno.
31. Dale la noticia pronto.
32. Dale algo de crédito.
33. Dale un golpe.
34. Dale un ataque.
35. Dale al botón.
36. Dale un paseo.
37. Dale la dirección.
38. Dale la charla.
39. Dale el resto.
40. Dale el visto bueno.
41. Dale gasolina.
42. Dale un balazo.
43. Dale un toque.
44. Dale un codazo.
45. Dale la vuelta.
46. Dale la mano.
47. Dale la espalda a eso.
48. Dale cuerda.
49. Dale poder.
50. Dale color.
51. Dale la bienvenida a casa.
52. Dale un toque final.
53. Dale una patada.
54. Dale calor.
55. Dale la enhorabuena.
56. Dale la mano para ayudar.
57. Dale alas a tu imaginación.
58. Dale la razón a alguien.
59. Dale la palabra.
60. Dale la cara.

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