Debased example sentences
Related (11): degraded, corrupted, depraved, demoralized, perverted, debased, vitiated, defiled, sullied, stained, contaminated.
"Debased" Example Sentences
Common Phases
1. Their morals had become debased over the years.
2. His once-noble character was debased by greed and corruption.
3. She felt her dignity had been debased by the insulting remarks.
4. The currency had become so debased that inflation was rampant.
5. Their values had been so debased that they had no sense of shame.
6. The content on that website was morally debased.
7. Their standards had become so debased that they would do anything for money.
8. The coin had been debased by the addition of other metals.
9. The currency's precious metal content was continually being debased.
10. The once beloved leader's name had become debased.
11. Their language had become so debased by profanity.
12. The mass media often appeals to people's basest instincts, debases culture, and coarsens public discourse.
13. The literature was intellectually debased and served only to incite the basest emotions.
14. Living in poverty for so long had debased his spirit.
15. The currency had been so debased it was practically worthless.
16. Her dignity and womanhood had been debased by his lewd comments.
17. The noble work of art had been debased by modern audiences who only saw it as kitsch.
18. Their humanity had been so debased that they treated others with cruelty.
19. The contestants on that reality show seemed to have debased themselves for fame.
20. His integrity had been debased by the constant need to lie.
21. Their minds had become so debased that critical thinking was impossible.
22. The nobility of the profession had been debased by greed and corruption.
23. The raunchy movie only served to debase human relationships.
24. The once proud flag had become so debased that no one respected it anymore.
25. His soul had been debased by years of indulging base desires.
26. His behavior had debased the dignity of the office he held.
27. The debased culture glorified violence and promiscuity.
28. The noble institution had been debased by scandal and malfeasance.
29. Leaders with debased values cannot guide their people wisely.
30. Their sense of right and wrong had become so debased that basic morality no longer applied.
31. The tradition had been so debased by commercialization it no longer held any real meaning.
32. His reputation had been debased by the spreading of false rumors.
33. The art form had been debased by commercial exploitation.
34. The news media seems to debase serious discourse.
35. The currency had been intentionally debased to gain an economic advantage over trading partners.
36. He felt his intelligence had been debased by his years of manual labor.
37. Their claim to nobility had been debased by their base behavior.
38. She felt her womanhood had been debased by the sexist remarks.
39. The profession of journalism has been debased by sensationalism and pandering to the powerful.
40. His faith had been so debased it no longer inspired good works.
41. They no longer concerned themselves with worthwhile pursuits, their minds had been debased.
42. His writing debased humanity by portraying people as driven only by selfish desires.
43. The once sacred rituals had been debased into tourist attractions.
44. The noble cause had been debased by those who used it for personal gain.
45. Her creativity had been debased by commercial pressures.
46. They mocked that which was good and debased sacred values.
47. The pure faith had been so debased it was hardly recognizable.
48. His character had been debased by years of drinking.
49. The holiday had become so debased and commercialized it had lost all meaning.
50. The music had been debased into mere noise devoid of beauty.
51. The art form had been debased into kitsch.
52. Her womanhood was debased by his lewd come-ons.
53. The political debate had become so debased by lies and personal attacks.
54. The print media often debases the English language.
55. The gossip magazines regularly debase their subjects for profit.
56. All sense of decency had been debased in their conversation.
57. The news media often debases serious issues.
58. The classics were too debased for modern readers to appreciate.
59. The noble profession had been debased by pay-for-play practices.
60. Power often debases those who wield it unjustly.