Damnables example sentences

Related (5): sins, offenses, transgressions, wrongdoings, iniquities

"Damnables" Example Sentences

1. The consequences of his actions were absolutely damnables.
2. The evidence presented in court was deemed damnables by the judge.
3. The company's unethical practices were considered damnables by the public.
4. The candidate's past scandals were seen as damnables by his constituents.
5. The prosecutor argued that the defendant's behavior was undeniably damnables.
6. The CEO's decision to cut employee benefits was viewed as damnables by the labor union.
7. The politician's controversial remarks were labeled as damnables by his opponents.
8. The school principal's mishandling of a bullying incident was regarded as damnables by parents.
9. The corruption within the government was exposed as damnables by the investigative reporters.
10. The employee's theft of company funds was seen as damnables by his boss.
11. The police officer's use of excessive force was considered damnables by the community.
12. The doctor's negligence resulted in a patient's death, which was undisputedly damnables.
13. The contractor's shoddy workmanship was deemed damnables by the homeowner.
14. The coach's mistreatment of players was regarded as damnables by the athletic association.
15. The writer's plagiarism was exposed as damnables by his editor.
16. The restaurant's unsanitary conditions were labeled as damnables by health inspectors.
17. The actress's offensive comments on social media were viewed as damnables by her fans.
18. The landlord's breach of contract was seen as damnables by the tenant.
19. The IT technician's unauthorized access of confidential files was considered damnables by the company.
20. The salesperson's misleading information was regarded as damnables by the consumer advocacy group.
21. The teacher's inappropriate behavior with a student was exposed as damnables by the school board.
22. The artist's use of copyrighted material was deemed damnables by the original creator.
23. The engineer's failure to follow safety regulations resulted in a damnables accident.
24. The financial advisor's embezzlement of client funds was seen as damnables by regulators.
25. The musician's plagiarism of another artist's work was labeled as damnables by the music industry.
26. The company's discrimination against certain employees was considered damnables by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
27. The contractor's breach of contract was regarded as damnables by the construction company.
28. The priest's abuse of children was exposed as damnables by the church authorities.
29. The government's violation of human rights was viewed as damnables by international organizations.
30. The farmer's use of harmful pesticides was labeled as damnables by environmentalists.

Common Phases

1. I curse those damnables who have wronged me; their actions were unforgivable.
2. The consequences of my actions led me down a path of damnables; I regret everything.
3. The world is plagued with damnables, from corruption to greed; it's hard to find hope.
4. My mind is a battlefield between good and evil damnables; I struggle to find balance.
5. The devil whispers damnables in my ear, tempting me to give in to sin; I must resist.

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