Dazibao example sentences

Related (1): propaganda

"Dazibao" Example Sentences

Dazibao is a Chinese term referring to large posters that were used as a form of political expression during the Cultural Revolution in China from 1966 to 1976. Unfortunately, I do not have enough context to generate example sentences using the word "dazibao" appropriately. The word itself refers to a specific practice within a historical and political context in China, so it may be best to provide examples that help explain the meaning and use of dazibao. Some points that could be made in example sentences:
Dazibao means "big character poster" in Chinese and refers to large handwritten posters that were used during the Cultural Revolution.
Dazibao were used by citizens to voice political opinions and criticism of the government and Communist Party.
• People would publicly display dazibao at schools, government offices and other public places for mass exposure.
Dazibao were a form of grassroots political activism that the Communist Party lost control over during the initial years of the Cultural Revolution.
Dazibao often criticized government officials and authorities by name, accusing them of being "capitalist roaders" and "counterrevolutionaries."
• Millions of dazibao were produced and displayed during the Cultural Revolution, articulating a wide range of political viewpoints.
• The use of dazibao indicates a breakdown of traditional means of political expression and communication within Chinese society during that turbulent period.
Hope these explanations and example points for dazibao are helpful! Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Common Phases

1. 学生们用大字报质问校方的决策。 The students used big character posters to question the decisions of the school administration.
2. 他们在校园里贴了好多关于政治的大字报。 They pasted many big character posters about politics around the campus.
3. 罢课期间出现的大量大字报抨击政府。 During the strike, a large number of big character posters criticized the government.
4. 学生们的政治主张写在大字报上。 The students' political views were written on big character posters.
5. 大字报上揭露了一些校方掩盖的事实。 The big character posters revealed some facts covered up by the school administration.
6. 他每天都帮助写一些大字报。 He helped write big character posters every day.
7. 这是一条从大字报上学到的重要的教训。This is an important lesson learned from the big character posters.
8. 抗议情绪通过大字报传播开来。 The protests spread through big character posters.
9. 大字报运动引发了广泛的社会讨论。 The big character poster movement sparked widespread social debate.
10. 随处可见的大字报使局势变得紧张。 Big character posters everywhere made the situation tense.
11. 那些大字报激起了很多人的同情心。 Those big character posters aroused the sympathy of many people.
12. 大字报批评当局公开腐败。 The big character posters criticized open corruption by the authorities.
13. 大字报在学校校园里随处可见。 Big character posters could be seen everywhere around the campus.
14. 她写的那张大字报被立刻收缴了。 Her big character poster was immediately confiscated.
15. 大字报运动是一次激进的政治行动。The big character poster movement was a radical political action.
16. 大字报刊登在报纸上引发了政府的不满。The big character posters reported in the newspapers caused dissatisfaction from the government.
17. 大字报上写满了对政府不满的诉求。The big character posters were full of demands expressing dissatisfaction with the government.
18. 大字报被认为是一个重要的流行文化现象。Big character posters were seen as an important pop culture phenomenon.
19. 他在反应落后的大字报上抨击体制。He criticized the system in his belated big character poster.
20. 大字报的信息通过网络传播得更广更快。 The information on big character posters spread more widely and rapidly through the Internet.
21. 学生们报复心理写出了很多激进的大字报。The students wrote many radical big character posters out of a sense of revenge.
22. 大字报抨击藐视性的态度使局势变得更糟。The big character posters criticizing the contemptuous attitude made the situation even worse.
23. 大字报上使用粗俗语言引发争议。The use of vulgar language on the big character posters caused controversy.
24. 大字报上单调的叙述使文章失去了感染力。 The monotonous narration on the big character posters made the article lose its infectivity.
25. 大字报反映出年轻人的烦恼与不满。The big character posters reflected the anxieties and dissatisfaction of the young people.
26. 随着时间的推移,大字报运动渐渐走向 cooling stage. With the passage of time, the big character poster movement gradually moved towards a cooling stage.
27. 大字报上批评当局的声音越来越大。 The voices criticizing the authorities on the big character posters became louder and louder.
28. 大字报因为太过激烈而被政府禁止。The big character posters were banned by the government for being too radical.
29. 大字报运动后来渐渐淡出人们的视野。The big character poster movement gradually faded from people's sight later on.
30. 大字报反映出民众的想法,政府应该重视。 The big character posters reflecting public opinion should be taken seriously by the government.
31. 大字报虽激进但 express out 很多人的不满。Although radical, the big character posters express the dissatisfaction of many people.
32. 大字报的出现标志着一个重要的时候点。The emergence of big character posters marks an important time point.
33. 大字报运动使学生与当局的关系进一步恶化。The big character poster movement further worsened the relationship between students and the authorities.
34. 这些大字报上揭露的贪腐丑闻震惊全国。The corruption scandals exposed in these big character posters shocked the whole nation.
35. 这个年代的大字报有特殊的历史意义。Big character posters from that era have a special historical significance.
36. 大字报上提出的主张引发了广泛的社会讨论。The views put forward on the big character posters triggered wide social debate.
37. 大字报成为当时流行的发泄不满的方式。Big character posters became a popular way of venting dissatisfaction at that time.
38. 他们用大字报表达自己对不公现象的不满。 They expressed their dissatisfaction with unfair phenomena through big character posters.
39. 义务参与大字报运动已经成为政治任务。Voluntary participation in the big character poster movement had become a political task.
40. 大字报上用粗口和侮辱性言语表达愤怒情绪。 Offensive language and insults were used on the big character posters to express anger.
41. 大字报上充满生动有力的辞藻来加强口吻。 The big character posters were full of vivid and forceful phrases to strengthen the tone.
42. 大字报经常被视作左派的政治生活方式。 Big character posters were often seen as a leftist political lifestyle.
43. 大字报上提出的问题日益严峻而复杂。The issues raised on the big character posters are becoming increasingly serious and complex.
44. 大字报引发社会动荡并影响政府施政。The big character posters triggered social turmoil and affected government policies.
45. 大字报代表了下层民众的意愿与诉求。The big character posters represented the will and demands of the grassroots.
46. 大字报上散发出的革命热情为时代留下印记。The revolutionary passion emitted from the big character posters has left an imprint on the era.
47. 只有激烈的语言才能打动民众心扉。Only impassioned language can move people's hearts.
48. 把大字报写在墙上为的是让更多人看见。The purpose of writing big character posters on the wall is to let more people see them.
49. 大字报为民众提供一个简单易懂的沟通渠道。Big character posters provide an easily understood communication channel for the public.
50. 大字报成为不同政见的人们交流信息的手段。Big character posters became a means for people with different political views to exchange information.
51. 出现大量大字报标志着社会运动的开始。 The emergence of a large number of big character posters marks the beginning of a social movement.
52. 大字报运动激起了社会不同阶层的共鸣。The big character poster movement resonated with different strata of society.
53. 大字报里抨击最多的是官僚作风。The most criticized in big character posters was bureaucratism.
54. 大字报上直言不讳地批评政府和体制。The big character posters openly and critically criticized the government and

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