Damned example sentences

Related (10): cursed, doomed, infernal, accursed, blasted, devilish, fiendish, unholy, wicked, execrable

"Damned" Example Sentences

1. That damned dog kept me up all night with its barking.
2. He kicked the wall in frustration, damning that stupid computer to hell.
3. She cursed that damned dishwasher under her breath for leaking all over the kitchen floor.
4. That damned alarm clock went off at the crack of dawn and ruined my sleep.
5. I damned that stupid printer to the deepest depths for jamming yet again.
6. He damned his roommate to hell for not paying the electricity bill on time.
7. She couldn't believe that damned car broke down again, leaving her stranded on the side of the road.
8. I damned that idiot driver to hell for cutting me off and almost causing an accident.
9. That damned computer virus infected my entire system and now nothing works properly.
10. He damned the construction workers to the fiery pits for waking him up at the crack of dawn every morning.
11. She damned the weather to hell for raining on her parade yet again.
12. I damned that rude waiter to the fiery pits of hell for forgetting my order.
13. He damned the traffic jam to eternal damnation for making him late to the most important meeting of his career.
14. She damned that broken heel to hell for causing her to trip and embarrass herself.
15. I damned the writer's strike to eternal suffering for ruining my favorite TV show.
16. We all damned that stupid printer to the fiery pits of hell for jamming in the middle of an important presentation.
17. She damned that terrible boss to the depths of hell for giving her yet another impossible deadline.
18. I damned my lousy luck to eternal suffering for yet another disaster.
19. He damned that atrocious chef to the fiery pits for ruining a perfectly good steak.
20. She damned politicians to hell for squabbling while the country fell to pieces.
21. I damned that damned loose nail to fiery damnation for causing yet another flat tire.
22. He damned the broken air conditioner to eternal suffering for waking him up in a pool of his own sweat.
23. She damned that stupid paperwork to hell for filling her entire desk yet again.
24. I cursed that wretched landlord to the deepest depths for never fixing anything in the run-down apartment.
25. He damned that restrictive dress code to hell for ruining his weekend plans.
26. She damned those rude teenagers to eternal damnation for blasting their music all night long.
27. I damned that unreliable co-worker to hell for leaving me to finish the project alone.
28. He damned his neighbor to fiery pits for mowing the lawn at 7am on a Saturday.
29. She damned that incompetent boss to the deepest depths for taking all the credit for her hard work.
30. I damned that wretched root canal to hell for causing me excruciating pain.
31. He damned that traffic jam to eternal damnation for ruining his perfect morning.
32. She cursed that damned flat tire to the fiery pits of hell for ruining her whole day.
33. I damned that horrid headache to eternal suffering for disrupting my entire evening.
34. He damned that inaccurate weather forecast to hell for causing him to leave the house unprepared.
35. She damned that good-for-nothing employee to the fiery pits for being incompetent and lazy.
36. I cursed that lousy copier to eternal damnation for breaking down yet again.
37. He damned his rotten luck to hell for causing yet another inconvenient mishap.
38. She damned that leaky faucet to the fiery pits for keeping her up all night with its dripping.
39. I cursed traffic congestion to the depths of hell for ruining my lunch plans.
40. He damned that nosy neighbor to eternal damnation for sticking her nose where it didn't belong.
41. She damned those rude tourists to the fiery pits of hell for disrespecting the national monument.
42. I cursed that damned rocket launcher to hell for blowing up in my face.
43. He damned that stupid lawnmower to the fiery pits for breaking down at the worst possible time.
44. She cursed telemarketers to the depths of hell for calling during dinnertime.
45. I damned that good-for-nothing politician to eternal damnation for lying to the public.
46. He damned that wretched headache to hell for ruining his entire evening of relaxation.
47. She damned that incompetent contractor to fiery pits for botching the kitchen renovation job.
48. I damned that horrid computer glitch to eternal suffering for erasing hours of my work.
49. He damned those reckless drivers to the fiery pits of hell for almost causing an accident.
50. She cursed traffic jams to the very bottom rung of hell for making her perpetually late.

Common Phases

1. The damned phone keeps ringing!
2. He was damned to hell.
3. The damned fool tripped and fell on his face.
4. Stop your damned whining!
5. The damned mill would never stop spinning.
6. I couldn't sleep a wink with all that damned noise.
7. Those damned costs keep rising!
8. They played that damned song all night long.
9. The damned cat kept scratching at the door.
10. It rained all damned weekend.
11. The damned elevator was out of order again.
12. Damned if I know where he went.
13. Those damned rumors just won't go away.
14. The damned Keurig broke again.
15. He damned the bastard to hell.
16. I damned near fell off the ladder.
17. The damned computer crashed, again!
18. I'm damned tired of your attitude.
19. I gave up trying that damned puzzle.
20. I had a damned good time last night.
21. The damned report was still not finished.
22. The damned sneeze caught me by surprise.
23. Their damned dog barks all night long.
24. Damned pizza got delivered late, again.
25. That damned deer came out of nowhere!
26. I damned near broke my leg jumping off that wall.
27. The damned dog ate my homework!
28. I damn near crashed the damned car!
29. Their damned kids don't shut up!
30. I damned the consequences and applied for the job.
31. Those damned mosquitoes drove me crazy all night.
32. That damned politician lies through his teeth.
33. My damned hand won't stop shaking.
34. This damned headache won't go away.
35. Damned if I'm speaking to her again!
36. Those damned stories keep me up at night.
37. This damned soup is way too hot.
38. Damned roof leaked all through the night.
39. What the damned hell just happened?
40. His damned lies finally caught up with him.
41. The weather forecast said it wouldn't rain, the damned liars!
42. The damned hogtied the sheriff and took off on horseback.
43. Damned boiler busted again this morning!
44. The damned pig ate my lunch money.
45. My damned teacher gave me an F on the test.
46. That damned horse threw me right off!
47. The damned pains woke me up again last night.
48. Damned forgetfulness struck again.
49. The damned tobacco nearly did me in.
50. Damned if I know how to fix this mess.
51. Those damned additives are ruining our food.
52. The damned fuse box blew again!
53. Those damned tabloids spread more lies.
54. Just damned nonsense is all that was.
55. The damned cactus stabbed my foot!
56. That damned tornado scared the bejeebers out of me!
57. The damned wolves nearly ate us alive!
58. Damned cigarettes gave me lung cancer.
59. I got damned drunk that night and don't remember a thing.
60. Damned fool thing to do, if you ask me!

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