Day example sentences

Related (18): sunrise, afternoon, tomorrow, calendar, daylight, weekend, holiday, 24 hours, daily, nightfall, weekdays, date, noon, dusk, today, morning, evening, midnight

"Day" Example Sentences

1. I woke up late today.
2. It was a long day at work.
3. I wish today was a holiday.
4. Make the most of each day.
5. The days are getting shorter now that winter is approaching.
6. The baby slept through the whole day.
7. Some days are better than others.
8. I went for a hike on my day off.
9. The present is a gift; each day is a blessing.
10. I need a vacation day from work.
11. Time flies by so quickly these days.
12. The heating bill has gone up these days.
13. She has had a bad day.
14. I saved the dessert for the end of the day.
15. I called in sick for the day.
16. There is always something new each day.
17. My puppy only needs to go outside twice a day.
18. Some days just drag on and on.
19. She works the night shift so her days and nights are reversed.
20. The new year's day holiday was very festive.
21. I spend most of my working days in front of a computer.
22. Take some time for yourself each day.
23. Some days will always be harder than others.
24. We ended our day with a nice walk on the beach.
25. The end of the work day couldn't come soon enough.
26. Relax and enjoy the present day.
27. The baby needs feeding several times a day.
28. Every day is a gift.
29. I need a break from the daily grind.
30. Most days I walk to work instead of driving.
31. He saved the best news for the end of the day.
32. Day by day we find new lessons and blessings.
33. She enjoyed the sunny days of summer.
34. Daydreaming helps pass the time on slow days at work.
35. Some days are just better spent in bed.
36. Rainy days require indoor activities.
37. Weekend days are the best.
38. The doctor recommended exercising at least 30 minutes a day.
39. I'll call you later in the day.
40. Midnight is the darkest hour of the day.
41. I rise early most days to get a head start.
42. Have patience; this too shall pass.
43. Today seemed longer than most days.
44. Light seems brighter at the end of a long dark day.
45. Try not to dwell on the past.
46. I finished all my work early on that day.
47. Hard days build strong people.
48. Focus on the present.
49. Enjoy the little things each day.
50. Something good happens every day.
51. Seize the day! ( meaning make the most of today)
52. Take each day as it comes.
53. Days seem longest for those in misery.
54. Today was one of those good hair days.
55. My doctor only works every other day.
56. The food tasted better than usual that day.
57. Most days I walk the dog first thing in the morning.
58. Today was an unproductive day at the office.
59. Every day above ground is a good day.
60. Make each day count.

Common Phases

1. I woke up early today, it's going to be a good day.
2. The day seems to drag on forever at times.
3. Everyday I look forward to seeing you.
4. Mother's Day is one of my favorite holidays.
5. Day after day, the same routine begins to feel monotonous.
6. We spend most days indoors during the cold winter months.
7. The calm before the storm. That's how today feels.
8. My luckiest day was the day I met you.
9. My busiest day of the week is usually Wednesday.
10. Some days, just getting out of bed feels like a victory.
11. Fridays are the best day of the week in my opinion.
12. I wish there were more than 24 hours in a day.
13. Make it a great day, or not, the choice is yours.
14. Time flies by so fast, before you know it the day is over.
15. Labor Day and Memorial Day are public holidays.
16. It's pay day, so today is a good day!
17. A rainy day calls for a good book and a cup of tea.
18. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow, but today he day drags on.
19. I strive to make the most of each and every day.
20. Soon daylight saving time will end and the days will get shorter.
21. The hours pass slowly on a lazy Sunday.
22. Boxing Day follows Christmas Day for many people.
23. Stay positive, no day is so bad it can't be fixed with a drink and a laugh.
24. Every day is a fresh beginning, take and make the most of it.
25. My good fortune came on an ordinary day, just like any other day.
26. I like to greet each day with enthusiasm and hope.
27. Make sure to wear sunglasses on a bright sunny day.
28. Rainy days often give me a chance to reflect.
29. She greets even the worst days with a smile.
30. I will cherish the memory of that day forever.
31. Yesterday's troubles seem smaller today.
32. We try to spend at least one day a week doing something fun together.
33. The weekend comes after a long work week.
34. One day at a time, that's how I try to live my life.
35. Night follows day, and day follows night.
36. The first day of school is always exciting and nerve-wracking.
37. Wake up and meet the morning with a smile, it's a new day filled with opportunity.
38. Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday in the United States.
39. Sunny days make me happy.
40. Every day offers opportunities if we pay attention.
41. I never take one more day for granted.
42. The day flew by in a blur of activity.
43. Some days are diamonds, some days are stones.
44. Take time to slow down and appreciate the simplicity of an ordinary day.
45. The final day of the excursion came sooner than expected.
46. Winter solstice is the shortest day of the year.
47. I look forward to brighter days ahead.
48. Make the most of this day.
49. Independence Day is a national holiday.
50. Today was one of those perfect spring days.
51. Christmas Day brings joy and happiness.
52. Make today worth remembering.
53. Good things come to those who wait, so they say, but I prefer to make my own luck, every day.
54. The day began with such promise.
55. Save the dates for these important days: Birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays.
56. Every day could be your last, so make the most of it.
57. Every day above ground is a good day.
58. An unplanned snow day can be lots of fun.
59. Each new day is a blank page in the book of your life, waiting to be filled with precious memories.
60. Some tasks just have to wait until another day.

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