Dally example sentences

Related (9): procrastinate, linger, loiter, tarry, idle, delay, hesitate, falter, postpone.

"Dally" Example Sentences

1. Do not dally with tasks that require urgency.
2. She did not want to dally while time was of the essence.
3. He refused to dally any longer and got straight to work.
4. I told him not to dally but to get the job done promptly.
5. She never likes to dally, always getting right to the point.
6. I don't want to dally anymore, let's get this done.
7. We cannot dally when lives are at stake.
8.The hike required serious attention, no time to dally along the way.
9. He does not have the luxury to dally over trivial matters.
10. We should not dally when so much preparation remains.
11. They could not afford to dally with the storm approaching.
12. Her kind nature would often allow her to dally with her words.
13. He found himself dallying with various distractions along the path.
14. We must make haste and not dally on our journey.
15. She told him to stop dallying and get started on his homework.
16. I cannot dally while duty calls.
17.The student was told not to dally but to hand in the assignment on time.
18. They were warned not to dally, to proceed directly without delay.
19. I refuse to dally when action is needed urgently.
20. Don't just stand there dallying, help me carry these boxes!
21.The advice was to not dally in dangerous places.
22. Stop dallying with trivial matters and focus on the task at hand!
23. The horse refused to dally, proceeding straight up the hill.
24. Don't just dally around the house all day, find something productive!
25. She usually dallies as she gets ready in the morning.
26.We cannot afford to dally while our competitors forge ahead.
27. The messenger was told not to dally but deliver the news swiftly.
28. Workers were told not to dally but finish their tasks promptly.
29. The adventurer refused to dally, pushing onward toward his goal.
30. The servant was reprimanded for dallying when work needed doing.
31. Stop dallying and get to work this instant!
32. I do not have time for you to dally, I need that report now.
33. Don't just stand there dallying, help me carry these bags!
34. Our lives depend on not dallying but acting with great urgency.
35. Dallying will only make a difficult task more so - get on with it!
36. I told him to stop dallying and get down to business.
37. They were warned not to dally but proceed directly without delay.
38. He refused to dally in dangerous territory longer than necessary.
39. Workers were reprimanded for dallying when deadlines loomed.
40. She warned him not to dally but get packed and leave immediately.
41. They could not afford to dally when lives were at stake.
42. Stop dallying with distractions and work hard at your studies!
43. The officer told the cadets not to dally but march on quickly.
44. We didn't have time for you to dally - our train was leaving!
45. He could not afford to dally when his family needed him most.
46. The commander would not allow his troops to dally on the march.
47. Dallying will only make matters worse - get on with the task!
48. I told him to stop dallying and start preparing for exams.
49. There's no time to dally! You must warn the townsfolk at once.
50. The sheriff told his deputies not to dally, but ride out immediately.
51. The instructor shouted at students to stop dallying and take their seats.
52. The general warned his troops not to dally but charge into battle.
53. I told her not to dally with excuses but finish her homework.
54. The businessman refused to dally but cut directly to the chase.
55. Soldiers were told not to dally but march swiftly to victory.
56. Stop dallying and help me carry these bags to the car!
57. She always warns me not to dally but complete my tasks without delay.
58. Their lives depended on not dallying but acting without hesitation.
59. The usher scolded audience members who were dallying in the aisle.
60. The coach told her team not to dally but start their warm-up drills.

Common Phases

1. She did not dally long in front of the store window.
2. Let us not dally any longer but continue our journey.
3. The hours dallied away as we chatted over tea.
4. The student dallied too long, cramming for the exam at the last minute.
5. The shopkeeper warned the youngsters not to dally in his store.
6. He dallied while filling out the job application form.
7. I dallied over my breakfast rather than starting my chores right away.
8. The breeze dallied among the leaves of the willow tree.
9. The man dallied on the corner, seemingly waiting for someone.
10. The children dallied on the playground instead of lining up.
11. The birds dallied on their nests as the morning sunshine grew stronger.
12. Sunset found them still dallying by the lake.
13. The little girl dallied over her ice cream cone, trying to make it last.
14. The hours dallied away as I read by the open window.
15. The workers dallied at their machines, chatting instead of working.
16. The professor warned her students not to dally between classes.
17. The journey passed pleasantly as the travelers dallied along the way.
18. The shopper dallied too long in the aisles, nearly missing closing time.
19. Clouds dallied lazily across the summer sky.
20. The cook told the assistant not to dally in the walk-in refrigerator.
21. The summer breeze dallied along the beach, playing with the children's hair.
22. My husband warned me not to dally in the stores, lest we be late for the movie.
23. Do not dally, we must be on our way now!
24. The breeze dallied among the tree branches, gently moving the leaves.
25. I dallied along the roadside, drinking in the beauty of the wildflowers.
26. The minutes dallied away as we sat and talked.
27. She dallied about the garden, reluctant to start her chores for the day.
28. The children dallied at recess, unready to go back inside for class.
29. The author warns against dallying with success, urging readers to seize opportunities.
30. The hours dallied along as I read my favorite novel.
31. The boss warned his new employees not to dally away company time.
32. The professor warned his students not to dally between classes.
33. The model dallied on the runway, drawing out her turns and poses.
34. The horses dallied beneath the oak tree, content in the shade.
35. The hours dallied away as I worked in my garden.
36. Bees dallied among the roadside flowers on their way back to the hive.
37. Birds dallied before flying south for the winter.
38. The summer rays dallied on my face as I lay in the hammock.
39. Her colleagues warned her not to dally on work assignments.
40. Morning found them still dallying by the fireplace, reluctant to start the day.
41. The roadrunner dallies briefly, catching insects as it goes.
42. The author dallied over her words, carefully crafting each sentence.
43. The traveler warned us not to dally and waste daylight on our journey.
44. My coworker dallied at the water cooler while I hurried to finish the task.
45. The lazy servant dallied at every chore his master gave him.
46. The traveler warned us not to dally and waste daylight hours on our journey.
47. The author dallies purposefully, drawing out each scene for the reader.
48. Bees dallied among the clover blossoms on their way back to the hive.
49. The party guests dallied well past midnight, reluctant to end the fun.
50. Her children warned her not to dally when shopping, lest they miss the train.
51. Do not dally, child! We must be off at once.
52. The student warned his friend not to dally at parties during exam week.
53. She warned him not to dally while on errands or he'd be late for dinner.
54. The instructions warned against dallying at any step in the process.
55. Morning found them still dallying by the lakeside, reluctant to end their vacation.
56. Spring breezes dallied gently through the opening buds.
57. The children dallied on the playground, dreading the thought of school.
58. The author dallies in nostalgia, recalling simple pleasures from childhood.
59. The hours dallied away as we walked and talked along the beach.
60. My friend warned me not to dally when driving on the ice, lest I slid off the road.

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