Falter example sentences

Related (10): Hesitate, stumble, waver, flounder, quaver, stutter, sway, stagger, hesitate, vacillate.

"Falter" Example Sentences

1. His voice faltered as he told the sad story.
2. Her pace faltered as she neared the finish line.
3. Her confidence began to falter as the challenges mounted.
4. The soldier's march faltered as he became exhausted.
5. His resolve began to falter in the face of such adversity.
6. The economy began to falter in the third quarter.
7. Her steps faltered as she tried not to cry.
8. The football player's stride faltered at the last minute.
9. His footsteps faltered as he approached the grave.
10. Her singing voice faltered on the high notes.
11. His explanation faltered under questioning.
12. Their formation faltered when the leader fell.
13. His performance began to falter as the night wore on.
14. Her determination never faltered despite the obstacles.
15. The team's momentum faltered in the second half.
16. His argument began to falter under scrutiny.
17. The engine started to falter and sputter.
18. His enthusiasm began to falter as the project dragged on.
19. The stock market began to falter in the recession.
20. The rhythm of his typing faltered when he made a mistake.
21. The negotiator's composure began to falter in the face of threats.
22. Her smile began to falter as reality set in.
23. The company's growth began to falter after years of success.
24. His voice faltered and cracked during puberty.
25. Her focus began to falter as boredom set in.
26. The horse's stride began to falter as it became exhausted.
27. His movement faltered as fatigue set in.
28. Her courage began to falter as fear overtook her.
29. The runner's pace began to falter near the end of the race.
30. His speech began to falter as the crowd became restless.
31. Their progress began to falter as resources dwindled.
32. The speech began to falter at the pivotal moment.
33. The soldier's march began to falter under the hot sun.
34. His step began to falter as he aged.
35. Her work began to falter as deadlines approached.
36. Their support for the war began to falter as casualties mounted.
37. The company's sales began to falter in the recession.
38. The machine began to falter after years of heavy use.
39. His confidence began to falter as failures mounted.
40. The engine began to falter and sputter as it overheated.
41. Her breathing began to falter as exhaustion set in.
42. His voice began to falter as emotion overcame him.
43. Her attempts to explain faltered as tears came.
44. The singer's voice began to falter at the high notes.
45. The politician's promise began to falter after the scandal.
46. The singer's performance began to falter in the hot studio.
47. The team's coordination began to falter as fatigue set in.
48. Their argument began to falter under scrutiny.
49. The marching band's rhythm began to falter in the heat.
50. His voice began to falter and crack with age.
51. The team's focus began to falter after going down by 10 points.
52. The horse's gait began to falter near the end of the race.
53. The athlete's record began to falter after injuries mounted.
54. My patience began to falter after hours of waiting.
55. Her vision began to falter as she grew older.
56. The country's economy began to falter after years of recession.
57. The hypothesis began to falter under thorough testing.
58. The politician's message began to falter after numerous gaffes.
59. The candidate's poll numbers began to falter after the debate.
60. The elderly man's steps began to falter as darkness fell.

Common Phases

begin/started to falter - to show the first signs of weakening or failing
faltering steps - steps that are unsteady or lack confidence
faltering voice - a voice that wavers or hesitates
falter under pressure - to weaken or fail when under strain or stress
falter in confidence - to lose self-assurance or conviction
faltering resolve - resolve that is wavering or weakening
falter at the last minute - to fail or give way just before completion
faltering performance - a performance that lacks strength or consistency
Example sentences:
His voice began to falter as he became emotional.
She took faltering steps as she struggled to walk again after the accident.
With a faltering voice, he told me the bad news.
The soldier's courage began to falter under enemy fire.
His self-confidence began to falter after he lost his job.
Her resolve started to falter when faced with the daunting task.
His composure began to falter at the last minute.
The team gave a faltering performance in the second half.

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